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Holy Family Parish School

November 10, 2014

Dear student of Lincoln School,

Hi, my name is Colleen. What is your name? I am thirteen years old. How old are you? I was born in
Illinois and have always lived in the United States. I have never travelled outside of the U.S. , in fact I
have never flown in a plane EVER! Were you originally from Costa Rica? Have you ever travelled by
plane? If so where have you been? I like to play sports I play soccer, basketball, volleyball, and I am on
the track team. I am a long distance runner meaning I run the mile and half mile, I hold the mile record
at my school it is 6 minutes and 38 seconds. I also love baseball my favorite baseball team is the
Cardinals. Do you play sports? What sports do you play? I speak English and started to teach myself
French but stopped. What languages or language do you speak? I have a huge dog named Onyx, a little
dog named Bentley, and a cat named Sage. Do you have any pets? Did you have any pets? What were/
are their names? I have a twin brother who is in the same class as me and a 5 year old sister named
Maura. Do you have any siblings? What are their names? I am really excited because it is supposed to
snow this week and Christmas is coming. Do you celebrate Christmas? Have you ever experienced
snow? I cannot wait to hear from you!
Happy Writing,
Colleen C.

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