Scoiology: Norms and Values

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Kulbir Singh

NORMS AND VALUES are the common shared behavior of a society

.it include how we

speak, the tone of speaking and our body language while speaking. Whatever we do in our daily
life is somewhere repetition of our norms and values. For example, in movie theaters in the
CANADA, we typically expect that people will be quiet while the film is shown. They are two
types of norms formal and informal norms. FORMAL NORMS are those which are written and
supposed to followed by everyone like LAWS. Violators of these norms are punished.
INFORMAL NORMS are those which are not written and are not enforced. They are generally
understood. LIKE standard way of proper dressing.

CANADA is diverse- culture nation. They are several types of communities in Canada like
chines, African, Indian. Which have their different norms and value and Canadians also has their
set of norms and values. Canadians drives right side of the road its a formal norm of the
Canada if you try to drive on left of the road you will be considered as a offenders and will be
punished but in my country we are supposed to drive on left side of the road because its
Indian norm its normal to drive on the left side of the road. In Canada same sex marriage is
allowed and is considered normal. We can commonly see gay couple or lesbian couple but in
some countries this is taken as a taboo. Gays/lesbians are not allowed to show his or her sexual
feelings. Canadian women have same rights as men there is no bias on gender basis. Women
are allowed to do whatever they want to do they have all the freedom as men. They are not
only seen as house-wife where they are only supposed to take care of kids. They can do jobs
like men but on other countries women are not allowed to do jobs. People walking on sideways

are given priories by car drivers while crossing the road. When anybody is about to cross the
road but car is coming the car driver will stop for that person and let him cross the door before
him. This is not written anywhere that car driver should stop for walking person who is about to
cross the road but still Canadians do this thats part of their norms and values. Another norm of
Canadian society is that people stand in queue when they are waiting for bus or sky trains. If
somebody cut throw the line they will be angry but in some countries there is no queues

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