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For successful mentoring, both parties must understand their roles.

The Mentees role

Interest in learning new things

Ability and willingness to work as a team player

Carry out tasks by agreed times

Creativity in work

Seek guidance and advice for professional development

Try to imbibe new skills and knowledge and apply these in a professional context

Maintain confidentiality

The Mentors role

Facilitate the mentees professional growth.

Create a positive counseling relationship and climate for open communication.

Help your mentee identify problems and guide them towards solutions.

Share own thought process with the mentee.

Refer mentee to others when you don't have the answers. If others can offer guidance or
knowledge on certain part of the job in a more effective way, let them.

Provide information, guidance and constructive comments.

Evaluate the mentees plans and decisions.

Support, encourage and critically assess performance

Maintain confidentiality.

Mentor & Mentee together will make

Work plan for internship- Milestones and timelines

Decide on frequency of interaction
Logbook of activities, interaction and assessment/evaluation

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