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Wakeboard Memoire

By Simon Friesen
Alright, I think Im ready, I signaled to my Dad, and he pushed the boat off the
dock. I sat on the edge of the deck in anticipation, feet strapped securely into my brand
new wakeboard. I looked down and the board glistened under the sun, just a couple of
water droplets on the sides. My Dad threw the ski rope at me and I was jolted back into
reality, nearly getting hit in the face. I grabbed the rubber bar from off my lap with my ski
gloves, and pushed off the dock, shuddering as I sank into the cold water.
Ok, Im just going to drag you a bit, my Dad calls as the rope becomes taught
and I begin moving away from our cottage. I put the board flat out in front of me, parallel
with the horizon. My heart began to race, I knew it was time.
Hit it, I called out, and the roar of the engine was all I could hear. The board
desperately tried to pull me forward onto my face, but I fiercely leaned back, as I had
been told to beforehand. Without really realizing it, I jerked the board to the side and
popped out of the water, riding the wake. With a whoop and a holler, I realized I had
done it. I was wakeboarding!

The sun shining, and the water spraying, I began my experimentation. I leaned
one way, and gradually cut to one side of our 110 horse powered boats wake, and
smiled for my Moms camera, which flashed from the passenger seat of the white boat.
We took our first turn back around towards our cottage, when I realized how long it had
been. My arms had been toughened from skiing daily the week before, but my torso
ached from the twisting required of the sport. Ten crosses across the wake, feeling the

motion, practicing the turns, and nearly falling down, and I was again astonished at the
speed time was taking. We had already reached the bay our cottage sat beside. I
frantically waved my arm in the air, making circling motions, and yelling at us to keep
going. My Dad saw the signal, and I couldnt be sure if he was serious or joking, but
when he revved the motor and turned hard, I knew something was up.

Water splashed up into my face as I was pulled off the wake, and we started
circling the bay, waves colliding everywhere. I was filled with the strangest combination
of fear, anger, and annoyance, with a constant underline of adrenaline, as I held on for
dear life, my orange trunks flapping madly in the wind. I fought hard, my knees working
as shocks, as I pitched side to side. Finally, the front of my wakeboard caught the frothy
water, and I fell face first into the lake. I sank down a couple of feet, with a strong feeling
of annoyance and disbelief from my Dads reckless driving. I rose to the surface, and
gasped for a deep breath I hadnt really realized I needed. I waved at my Dad to show
him I was okay, and began my short swim to my cottage dock, pushing my not so new
wakeboard in front of me.

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