Rcls 400 Risk Management Plan

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Robin Taylor

RCLS 400 Legal Foundations in RCLS

Paul Green
Risk Management Plan

1. Intro and overview of the program and activity:

The purpose of this activity is to take inner city, at risk youth on an educational
hike as part of a summer program they are involved in.
The desired outcome of this activity is to give inner city, at risk youth an
opportunity to get away from their busy city lives and experience being one with
Participants stand to gain a therapeutic experience by getting a healthy active
outside activity that will help relieve them of their stressful lives in the inner city.
The paperwork that would be needed for this activity is:
-Agreement to participate: Having all participants sign an agreement saying
that they are willing to participate in the hike and agree to follow all
instructions provided by the leaders of the program.
-Parents permission slip: Parents of the at risk youth participating in the
hike will sign a child release form stating that the program supervisors have
the parents permission to take their child on the hiking trip, along with the
program providing the transportation to and from the hiking location.
-Medical release forms: The participants, as well as the parents of the
participants will sign a medical release form in case of any medical
emergency that may occur during the hike, that will give the program
supervisors permission to care for/transport injured participant to the nearest
medical center if necessary, where injured party will be able to receive
proper care.

2. Define Activity:
Field trip to Liberty Lake Loop, where participants will spend the day hiking
along the loop trail, observing beautiful scenery as well as surrounding wildlife.
Liberty Lake Loop Trail is an 8.9 mile loop trail located near Liberty Lake, WA
that features a lake and is rated as moderate. The trail is primarily used for
birding, camping, hiking, nature trips and walking. It is accessible from AprilOctober.
The season that the hike will take place in will be Summer.
The average temperature of Liberty Lake during the summer season is between
70-85 degrees, with an average of 70% of sunny days.
For this activity each group supervisor will be equipped with a readily stocked
first-aid kit, as well as have an up to date first-aid/CPR certification.
There will be a 20 client/4 instructor ratio.

Transportation to and from the hiking site will take about 2 hrs. The trail itself is
believed to take about 3-4 hrs. to complete. There will be an hour lunch break
about half way through the hike.
General Flow:
8 a.m.
Participants meet in rec. programs parking lot
8:30 a.m.
Depart from facility
9:30 a.m.
Arrive at Liberty Lake Loop
9:30-10 a.m.
Debrief group on safety instructions and form groups
Hike first half of Liberty Lake Loop
Noon-1 p.m.
Stop along trail for lunch and head count
1-3 p.m.
Hike the remaining half of Liberty Lake Loop
3-3:30 p.m.
Conclusion of Hike, quick rest/water break, head count
3:30-4-30 p.m.
Travel Back to rec. programs parking lot
4:30-5 p.m.
Participant pick-up

3. Target Audience:
Age considerations: 12-17 years of age.
This activity could be suitable for any mental impairments participants may have,
autism, down syndrome, ect. The walking trail of Liberty Lake Loop would not
be appropriate for participants with physical impairments, wheel chair, crutches,
The only experience and qualifications needed for my program would be for the
program leaders, first-aid/CPR, experience working with youth.

4. Logistical requirements and emergency action plan:

-Number of people: 20 participants + 4 adult supervisors = 24.
-Time and distance traveled: 45 min/32 miles
-Vehicles required: Two 12 passenger vans.
-Drivers and certifications: Two Drivers, valid WA drivers license.

Equipment and clothing needs: Backpacks, light jackets,

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