Tiger Team 1 Lesson Plan

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Tiger Team 1 - Jenna Covington, Andrea Hendrix, Ali Pemberton, Colleen Roetemeyer, Emily Brewer
TITLE OF LESSON- Message in a Bottle Self Identity
NATIONAL CORE ARTS STANDARDS (NCAS)CREATING: Organize and Develop Artistic Ideas and Work
1.5a: Experiment and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches
through practice.
3.5a: Identify, describe, and visually document places and/or objects of personal
RESPONDING: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work
1.5a: Interpret art by analyzing characteristics of form and structure, contextual information,
subject matter, visual elements, and use of media to identify ideas and mood conveyed.

SHOW-ME VISUAL ARTS STANDARDS1. Process and techniques for the production, exhibition or performance of one or more of the visual or
performed arts
2. The principles and elements of different art forms
3. The vocabulary to explain perceptions about and evaluations of works in dance, music, theater and visual
4. Interrelationships of visual and performing arts and the relationships of the arts to other disciplines
5. Visual and performing arts in historical and cultural context


1.B. Grade 5: Identify and use symbolic shapes
1.D. Grade 5: Identify and use implied or simulated textures
STRAND III: Artistic Perceptions (AP)
2.A. Grade 5: Describe the use of the following in artworks: Contour lines, Symbolic shapes,
Illusion of form, Implied/simulated textures, Intermediate and Neutral colors, Asymmetrical
Balance, Contrast /variety of textures, Perspective: change in size, Point of view
RATIONALE and GOALS FOR THIS LESSONOur hope is that the students will walk away with a new respect for examining artwork and use the skills theyve
learned to connect with their own work. They will learn why it is important to see from other perspectives and
how to take control of their work when considering how people will view it.


ENDURING BIG IDEAInvestigation Looking at the self in a new way. We will be exploring the ideas of inner and outer self through
drawing, painting, and cropping along with water distortion.


Why should we take the time to notice deeply/investigate?

Is it important to see from other perspectives? Why?


Students will learn to see from different perspectives

Create meaningful interpretations of inner/outer identity
Learning the differences between Interpretation and Clarity
Deeper connections & understanding through exploration of materials and ideas
Visual thought process making meaningful decisions


Students will be able to examine a piece of artwork and derive a deeper meaning of the work through
investigation & VTS
After viewing a visual thought process video, students will be able to express their own thoughts about
their inner self using watercolor and drawing materials.
Students will be able to crop a photo considering the viewers perspective



LESSON VIGNETTEThe students will investigate themselves closely during this art making experience. They will explore
inner and outer self-identity through Message in a Bottle. The idea is that the students will have a piece of
watercolor paper that they can use to express who they are and what is important to them through markers, oil
pastel and watercolor paint. They will also have a printed picture taken of themselves that they will send to us
ahead of time. They will then be able to crop that image, focusing on what they want the viewer to see as seen in
the book Flotsam. The photo and drawing will be laminated back-to-back and put in a jar filled with water and a
layer of sand at the bottom. This is representative of the camera that was found in the water and later thrown back.
Obscure vs. Clarity: The photo side will lay against the bottle wall facing out (clear view) and their inner
identity drawing will be obstructed by the water in the bottle (not so easily seen without searching or


LESSON SEQUENCEDrawing and painting materials will be stacked on a table and ready to go when the students arrive. There will be
another table that holds the laminator and hair dryers away from where the students are working. Students will
have 2-3 tables to work at during the project with walking space around them.
9:30 9:40 This is the first day of Tiger Artists so we anticipate that the students will want to get to know each
other better. Andrea will have a worksheet to fill out for the kids while they wait for everyone to arrive. This
worksheet will contain 3 easy questions about what the students like. She will then lead a get to know you
activity. There will be a ball and the person who is passed the ball must say their name, grade and answer a silly
question. The students will have the choice of which question they want to answer. Andrea will also facilitate the
introductions of the other Tiger Artist teachers for the day. Introductions and get to know you questions are
important in establishing a safe space in the classroom.
9:40 9:55 Ali will VTS page 4. She will have the students observe the image and identify interesting aspects
of the pictures. There is no right or wrong answers in VTS. Students will also be introduced to some vocabulary
terms such as cropping and investigation. Our hope is that VTS will get the students thinking about their own
9:55 10:05 The pages of the book Flotsam will be projected on the screen so that everyone can see them
clearly. Emily will guide the reading of the book through questions like, Whats happening on this page? and
Why do you think the artist did that? This will give the students something to reference back to when they are
working on their own art.
10:05 - 10:10 - Students will gather to watch watercolor demonstration. Colleen will walk through the process:
taping down our watercolor paper to cardboard, stretching webbing across cardboard and securing it, applying
watercolor lightly (daubing or stippling works best) so that the webbing creates a pattern and allows for
variegation in color, and only removing the webbing after the watercolors have dried.
10:10 - 10:20 - Students will make their own watercolor webbing, going through the same process as above, and
we will facilitate as necessary. They will set aside their watercolors to let the drying process start.
10:20 - 10:30 Jenna will present her "Thought Process video as an introduction to the decoration they will do
on their watercolor paper. There will be time for a short discussion about the kinds of things that the students can
include, or the way that they organize their piece.
10:30 11:45 Students will go back to their tables and start sketching out their ideas and thoughts. Teachers
will talk with each student about their ideas and how to they could be pushed further. We will challenge the
students to think deeply with questions like, How are you going to represent that? and What does that say to
the viewer?
10:45 11:05 - Students will chose their jar size and be given their printed photos. They will then be instructed to
take a crop template matching the size of their jar and frame out a section of their photo. This portion will go on
the backside of their watercolor paper to face the outside of the jar. Students will then cut their photo and set it
11:05 11:30 Students will begin to draw their inner-self ideas on their dried watercolor paper using makers
and/or oil pastels. As students are working, all teachers will walk around encouraging students to reflect back on
Jennas visual thought process video. As the students are finishing, they will take their drawings and photos to the


lamination table. They will use double sided tape to tape the pieces back to back and wait for their paper to go
through the laminator.
11:30 11:40 When everyone is finished with their papers laminated, students will be shown how to insert the
laminated paper into the jar and add sand and water.
11:40 11:45 Clean up. Students will be asked to put all materials back on the material table, stack water cups,
throw scraps away, rinse brushes etc.
11:45 12:00 Students will have the opportunity to share what they created and what they learned from the
lesson with the whole group. Students are then dismissed and allowed to take their artwork home.
If students finish early, they may draw or paint with the following prompt: Draw or paint a scene from a crabs
point of view. How would things look different than what we see? Students will have access to iPads and will be
able to reference photos.


A teacher will be giving auditory cues 5 minutes before for each activity transition.
Students will be able to move around and may stand while working
We will allow "wait" time for students to think before answering a question. We dont want them to shut
down for being put on the spot with what may be a difficult question. Something to think about, I will
check back in a few minutes."


Flotsam Book
12 canning Jars
Watercolor paper
Sketch paper
Masking and double-sided Tape
Laminating paper
Hair dryers
Oil pastel
Watercolor paint
Paint brushes

Plastic cups
Glue Sticks
5 Plastic table clothes
Visual Dictionaries
Paper towels/cleaning supplies

Ready prepped materials:

Cardboard for webbing

Paper crop size templates
Printed photos


EXEMPLAR FINDINGSFrom creating the exemplar we found out that the lamination paper maybe too hard to roll up and put into a bottle.
Once in the bottle, the lamination paper floats and does not lay flat against the side as it does in the jar. The
picture stays rolled up tightly and the viewer is unable to see the painting on the inside. Canning jars are also
water tight and will not need glue to stay shut. Clear jars seem to work the best and size doesnt matter.


ASSESSMENT/TEACHER REFLECTIONStudents will be able to discuss their work to the class; explaining how they decided to crop their photo and what
decisions they made about creating their inner-self identities. They will be able to discuss how to view their work
from different angles and what that means in terms of investigation.

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