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BY: Shelbi McMillan


Identify as a professional social worker and

conduct oneself accordingly.


Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency I
Gen. 1.2
Practice personal reflection and self- correction to

assure continual professional development.

I will reflect upon the past and present text book

material to enhance my understanding on the social

work history, policies, and practice. In addition, I will
apply knowledge found in the NAWS Code of Ethics.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency I
Gen 1.3
Attend to professional roles and boundaries.
I will read the policy manual for the organization

for an understanding of rules, roles, and regulations

and implement the guidelines accordingly.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency I
Gen 1.4
Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior,

appearance, and communication.

Reading and practicing guidelines in the NASW

Code of Ethics will enhance and help me to maintain

professional behavior.
I will communicate effectively with the Supervisor

in order to have a clear understanding of

expectations, roles, and to reduce assumptions. In
addition, I will ask the supervisor about the
appropriate dress code for various events.

Apply social work ethical principles to guide

professional practice


Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency II
Gen 2.1
Recognize and manage personal values in a way

that allows professional values to guide practice

I will reflect on professional and personal values

during therapist weekly meetings. This week the

discussion was on keeping a profession demeanor
by not allowing facial expressions and opinions to
supersede active empathic listening when engaging
with clients and colleagues.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency II
Gen 2.2
Make ethical decisions by applying standards of

the National Association of Social Work Code of

Ethics and, as applicable, of the International
Federation of Social Work/Internationals Association
of School of Social Work Ethics in Social Work,
Statement Principles
As an intern, I will reflect upon the NASW Code of

I practiced (2.01) Respect of the NASW Code of

Ethics this week. It states that social workers should

avoid unwarranted negative criticism of colleagues
in communications with clients or other
professionals. (NASW, 2008)

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency II
Gen 2.4
Apply strategies of ethical reasoning to arrive at
principle decisions
As an intern, I will consult with the supervisor on

the development of (PCP) Person Center Plans for

clients. Understanding the diagnoses, researching
strategies on diagnoses, arriving at an applicable
theoretical approaches with engaging with clients.
Evaluate if there is a collaboration between the

diagnoses, approach, and PCP

Apply critical thinking to inform and

communicate professional judgments


Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency III
Gen 3.1
Distinguish, appraise, and integrate multiple

sources of knowledge, including research-based

knowledge, and practice wisdom.
I will collaborate text material, research on diverse

approaches, therapy notes, and past experiences to

apply when engaging in group or individual therapy

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency III
Gen 3.2
Analyze models of assessment, prevention,

intervention, and evaluation.

As an intern, I will review clients charts to become

familiar with the agencies assessment, prevention,

intervention, and evaluation approaches and

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency III
Gen 3.3
Demonstrate effective oral and written

communication in working with individuals, groups,

organizations, communities, and colleagues.
I will continue to utilize the agencies terms when

documenting client notes . In addition, I will

communicate within the group, individual, and
organizational settings in a professional fashion.

Engage diversity and difference in practice


Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency IV
Gen 4.1
Recognize the extend to which a cultures

structures and values may oppress, marginalize,

alienate, or create or enhance privilege and power
I weekly attend therapist meetings which includes

information about developing culture competence

and being mindful of ones perspective on different
cultures. We discussed environmental influences in
various areas, values, and communication styles.
However, I will be mindful not to generalize cultures.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency IV
Gen. 4.2
Gain sufficient self-awareness to eliminate the

influence of personal biases and values in working

with diverse groups
I attend weekly therapist meetings. These

meeting covers information, research, experiences,

approaches, feedback on sessions with clients,
effective communication verbal and non-verbal, and
feedback in practice approaches implemented.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency IV
Gen 4.4
View themselves as learners and engage those

with whom they work as informants

I created three surveys for the agency. One survey

was for the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Group (PSR).

Afterwards, I engaged in a discussion about the
service received and listened to what the group
members had to say about lessons, activities, staff,
and service.

Advance human rights and social and economic



Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency V
Gen. 5.1
Understand the forms and mechanisms of

oppression and discrimination

I participate in the therapist meeting. One topic of

discussion was on the barriers that limit populations

served. For example, various support systems and
resources that are limited due to the financial
situation or environment strains.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency V
Gen 5.2
Engage in practices that advance social and

economic justice
In my intern this week, I became familiar with the

resources available for the Lumbee Tribe like

emergency housing assistance. I engaged in
networking for a client that was experiencing a crisis
with living arrangements.

Engage in research-informed practice and practice

inform research.


Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency VI
Gen. 6.1
Use practice experience to inform scientific

I used evidence based information on cognitive

restructuring in Psychosocial Rehabilitation Group

session. Ex. Model One A<B<C<D
Ex. Model Two Thought Stopping

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency VI
Gen. 6.2
Use research evidence to inform practice
Due to three new members joining the youth

group, I implemented research on hands-on group

activities that support positive cohesive for the
youth. Ex. Rope in knot
Youth group activities to enhance the lesson on

following directions and positive manners.

Ex. Mother May I

Ex. Simon Says
Ex. Follow the Leader

Apply Knowledge of human behavior and the social



Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency VII
Gen. 7.1
Utilize conceptual frameworks to guide the

process of assessment, intervention, and evaluation.

I reviewed and researched cognitive behavior

therapy interventions to apply in the (PSR).

I observed and assisted the Doctors approach

during psychological evaluations with consumers.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency VII
Gen 7.2
Critique and apply knowledge to understand

person and environment.

I participated in a training on theories also a

meeting with therapists which discussed various

situations experienced while serving the person-inenvironment.
I applied knowledge received from training and

therapy meeting while assisting with a home visit

for a consumer.

Engage in policy practice to advance social and

economic well-being and to deliver effective social
work services


Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency VIII
Gen 8.1
Analyze, formulate, and advocate for polices that
advance social wellbeing
During my internship, I assist with the PSR group by
developing new lesson plans, resources, and
community events that will support positive
transmissions of communication, education, and
community involvement.

I Coordinated a group session with the

administration at the towns clerk of courts office
to enlighten the PSR group on voting procedures,
locations, and how to fill out a voting ballot.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency VIII
Gen 8.2
Collaborate with colleagues and clients for effective
policy action
At my internship this week, I developed a proposal,
base off prior group surveys, for funding for the PSR
I communicated with the PSR group, coordinator of
PSR group, my supervisor. Afterwards, my
supervisor reviewed the proposal and explained that
herself, regional manager, and owner will meet and
discussed the developed proposal for funding for
the PSR group.

Respond to contexts that shape practice


Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency IX
Gen 9.1
Continuously discover, appraise, and attend to

changing locales, populations, scientific and

technological developments, and emerging societal
trends to provide relevant services
During my internship, I will continue to attend

Therapist supervision which makes me aware of the

changes in the Mental Health field . For instance, the
Care or Coordination which is when the therapist
makes more personal contacts. Contacts with the
consumers doctors, schools, and etc. In addition, the
new system that the therapist will utilize for more
effective and productive documentation.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency IX
Gen 9.2
Provide leadership in promoting sustainable

changes in service delivery and practice to improve

the quality of social services
During my internship, I continuously coordinate

services, events, and outing for the PSR group. The

proposal I submitted, was so that funding would be
available for educational and social exposure for the
PSR group. Afterwards, I connect community
resources and PRS group goals to implement social
transmissions of behaviors, information about
education, and living skills to support group
members PCP plans and awareness.

Engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate with

individuals, families, groups, organizations, and


Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency X
Comp # 10(a) Engagement
Gen 10.2 Use Empathy and other interpersonal skills.
Ex. During my internship, I have display empathy towards group
member and consumers served by stopping to place myself in their
position before responding.
Gen 10.3 Develop a mutually agreed-on focus of work .
Ex. During my internship, the coordinator of PSR and I discussed the
interventions before group and areas of concern. (CBT) is the
agencies preferred theory.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency X
Comp # 10(b) Assessment
Gen 10.4 Collect, organize, and interpret client data.
Ex. During my internship, I have practice in home visits with consumers.
This requires me to review chart, develop an approach, create an
Gen 10.5 Assess clients' strengths and limitations.
Ex. During my internship, I assist with the PSR group. We observe group
interactions and develop interventions which display consumers strengths
and limitations. For their strengths we utilize the strengths approach and
for limitations we apply CBT like Cognitive Restructuring: A-B-C-D and
Thought Stopping models.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency X
Comp # 10 Intervention
Gen 10.10 Help clients solve problems.
Ex. During my internship, I apply active listening skills towards
consumers. Afterwards I utilize an intervention that will support
cognitions and self actions.
Gen 10.11 Negotiate, mediate, and advocate for clients.
Ex. During my internship, I constantly advocate for educational, social,
and community exposure and involvement for the PRS group.

Generalist Practice Behavior of

Core Competency X
Comp # 10(d) Evaluation
Gen 10.13 Social Working Critically Analyze, monitor, and evaluate
Ex. During my internship, I discuss with PSR coordinator and my
supervisor areas that need addressing. I discussed with the PSR
coordinator a current employment evaluation. Therefore I was able to
evaluated concerns and issues that need attention pertaining to PSR
group sessions.

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