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11th Grade Syllabus

Comparative Religions

November 12 January 23

Our goal in studying Comparative Religions is to understand our human

experience and how that shapes our behavior, both inwardly and outwardly.
Topic Papers
Topic papers are 1 2 pages written about the various religions that we
study. These papers will include portions of the following:
How does this religion help people connect to something?
Human experience and behavior
How does culture affect religion and religion affect culture?
Reasons for religious life
What is common to religions and what is unique about them?
What is important about a religion?
Does understanding a religion help us understand people and cultures?
Does this religion explain experiences you have had?
Does this religion present an idea or practice that is interesting or new?
Research Paper
The research paper has 3 components:
1) Introduction with aspects of religious and spiritual life
2) Detailed descriptions of at least 2 religions
3) A comparison of those religions with conclusions

25% Class participation
25% Topic Papers
40% Research Paper
10% Sacred Art Project

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