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Molloy College

Division of Education
Lesson Plan Format

Heading for Coursework

Student: Victoria Lohsen
Course EDU 595
Topic: Introduction to Economics

Professor: Dr. Howlett

Grade: 12
Content Area: Social Studies

Instructional Objective(s) (Lesson Objective(s)*)

After participating in a lecture on the introduction to economics, students will research a current
news article about one aspect of either local (state) or national economy. They will then write a
one page summary describing the article, including at least five economic terms from the lecture.


Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source; provide an accurate
summary that makes clear the relationships among the key details and ideas.
This will be evident when students complete their homework assignment, in which they must
research a news article and write a one page summary.
Evaluate an authors premises, claims, and evidence by corroborating or challenging them with
other information.
This will be evident when students analyze a quote in the beginning of the class to engage them
in the lesson about introduction economics.
Students will use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate their understanding of how the
United States and other societies develop economic systems and associated institutions to
allocate scarce resources, how major decision-making units function in the United States and
other national economies, and how an economy solves the scarcity problem through market and
nonmarket mechanisms.
Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571- 04/19/11
Revised 8/7/13
*edTPA academic language

This will be evident when students learn about past and current economic policies during their

MOTIVATION (Engaging the learner(s)*)

Students will be asked to explain one way in which the current economic situation has either
affected themselves or someone that they know. If a student is unable to answer this question,
they teacher will give them examples of current evidence.


Handout with quote from Adam Smith

Introduction to Economics handout
Economics graph with questions
YouTube video
Handout for homework assignment

STRATEGIES (Learning Strategies*)

Teacher demonstration, direct instruction, group work, listen think pair and share

ADAPTATIONS (Exceptionality*)
Any student who has difficulty taking notes and/or is considered an ELL, while be given a copy
of the teachers notes to use for reference, which will accompany their class handouts.

Very-able students: Any student who is considered very able, will be paired up with those
students who are considered less-ready while completing the economics graph and its
accompanying questions. These students will also be asked to explain their answers during class
Less-ready: Any student who is considered less-ready will be paired up with a higher level
learner during group instruction. Furthermore, if any of these student(s) qualify, they will be
given a handwritten copy of class notes.

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571- 04/19/11

Revised 8/7/13
*edTPA academic language

Part 1: Do Now (analyze the quote): No society can surely be flourishing and happy of which
by far the greater part of the numbers are poor and miserable.
Key Question: What is laissez-faire economics?
Part 2: Complete in-class worksheet alongside teacher instruction.
Key Question: Why is it important to understand independent and dependent variables?
Part 3: Group Work: Analyze the unemployment economics graph and answer the accompanying
questions as a group.
Key Question: Why do we not want to the see the graph go in an upwards direction?
Part 4: Watch YouTube video explaining economic trends
Part 5: Ticket-Out question: Name and explain one thing you learned today that you did not
know before coming to class.

ASSESSMENT (artifacts* and assessment [formal & informal]*)

Students will complete their group work assignment with at least eighty percent accuracy and
fully answered questions.
Students will complete a homework assignment in which they will analyze an economic article,
using at least five terms from todays lecture.

An student who shows fluency in the topic will be given an additional assignment, in which they
must analyze the current economic trends of unemployment, inflation, and national income.


Any student showing difficulty with the lesson, will work with the teacher to complete a graphic
organizer to better explain economics, and simplify the different ideas surrounding our current
economic trends.
Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571- 04/19/11
Revised 8/7/13
*edTPA academic language

Krugman, P. (2009). The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008. New York:
W.W. Norton & Co.

Miller, R (2003). The Macro View Economics Today (2001-2002 ED.). Boston: Pearson

Smith, A., & Cannan, E. (1994). An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
New York: Modern Library.

Molloy College, Division of Education, Rockville Centre, NY 11571- 04/19/11

Revised 8/7/13
*edTPA academic language

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