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Science of Acoustics
Cymatics (Study of Visible Sound)
Physics of Sound
Mechanical Engineering
Effective Storytelling Skills


Theater Arts Skills

Technical Design Process
Visual Arts Skills
Project Management


Creative and Critical Thinking

Interpersonal Skills
Management Skills
Risk Taking
Self-directed Learning
Digital Literacy
Citizenship Skills

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Design and construct an incredible sound

machine that produces two different sounds.
Create and integrate two visible displays
of sound waves into the presentation.
Create and present a story that includes a
change to a faster or slower narrative pace.
Create and present two Team Choice
Elements that show off the teams interests,
skills, areas of strength, and talents.

2014 Destination Imagination, Inc.



Time Limit
The team must complete the Presentation (including setup) in eight minutes or less.

Team Budget
The total value of the materials used may not exceed $150US.

Approaching This Challenge

This Challenge can be solved on many levels, ranging from the simple to the complex. We recognize that
there are many different ways to be creative. Please approach this Challenge in the true spirit of Destination
Imagination: try foremost to solve the Challenge. If you find the intent or any of the details of the Challenge
unclear, we encourage you to ask for a Clarification. (See the Rules of the Road.) Rememberif it doesnt
say you cant, then you can. However, if it says you must perform specific requirements, then those
requirements have to be met.

Team Number
Teams and individuals using these Program Materials must hold a 2014-2015 Team Number. The Destination
Imagination Team Number is a license to compete in sanctioned tournaments and/or to use the Program
Materials for educational purposes within your team, school, group, or organization. Online access to
Program Materials for teams who have purchased Team Numbers is on

My 2014-15 Team Number is:

___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

My team is planning to compete in a sanctioned tournament.

I have registered for that tournament with the:

Regional Director or

Affiliate Director



In order to successfully solve this Challenge,

teams must read and follow:

Team Challenge
A. The Central Challenge (240 points)

Team Managers are strongly encouraged to

read and use:


Instant Challenge Practice Set

(available online in the Resource Area at

Travel Guide for Teams

(available online after Jan. 1, 2015)

Training at

B. Team Choice Elements (60 points)

C. Presentation Area
D. Reward Points

Rules of the Road

Published Clarifications
(online at

The information in these materials is binding

on all teams.


2014-15 Program Materials

Scientific Challenge B: Making Waves



The Intent of the Challenge: To solve this Challenge, the team must design and construct an Incredible
Sound Machine, which will produce two different Sounds that enhance the Presentation. The team must
also create a way to make their Sounds visible and to integrate these two visible displays of Sound
Waves into the Presentation. The team must create and present a story in which the Narrative Pace
changes to a faster or slower rate.


The Story: When the pace of a story varies, it can capture the listeners interest and imagination. In this
Challenge, your team must decide to either slow the story down, or speed the story up!
a. The team will create and present a story in which the Narrative Pace changes at some point after the
start of the story. For this Challenge, Narrative Pace is the rate at which a story is told or the rate at
which the events are presented during the Presentation.
b. The team must start the story using a standard Narrative Pace, which is considered to be a normal,
customary rate. The team must then present another part of the story at either a faster or slower
c. The team will determine the rate at which their Narrative Pace will change. It is a team decision how
much faster or how much slower the Narrative Pace is.
d. The switch from the standard Narrative Pace to a faster or slower Narrative Pace may occur as often
as the team chooses, but it must occur at least once during the Presentation. The team must choose
either a faster or a slower Narrative Pace; it cannot present both. The team will identify its pace
change choice, faster or slower, on the Tournament Data Form.
e. The story may be set in any location, real or imaginary, and in any time period.
f. The team will earn points for the creativity of the story. A story is more creative when there is novel
development of the storyline and the characters. (D.1.a)
g. The team will earn points for clear and effective storytelling. This means that the story has a clear
beginning, middle and end. The story should be presented in a way that is easy to understand, even
when the team is using a faster or slower Narrative Pace. Effective storytelling also includes the style,
method, or manner used by the team to convey the different Narrative Paces. (D.1.b.i and ii)


Incredible Sound Machine: Sounds that are added to a theatrical presentation can have a big impact.
Sounds can suggest the mood, provoke reactions from the characters in the story, and enhance the
overall tone.
a. The team will design and construct an Incredible Sound Machine that produces at least two different
Sounds using two different methods. The Incredible Sound Machine may be a single device or
interconnected devices. Sound is considered to be one or more musical tones, sound effects or any
other audible noises the team chooses.
i. One Sound must occur at some point when the story is being presented at a standard
Narrative Pace. The other Sound must be different and occur at some point when the story is
being presented at either a faster or slower Narrative Pace.

2014 Destination Imagination, Inc.



b. The two different Sounds made by the Incredible Sound Machine must be produced LIVE. No prerecorded sounds of any type may be used during the Presentation. Each Sound should last long
enough that it is evident and obvious to the Appraisers that the Sound has been made. To be
effective, Sounds from the Incredible Sound Machine should be loud enough to be heard from a
distance of 25ft (7.62m).
c. The team may produce other Sounds in addition to the two Sounds from the Incredible Sound
Machine, but only the two Sounds listed on the Tournament Data Form will earn points for D.2.a
and c.
d. All sound-making devices used during the Presentation must be designed and constructed by
the team, using its own ideas, adaptations and skills. No unmodified standard classroom or any
commercially made musical instruments or sound-making devices may be used at any time during
the Presentation. If the team makes modifications that are simply decorative to a purchased item or
to a commercially made instrument, they are likely to receive lower scores for Technical Design and
e. Team members may be involved in operating the Incredible Sound Machine, but a team member
cannot BE the Incredible Sound Machine. This restriction includes the use of human voices, hand
clapping, foot stomping, verbal or any other intentional nonverbal noises made solely by team
f. The Incredible Sound Machine can use, but is not limited to, electrical, mechanical or pneumatic
devices to make Sounds. On the Tournament Data Form the team must describe both Sounds and
explain the two different methods the Incredible Sound Machine uses to produce each of those
Sounds. If a team uses the exact same method to produce both Sounds listed on the Tournament
Data Form, the team will receive a zero score for either D.2.a.i or D.2.a.ii.
i. The team will earn points for the successful production of each of the two different Sounds by
the Incredible Sound Machine. (D.2.a.i and ii)
ii. All Sounds produced by the Incredible Sound Machine and any other team-created soundmaking devices will earn points for their theatrical effect on the story. This could include any
of the ways the specific Sounds enhance the storys mood, the reactions of the characters in
the story and/or the overall tone. (D.2.b)
iii. The team will also earn points for the Technical Design and Innovation of the Incredible Sound
Machine for the methods used to produce the two different Sounds that are listed on the
Tournament Data Form. (D.2.c.i and ii)
Technical Design and Innovation of Methods Used to Produce Sound
Technical Design and Innovation includes how effective, efficient, and reliable the methods are for producing Sounds. It
also includes new, unique, original, or creative methods that are used to produce Sounds.


2014-15 Program Materials

Scientific Challenge B: Making Waves



Visual Display of Sound Waves: Theatrical productions like concerts, movies and television programs
sometimes combine science and art to make sound visible in their performances.
a. The team is encouraged to research the science of Sound Waves and Cymatics. Cymatics is the
scientific study of sound, sound waves and how vibrations from sound are made visible. A Sound
Wave is a mechanical vibration that travels through matter (such as air, water or a solid) and takes the
shape of a waveform as it moves away from the source of a sound.
b. The team must create and present two visual displays of the Sound Waves that correspond with the
two live Sounds that are listed on the Tournament Data Form. It is not a requirement that the visual
displays occur at the exact same time the Sounds are made.
i. One visual display of Sound Waves must occur at some point when the story is presented at
a standard Narrative Pace.
ii. The other visual display of Sound Waves must occur at some point when the story is presented
at either a faster or slower Narrative Pace.
iii. If the Incredible Sound Machine fails to operate and produce one or both Sounds, the team
may still present and earn points for the visual display of Sound Waves.
c. The visual displays of the Sound Waves may be presented as artistic and/or theatrical representations.
Visual displays may be directly caused by the actual Sound Waves. The team must describe each
visual display of Sound Waves on the Tournament Data Form.
d. The team will earn points for the creativity of the visual display of the Sound Waves during the
standard Narrative Pace and during either the faster or slower Narrative Pace. This score includes
the unusual or imaginative way the Sound Waves are represented and made visible. (D.3.a.i and ii)
e. The team must integrate the two visual displays of Sound Waves into the story with a meaningful
connection to the storyline. The team will earn points for the meaningful integration of the visual
display of the Sound Waves into the Presentation during the standard Narrative Pace and during
either the faster or slower Narrative Pace. (D.3.b.i and ii)


Team Identification Sign: The team should provide a free-standing Identification Sign (ID Sign) of
approximately 2ft x 3ft (0.6m x 0.9m) displaying your teams Team Name, Team Number, School/
Organization (if different from Team Name), and Level. It cannot be used as a scoring element. See
Team Identification Sign section in Rules of the Road for further information.

2014 Destination Imagination, Inc.




In addition to the above requirements, the team must present TWO creations called Team Choice Elements
that show off their interests, skills, areas of strength, and talents. The team may create anything they wish for
Team Choice Elements including props, music, technical gadgets, costumes, physical actions, etc.

The team must present both Team Choice Elements as part of the eight-minute Presentation and each
Team Choice Element should have a meaningful connection to the teams Central Challenge solution.
Each Team Choice Element must be described briefly on the Tournament Data Form found at the end
of this Challenge.


A Team Choice Element may not be a specific item that is required in the Central Challenge and is
already being evaluated. A Team Choice Element MAY be a single unique PART of a required item, as
long as it can be evaluated as a stand-alone item. Both Team Choice Elements may be presented at
the same time ONLY IF both can be easily identified and scored separately. Examples of these can be
found in Rules of the Road.


Each Team Choice Element will be evaluated in three ways: for the creativity and originality of the Team
Choice Element, and for the quality, workmanship, or effort that is evident and integration into the
Presentation. Evaluation of Team Choice Elements is subjective.



Floor Surface: Destination Imagination strongly suggests that the Presentation Site be a large space
with a hard floor such as wood, linoleum, concrete or very short-napped carpet. The team should be
prepared to deal with a variety of floor surfaces.


Site Size: The minimum required overall size of the Presentation Area is 8ft x 10ft (2.44m x 3.05m), but
the team may use any additional space that Tournament Officials designate as available.


Electrical Power: A single 3-prong electrical outlet will be provided at the edge of each Presentation
Area for the teams use.


2014-15 Program Materials

Scientific Challenge B: Making Waves




Central Challenge

Up to 240


1. The Story

Up to 60


Up to 30


Up to 15
Up to 15


Up to 100


0 or 10
0 or 10
Up to 20


Up to 30
Up to 30


Up to 80


Up to 25
Up to 25


Up to 15
Up to 15


Team Choice Elements

Up to 60

1. Team Choice Element 1

Up to 30


Up to 10
Up to 10
Up to 10


Up to 30


Up to 10
Up to 10
Up to 10


a. Creativity of the story

b. Clear and effective storytelling
i. At standard Narrative Pace
ii. At faster or slower Narrative Pace
2. Incredible Sound Machine
a. Successful production of two different Sounds:
i. During the standard Narrative Pace
ii. During the faster or slower Narrative Pace
b. Theatrical effect that all Sounds have on the story
c. Technical Design and Innovation of the methods
used to produce the listed Sounds:
i. During the standard Narrative Pace
ii. During the faster or slower Narrative Pace

3. Visual Display of Sound Waves

a. Creativity of the visual display of the Sound Waves
i. During the standard Narrative Pace
ii. During the faster or slower Narrative Pace
b. Meaningful integration of the visual
display of the Sound Waves
i. During the standard Narrative Pace
ii. During the faster or slower Narrative Pace

a. Creativity and originality

b. Quality, workmanship, or effort that is evident
c. Integration into the Presentation
2. Team Choice Element 2
a. Creativity and originality
b. Quality, workmanship, or effort that is evident
c. Integration into the Presentation














2014 Destination Imagination, Inc.


Tournament Data Form Scientific: Making Waves / PAGE 1 of 3

Team Name:

Team Number: ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


Level: EL




To our teams and Team Managers: Help your Appraisers identify the required elements of your Challenge solution so they can award you all of the points you have earned. Please fill out this 3-page form completely and
neatly. For Elementary Level teams only: Team Managers MAY fill out the form, writing out the words dictated
by the team.

PART ONE: Required Paperwork

At the tournament Challenge Site, the Prep Area Appraiser will ask for your teams forms. A complete checklist
of the required forms is below. None of the forms listed below can be used as a scoring item.

Your team needs:

Five copies of the completed PAGE ONE and PAGE TWO of the Tournament Data Form. This is PAGE
ONE of the form.
One Copy of the completed PAGE THREE of the Tournament Data Form. This page helps your team
reflect on how you experienced the creative process.
Two Copies of the completed Declaration of Independence. Blank copies of this form can be found in the
Rules of the Road. One copy of this form is for Team Challenge, the other copy is for you to take to Instant
One Copy of the completed Expense Report. This form can be found in the Rules of the Road. Be sure to
bring copies of your receipts in case you are asked for them, but it is not necessary to attach them to the
One Copy of Team Clarifications issued to your team.
Team Identification Sign: This will tell the Appraisers and the audience who you are. It must list your Team
Name, Team Number, School/Organization (if different from Team Name), and Level. It cannot be scored.
See the Rules of the Road for more information.
Published Clarifications: You need to be sure you are aware of the Published Clarifications for this
Challenge available at

PART TWO: Brief Description of Team Choice Elements

Team Choice Element 1: What is your Team Choice Element?

Please write a brief description of your Team Choice Element. Make sure that Appraisers know exactly what
you want them to evaluate. What would you like them to know about the Team Choice Element?

Team Choice Element 2: What is your Team Choice Element?

Please write a brief description of your Team Choice Element. Make sure that Appraisers know exactly what
you want them to evaluate. What would you like them to know about the Team Choice Element?


2014-15 Program Materials

Scientific Challenge B: Making Waves

Tournament Data Form Scientific: Making Waves / PAGE 2 of 3

Team Name:

Team Number: ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


Level: EL




This Challenge requires the team to supply the following information to help the Appraisers evaluate your
solution. This is PAGE TWO of the form. Be sure to fill in both pages.
1. After the story starts with the standard Narrative Pace, circle your teams pace switch:
Faster Narrative Pace


Slower Narrative Pace

2. Briefly explain your story:

3. Describe the Sound that will be scored during the standard Narrative Pace
4. Explain the method used to produce this Sound by the Incredible Sound Machine:

5. Describe the Sound that will be scored during the faster or slower Narrative Pace
6. Explain the method used to produce this Sound by the Incredible Sound Machine:

7. Describe the visual display of Sound Waves that will occur during the standard Narrative Pace. When will
the Appraisers see it?

8. Describe the visual display of Sound Waves that will occur during the faster or slower Narrative Pace.
When will Appraisers see it?

2014 Destination Imagination, Inc.


Tournament Data Form Scientific: Making Waves / PAGE 3 of 3

Team Name:

Team Number: ___ ___ ___ - ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


Level: EL




THE CREATIVE PROCESS: Reflect on how your team experienced each stage of the creative process as you
solved the Team Challenge:
1. RECOGNIZE: Understanding all the issues or points of the Challenge:

2. IMAGINE: Exploring new ideas about possible solutions to the Challenge:

3. INITIATE and COLLABORATE: Taking risks and going beyond the minimum as you commit to a solution.
Working in a collaborative way. Listening to all team ideas before judging them:

4. ASSESS: Monitoring progress. Assessing the solution as it is being created and after it is finished:

5. EVALUATE: Reflecting on the experience, thinking about what was learned, celebrating the teams journey
and accomplishments:


2014-15 Program Materials

Scientific Challenge B: Making Waves

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