BU288 Group

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Group Presentation and Written Report (15%)

You will form a group of 7-8 people, or be assigned a group, depending on your
instructors arrangement. This will occur in the first week of class. Your group will be
randomly assigned an OB-related movie and a discussion question based on the movie.
Each group will make one 20 minute presentation in the last two classes of semester,
analysing the movie using constructs and theories you learn from this course. This time
allocation includes a 5-minute question and answer period.
Everyone is encouraged to watch all movies before the presentation classes, so that we
can expect a more engaging and interactive question and answer period. However, the
audience is not required to watch movies presented by other groups. Therefore,
presentations should be designed accordingly.
Students who are absent will not share in their groups grade and will receive a zero
grade on the presentation. Group presentations will be evaluated based on:
Topic: Identify and describe the most important and relevant OB topics in the
Scientific analysis/Depth: Analyse the OB topics in detail by applying constructs
and theories you learn from this course
Presentation style and skills (clarity of speaking, posture, visual/audio aids, pace,
Q & A: Be prepared for questions and handle them professionally
It is advised that student groups focus on NO MORE than 2-3 OB constructs/theories that
relate to the assigned movie and provide an analysis of these issues and recommendations
of how these issues should be addressed. Depth of analysis of the critical theories is
strongly preferred over a broad brush approach that provides a superficial treatment of a
number of OB theories.
On the day of your groups presentation, you should submit a written report (2-3 pages,
double-spaced). This should include your description of important OB topics delivered in
the movie and your analysis of the movie using OB constructs and theories. Your report
will be evaluated based on the clarity of description, appropriateness of OB constructs
and theories applied to your analysis, and writing quality.

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