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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
What is JEE? .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Why JEE? ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Why to talk about doubts and myths then? ...................................................................................................... 3

#1. One has to study very hard for IIT? I cant do it! .............................................................................. 4
#2. I joined the best coaching institute. Why would i fail? .................................................................. 5
#3. Questions asked in JEE are very lengthy and complex! ................................................................. 6
#4. I have lot of time left still. I would study later! ................................................................................. 7
#5. Reading basics are for weak students. I will solve questions! ................................................... 8
#6. I love physics but i hate mathematics? I will compunsate maths with physics! ................. 9
#7. Board preparations is for Muggers! I will study for JEE and will crack it! ..........................10
#8. To crack JEE i need to study many books and learn higher level concepts! .......................11
#9. I am well informed about procedures and counselling. I can manage it easily! ...............12
#10. Once i clear IIT i will be GOD! ............................................................................................................13
Other Useful Resources ....................................................................................................................................14


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

What is JEE?
JEE is one of the most prestigious and sought after exam that an engineering aspirant in India would
aspire to crack. The exam is unique in itself because it doesnt ask you questions in conventional way
from some books and you answer them.
Questions are majorly newly designed and original. The exam focuses on not only testing your
calculation skills, attentiveness but your conceptual abilities and analytical skills.
Till last year, for admissions into GFTIs (Government Funded Technical Institutions): NITs, IIITs, CFTIs
(Centrally Funded Technical Institutions) and various SFTIs (Self Funded Technical Institutions), CBSE
conducted All India Engineering Entrance Examination.
This is very first time Joint Entrance Examination Main (JEE Main) is conducted instead of AIEEE which
also served as screening round to appear for JEE Advanced-The gateway to prestigious IITs!
Why JEE?
You will often hear students saying I can understand the theory but I cannot solve the numerical. This
may suit arts of humanities student but not a science student. Specially, when you are aspiring to be an
IITian, you MUST have the will to learn and improve yourself.
It is perfectly acceptable and legitimate to aspire for the best but it must be well understood that what
is the cost to achieve the best. In case of JEE, it is requires dedicated open-eyed efforts and focus for the
Every engineering aspirant some or the other day dream and aspire to crack JEE and study in a good
college like IIT or NIT. The reason is self-explanatory! They are the Mecca of technical education in India.
IITs and NITs offers you the best possible facilities, peer group, faculties and of course future
Why to talk about doubts and myths then?
You are preparing for JEE? Dont you think you MUST know what are the top 10 myths you and other JEE
Aspirants have about JEE and JEE Preparation!
We are going to discuss the 10 MYTHS students or to be rightful JEE Aspirants-LIKE YOU have. In recent
years, 100s of students have asked us these questions and we bring you a consolidated form of Myths a
JEE Aspirant must not have. Its a must read for all JEE Aspirants.
Lets begin the journey of introspection!


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know



One has to study very hard to clear IIT!

To achieve anything big in life one has to put the best efforts. And when we are talking about one of the
toughest exams it is surely need of time. But merely working hard is not the key.
There has to be proper planning, time management, managing the course and topics properly. You also
need to ensure you are tracking and analyzing your performance repeatedly by mock examinations and
Every student, whether it be you, your friend, people who cracked JEE in past or anyone else, have the
same 24 hours in a day and it all comes to how efficiently you managed and utilized your time.

You will never find time for anything. If you

want time you must make it.

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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

Coaching is substitute to the hard work and a must to crack JEE!
Many people develop this misbelieve that to crack JEE coaching is a must! They believe that joining a
good coaching institute will make you more compatible to crack JEE and will act as a substitute to the
hard work.
This is absolutely wrong!
To an extent, coaching helps you in channelizing your energy and efforts in right direction, by means of
experienced faculties and presenting study material, questions, content and guidelines in simplified
But it does not mean if you are not joining a coaching your schedule will be a mess, you will never
understand the concepts or you will not be able to crack JEE!
Until and unless you dont do vast variety of questions, develop understanding for the concepts and
their applications under various scenarios, you wont be able to gain the confidence that yes you can
crack JEE.
Most of the students are mislead by the fancy misleading advertisements in newspapers, pamphlets,
Television or any other source bragging about the success and number of selections from their institute.
JEE can be cracked without coaching as well!
Remember, and mark these words, at the end of the day, there is no magic in coaching institutes which
can get you selected in JEE. The magic lies in you, you are the magician and the strong will and dedicated
efforts will get you there. Coaching can help you in achieving the same.


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

Questions asked in JEE are very tough, lengthy and complex!
A lot of students have this misbelieve that the questions asked in JEE are very long and run across the
page. Gone are those days when JEE used to be subjective and completely solving 2 questions out of 5
was considered good.
Questions in JEE now are focused on testing your conceptual knowledge, analytical skills and through
understanding of topic along with numerical abilities.
Similar is the pattern which is followed in other prestigious exams too like CAT-Prestigious IIMs takes
admissions based on CAT scores(along with considering various other parameters like previous academic
record, Work experience, Group Discussions & Personal Interviews etc.)
You dont believe me? Go and check the previous year questions of IIT and note how many questions
were there which asked for the mathematical labor. There will be set of questions not running down
more than 3-4 steps but needed strong analytical and conceptual application.
In recent years, the pattern of JEE is inspired by the NCERT format as well. You will find questions
related to practical applications, laboratory experiments and related terminologies.
The professors working on the JEE paper are wise and well aware that they are preparing it for a 12 th
pass-out kid and what has to be the difficulty level. So what should be your focus be is to strengthen the
conceptual knowledge & practice practice and practice.

The price of success is hard work, dedication to job at

hand, and determination that whether we win or lose
we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

I have 2 years still to sit in exam, I will start preparation later!
Its never too early to start. There is no gain without pain.
If the new pattern of JEE Advanced and JEE Mains prevails for 2014, it simply means in JEE Mains-the
screening round you will be facing competition of 15 lacs aspirants. First hurdle is to get into top 1.5 lacs
students to be eligible for JEE Advanced. And its not going to be easy at all.
Remember, you know yourself better than anyone else. When you give yourself proper amount of time
to study and grab to concepts it yields better results.
Its not like if you dont prepare for minimum 2 years or start some foundation course from class 5th itself
you cant crack IIT entrance. Its more about understanding your capabilities and efforts needed for the
goal and utilizing all the available time in best manner.

Start today, not tomorrow. If anything, you

should have started yesterday. The earlier you
start, the more time you have to mess up.

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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

Basics are for mediocre students! I will focus on solving lot of
questions only. Thats what is asked in exam.
This is a common misconception that JEE aspirants have. Its true that you need to practice on diverse
variety of questions in order to understand all possible applications and questions. But often it is seen
that students try to jump to questions after completing the theory and concepts in hurry.
This is highly not advisable. Jumping to questions directly in hurry will lead to weak concepts and you
will also not be having clarity while solving the questions.
Before you move to the questions, ensure you have well understood the concepts, formulas and
applications of the various topics. A wrong concept misleads the understanding.
The pattern of JEE focuses on testing your conceptual ability. If you dont have through concepts it will
be difficult to solve the questions in exam when questions are mingled up from all the chapters.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a

fuzzy concept.

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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

I love physics but I hate chemistry. I will not keep focus on chemistry
and will balance score by scoring very well in physics.
This is a question a major section of JEE aspirants face! The subject you like and the subject you hate
may change but there is always a subject you love studying or you perform better compared to the
Now what should be done? Should you leave the tough subject (One you like or understand less) and
focus on the interest subject? Would it give same results?
The answer is NO. You might be able to compensate some part of the weak subject by scoring well in
your strength subject but it wont get the best rank possible for you.
We all have habit of ignoring our weaknesses and focus on the strengths. Its not just you, its all of us.
We do it because its hard to work on weaknesses and mistakes. You have to take lot of pain to improve
on the weaknesses.

Give some extra time to the subject you face more difficulty in understanding. Consult and take proper
guidance from the faculty at your school/coaching/tuitions. They will be able to guide you on the
pattern and ways you should follow or books you should refer to.
Join this page on Facebook
- which will give you complete
guidance on preparation, tips and tricks, expert guidance, daily questions, motivation and much more!


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

I need to focus on JEE. Boards I will automatically do well.
Boards are for students who are good at mugging up.
JEE Aspirants do think that if they are preparing for an exam of stature of JEE they can easily score very
well in Board examinations.
Its true if you give proper efforts for JEE preparations, board will not be a difficult task.
Vice versa also holds true that students preparing for boards full heartedly can crack JEE too!
This is a common belief that JEE is for the meritorious students who deal in concepts, analysis and
applications whereas board deals with theory and textual content, not on concepts and applications.
Basically, 2 are completely different. On one hand, JEE is an objective type test and Board examinations
are purely subjective. But the course is nearly same.

Often JEE aspirants are seen ignoring the board preparation thinking that its for the students who are
good at mugging up theory. Its not completely true.
But now with the recent pattern of JEE (Both Main and Advanced) board performance is a compulsory
parameter. So you must ensure you have good performance in both JEE and Board examinations.


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

To crack JEE I need to read high level physics, chemistry and
mathematics compared to the board pattern and study many books.
Its true that there is difference in the questions level of difficulty and pattern asked in JEE and board
examinations. But the syllabus is nearly same and good preparation as per board syllabus is also
considered good for JEE as well if you understand the JEE pattern along with.
You must try to understand the basics of each topic and subject instead of solving all the problems. Very
often a thorough understanding of a few topics proves better than a superficial idea about all topics.
Referring to 10 different books and getting partial knowledge would not be of any help. Rather you must
focus on 2-3 books as per respective subject and topics and thoroughly prepare the concepts and vast
variety of questions to gain confidence.

Photo: Muhabit ul Haq


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

I am very well informed and can attend all the counseling perfectly on my
own and I am clear about which college and branches I would prefer!
Its very important that after all the hard work and performance in multiple examinations, we choose
the best possible college and branch as per performance and interest.
It is evident statistically that 1 out of every 4 student choose a wrong college because of wrong or lack of
To attend multiple counselling and all counsellings have similar time frames it is very essential to keep
proper tracking and information of the same. This will ensure you dont end up taking a wrong decision.
You should also consult education experts, career counselors and alumni of various colleges you are
targeting to understand the ground reality and comparative analysis properly.

Photo: Rohit Gautam


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know


Once I get into IIT everything will be perfect.

Are you also among the students who think once you get into some IIT life would be awesome always?
Do you think that you will have the best opportunities waiting for you after you graduate? After 4 years,
companies would be desperate to hire you? Yes, IIT gives you an edge over others but to certain limit.
Not all IITians do the best and not all who do the best are IITians. Its your efforts, hard work and
constant intention to improve, learn and grow which gets you best opportunities.
The tag of IIT will give you advantage in terms of better learning opportunities, better laboratories,
better peer group, good faculty and a reputation in the external world. But it all will add value only
when you put your efforts during graduation as well.
After 4 years, your JEE rank, whether Rank 1 or Rank 2000 would hardly matter. Dont live in the
dilemma that clearing IIT means life will have all what you need after it and no more efforts need to put
in from your end. There is no substitute to hard work.
This is not to demotivate you but to give you a clear picture that whatever you aspire to achieve, you
need to put in best efforts. And for the moment, the target it to Crack JEE!


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10 Myths

JEE Aspirant must know

Other Useful information you must be aware of:

Open Letter to CSAB Chairman 2013

Complete Story of Normalisation process adopted in JEE and role of ISI
(Indian Statistical Institute)
All you need to know about JEE

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