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Vocabulary unit 1

School subjects-Asignaturas

Art Arte
Biology Biologa
Chemistry Qumica
English Ingls
French Francs
Geography Geografa
German Alemn
History Historia
Information Informtica
and communication
Maths Matemticas
Music Msica
Phisical education Educacin fsica
Physics Fsica
Spanish Espaol

School activities-Verbos del colegio

Ask/Answer a question Hacer/Responder

una pregunta
Do homework Hacer deberes
Finish Acabar
Have a break Tomarse un descanso
Have lunch Comer
Sit Sentarse
Stand Estar de pie

Start Empezar

1 one
30 thirty
2 two
31 thirty one
3 three
40 forty
4 four
50 fifty
5 five
60 sixty
6 six
70 seventy
7 seven
80 eighty
8 eight
90 ninety
9 nine
100 one hundred
10 ten
11 eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
15 fifteen
16 sixteen
17 seventeen
18 eighteen
19 nineteen
20 twenty
21 twentyone
22 twentytwo

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