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Girls Not Brides

You are most welcome to read my first individual work . During my Bachelor
degree program in the HCT we were given a project and I have selected to
research on childhood marriage. The research that I have carried out was done
with full eagerness to know the main topics about child marriage in order to
understand variants of early marriage among different communities and how
they differ according to characteristics It also clarifies more about countries
where child marriage is common .I will also explain about the impact , causes
and finally find better solution to prevent marriages at early age .
The purpose of this report is to describe my research procedure and to present
my findings . This project covers the interview with local mother , survey
respondents and internet findings .

Internet Research

I have began my research through internet research and reviewed many articles
on child marriage , I have came across real cases on CNN news . In addition , the
case stories were collected from several videos and clips where journals have
investigated by visiting many rural areas with the aim of generating information
about the topic . I started researching on what age is considered child marriage , I
also checked on the history of childhood marriage of when did it began ,
countries most practice until date . (Abbad, 2014) (Geographic, 2011) (Marriage,

My second procedure was to create a survey a set of 10 to questions. I used to conduct my survey. I conducted the survey in May 20
2014 to collect information about the students beliefs on child marriage . The
communication channel that was used to send the survey was email. The survey
was randomly sent to Emirate female HCT students , friends and family who

were between the age group of 18 to 45 . The total number of people who
responded to the survey were 21 out of the 25 surveys sent. (Mohamed, 2014)

Finally , I have interviewed my mother . Mrs. . Asma Hamied . She she is a great
example on child marriage brides . She was Married at the age of 14 as an
arranged marriage. She had to leave to her parents at childhood age and start a
responsible adulthood life . (Hamied, 2014)

Internet Research
Phase I analysis the internet research findings . I was not expected that child
marriage were common in human history approximately since 1500 . I have
found out a child groom usually not completed 21 years, and the average age for
girls is 15 - 17 years .However ,there were some instances of girls getting
married as early as from 8 to 13 . As shown in frequent studies early marriage
has a negative impact on wellbeing , physical care , education and autonomy and
lastly robbing kids of their simple human rights . Nowadays , the highestprevalence continent in the world is Africa with more than 25 countries such as
Ethiopia , South Sudan , Zambia Niger and central African Republic . Other high
countries rate like Yemen , India , Afghanistan lowest is Nepal by.. (Abbad,
2014) (Geographic, 2011) (Marriage, 2010)

Survey Findings

The survey went very well , I have found out many new information , interesting
and surprising answers from the respondents about topic child marriage. All the
21 respondents who responded to the survey answered all the 10 questions that
were asked to them. 88.89% of the respondents have known or heard of child
brides . I was surprised that out of 21 less than 11.11% did not hear about child
brides , how this group of people never have been heard about child brides
before ! , when this global issue can be seen in the news , books and other people
experience in the daily life ! 73.86% of the respondents think that child marriage
happen most because of tradition , poverty and security but less than 5.26% in

conflicts , disasters and emergencies (Sinclair, 2011). 50% of the respondents

agreed that there are many effects of child brides like loss of opportunity for jobs
and education , have health problems or maternal mortality, however 5.26% do
not know . 84.21% respondents were strongly think that the bride is always the
youngest in a child marriage . Most respondents are quite not satisfied with the
child marriage because they know some one in the family ( mother ,
grandmother or friend) are involved in this universal issue . (Mohamed, 2014)

Interview Findings
Ms. Asma , started lasting the positive things she liked after the marriage
. Although it was a risk to get married in such a young age , she found happiness ,
joy and secure . She was able to teach and guide her children . Moreover , her
husband was like her best friend . On the other hand she found difficulties to
study with her kids because they needed love and attention . She also was not
comfortable to be the second wife when someone in her husband life . Lastly ,
she said " if I got a chance to speak before 30 years the answer of course will be I
will accept you as a husband but in the age of 18 where I can be more
responsible and understand the adult life . (Hamied, 2014)

To conclude evidentially , so far I have benefited very greatly by going this report
and understand a lot by doing the interview and the survey . Furthermore , I
have acquired information , new knowledge which had improved mu general
English writing skills . In the end , there are things in life are standard like birth
and death but , only one is a matter of choice is - marriage - .
I would be very happy to do the same project again and I thank James Lewelling
for giving us his precious time and ideas .

Bibliography (Abbad, 2014)

Coren, A. (2014, April 9). Six-year-old Afghan girl saved from marriage to cover
father's debt . Retrieved from

Geographic, N. (Director). (2011). National Geographic Live! - Too Young to Wed

[Motion Picture].
Hamied, A. (2014, May 27). Local Voice . (S. Mohamed, Interviewer)
Sinclair, S. (2011). Who Cares for Child Marriages? Retrieved from
Daily, E. (Producer). (2014). The Horrifying Reality Of Child Marriage [Motion
Picture]. USA.

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