Statistical and Financial Analysis System

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Statistical and Financial Analysis System

Statistical and Financial Analysis System

Introduction of the project :
In the competitive world the analysis of the data is very important
which provides the insight of the company. This analysis helps in many
ways to the company.
We are developing the project on statistical and financial analysis
system where the observations passed may be the sales and profit of the
particular company.
With these observations we will be able to analyze the data which
helps us to get the information about the performance of the company. We
are providing some of the charts like PI chart, Bar chart, Histogram etc to
draw the conclusion about the sales of the company. The charts can be drawn
depending on the monthly or yearly sales of the company.
If the company is having more than one branch over the different
areas, then this project helps us to get the details of the sales of different
branches at the main branch office.
This project helps to compare the performance of all the branches of
the company. And the main branch or the CEO will be able deduce the
performance of the different branches in different locations.
The data analysis on Huge information is possible
Easy performance calculation
Easily understandable graphical representations.
Dis Advantages:
Project is done only for the performance measurement of the the
different branches.
Not possible to measure the performance of the individuals

Statistical and Financial Analysis System

Tools/ platform, Software and hardware requirement Specifications.

Operating System: Win 2000,winXP,Win98

Front End:
HTML with front end
Middle Ware:
Back End
Java Script
Hardware requirements On Clients
64 MB and above
Pentium1 and above
Hard disk
Min of 2 GB
Hardware requirements On Server
128 MB and above
Pentium1 and above
Hard disk
Min of 2 GB

Features of the Project:

Provides Forecasting
Production Planning
Marketing Planning

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