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Outlook Development

As seen in Figure 1, the Develop Phase involves developing the instructional materials for
the instructional units within the appropriate delivery system. This particular phase is
extremely hands-on as the instructional content is assembled into the delivery vehicle. The
Analysis and Design Phases have prepared logical steps to follow during the development
phase; however, as development of the instructional materials began, certain adjustments
were made. These items will be discussed in greater detail below.

Figure 1

Instructional Strategies (A Review from the Design Portion)

Training on Microsoft Outlook 365 is important. This section will include effective strategies to
present the mandatory materials for users to become knowledgeable on Microsoft Outlook 365
within this organization.
A. Instructional Platform: A Weebly site will provide the course shell for Microsoft
Outlook 365. This will easily guide all participants through the learning objectives and
course lessons.
B. Instructional Delivery: Each instructional objectives lesson will be administered
through a PowerPoint, with some including video tutorials from Microsoft that
correspond with the material that is being presented. The PowerPoint presentation will
act as directions and/or notes. The Microsoft tutorials on Outlook 365 will prove as a
walk through directions and application for the participants, giving a hands-on approach.
C. Lesson Content: Each lesson will include a PowerPoint for each and a video for some
lessons to display important content and visual representations of each section and a

video for the entire training course at the end formulates an overview of the entire
training goals.
The Weebly site containing Microsoft Outlook 365 information will be created to guide
participants through this training course. Each page will represent and introduce each particular
objective. PowerPoint will contain information as well as Microsoft tutorials to give visual and
hands-on approaches to the lesson.
It was previously determined that our training
sessions would be most beneficial to our target
population if our instructional strategy was
technology driven and technologically diverse.
This would allow for the course material to be
accessed across multiple devices. The software
for Microsoft Outlook is available across
multiple devices. This allows us to demonstrate
the use of Outlook to other users to see the
benefits of it no matter what type of technology
they use. In addition with being technologically
diverse, other measures were put in place so that the content of the training could be received
from the participants. The weebly website is one aspect of how the training will be presented.
The website is being developed and will contain course material such as power point
presentations, documents, and demonstration videos. Along with the weebly website, their will
be instructional videos that will include narratives and examples that are easily accessible.
Hands on demonstrations will provide the users to apply what they have learned from the
training. A list of course materials are listed below.

Course materials:
Smart board
Individual computers (lab)

Sam Vickers and Danae Acker discussed the Development Phase of Outlook 365 through texting
and phone conversations. We were not able to meet in person; however, information was still
passed along to benefit the Development portion of the group project. The Design Phase
provided a good start to development; however, once the group talked and began working, some
areas needed additional attention during the development phase. The delivery of our information

to new users was not as beneficial as we expected and minor, necessary changes needed to be
made to the PowerPoint and video tutorials. Both group members are new users of Outlook 365.
We discussed some common troubles or problems each of us had using Outlook 365. Because
we know some of the struggles we have gone through while navigating Outlook 365, our video
tutorials and PowerPoint will be in greater detail than they were prior to the Development Phase.
A layout and guide for the PowerPoint tutorial was previously made, and recently revised to
enhance effectiveness of the tutorial. We discovered that there were some flaws in our
PowerPoint. We saw the need to more simply define how to use certain aspects of Outlook 365
so that it did not seem so overwhelming for a new user. In doing this, we created more detailed
video tutorials for each section of content we intended to cover in the training course that go
along with the written tutorial in the PowerPoint presentation. The video tutorials include
screenshots of Outlook 365 as well as video navigation through specific parts of the program.
For easier delivery of the information, a Weebly website is used to house the whole PowerPoint
tutorials, videos, narrative tutorials, and visual representations. The Weebly site was created and
the assignments were split among the two group members for Outlook 365. Vimeo videos and
YouTube videos were two avenues to use when uploading videos onto the Weebly site.
Our Weebly site includes four main pages: Login, Basic Functions, Tutorial, and a Blog. The
login page simply addresses a how-to approach of setting up Outlook account and how to log in
to Outlook 365. The basic functions page addresses an overview of Outlook using a video
tutorial of Outlook mail, Calendar, People, Contacts, Tasks, News Feed, One Drive, and Sites.
The tutorial page displays the PowerPoint with all video tutorials. Lastly, the blog page allows
for people to post and answer any questions they may have regarding the use of Outlook 365.

Prepare for Launch

The purpose of the Development Phase is to have the product ready to launch to the public. Sam
and Danae will continue to refine the site in preparation for launching it to the test group. The
site will be reviewed extensively by the both team members to ensure that all modules are
complete and accurate.

Brack, J. (2010). Unlocking the Potential of On-Demand Learning in the Workplace.
Retrieved on 10/30/2012 from
Cooper, T. (n.d.) CSI Technology Outfitters: Training the Trainer Session. York School
District One.
Hanley, H. (2009). Discovering Instructional Design 11: The Kemp model. Retrieved on
10/19/2012 from
Selvester, P., Mulholland, R. & Wong, P. (2006). Camtasia: A Tool for Universal Design
Learning. College & University Media Review, 12(2), 9-17.

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