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Application Guideline SPM 2013

Thank you for your application for PETRONAS Education Sponsorship

Programme (PESP)

About PETRONAS Education Sponsorship Programme (PESP)

Since 1975, PETRONAS has awarded education sponsorships to more than 30,000 deserving
students possessing high academic caliber. This was and still is pursued passionately by
PETRONAS which continues to display a consistent appetite for innovation and a proven heart
for the community.
The PETRONAS Education Sponsorship Programme (PESP) is once again open to Malaysias
most outstanding students to pursue undergraduate studies in oil and gas related fields.
Eligible candidates will be shortlisted and interviewed prior to final selection.
The sponsorships are open for undergraduate programme at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS
(UTP) and overseas universities.
1. PESP for UTP
Successful candidates are required to complete 1-year Foundation Programme prior to
pursuing the Bachelors Degree Programme
2. PESP for overseas universities
Successful candidates are required to complete up to 24 months of Pre-University
Programme prior to pursuing the Bachelors Degree Programme
Eligibility criteria
1. Malaysian citizens aged between 17 - 19 years old in 2014
2. Possess strong leadership skills and active participation (demonstrable) in extra-curricular

Application Guideline SPM 2013

Sponsored programmes and qualification required


Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Electrical & Electronic
Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum Engineering
Petroleum Geoscience


Chemical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Petroleum Engineering


Actuarial Science





Obtained a minimum
of 7A+ and 2A- in
SPM 2013 inclusive of
the following subjects:


Obtained a minimum
of 7A+ and 2A- in
SPM 2013

PETRONAS Education Sponsorship Programme (PESP) SPM 2013 Selection Process

Online application opens

20 March 2014

Online application closes

26 March 2014

Announcement for PETRONAS YoungStars Day 2014

4 April 2014

PETRONAS YoungStars Day 2014

12 - 16 April 2014

Announcement for PESP Award

25 April 2014

Last day of acceptance/rejection of PESP Award

2 May 2014

Application Guideline SPM 2013

Application via PETRONAS Online Application System (OAS)
1. Applications are open from 20 March 2014 (9 am) until 26 March 2014 (5 pm).
2. Your applications must be made online via
3. Kindly refer to Online Application Form Filling Guideline document for detailed application
4. If you apply for sponsorship for undergraduate programme at UTP, it is compulsory for
you to submit related UTP admission applications via and print
out a copy of UTP application form.
5. If you are currently undergoing foundation programme in UTP based on forecast SPM 2013
result you can choose both UTP and Overseas programme, however you are advised to
choose the same course if your preferred programme is UTP.
6. You are required to choose two (2) programmes either overseas, UTP programme or both
programmes. However, priority will be given to the first programme chosen.
7. Please note that there is no processing fee applicable for PETRONAS sponsorship
8. Please do not submit any hardcopy of related documents during application period. Any
document need to be submitted during the selection session if you are called to attend.
9. You are required to remember your PETRONAS OAS username and password as these
details will be used to retrieve invitation details to PETRONAS YoungStars Day 2014 and
PESP award package.
10. You are required to submit and complete your application not later than 26 March 2014
(5 pm). PETRONAS has the right not to process any late submission.
PETRONAS YoungStars Day 2014
1. PETRONAS YoungStars Day 2014 is a 1-day programme conducted by PETRONAS to the
shortlisted applicants to asses on their potential to become PETRONAS sponsored
2. Application results will be communicated via PETRONAS OAS on 4 April 2014. The
shortlisted applicants will be provided with invitation details to PETRONAS YoungStars Day
3. PETRONAS YoungStars Day 2014 will be conducted as follows:
a. Session 1: 9 April 2014 in UTP (applicable for shortlisted applicants who are currently
undergoing foundation programme in UTP)
b. Session 2 6 : 12 16 April 2014 in Kuala Lumpur respectively
c. Session 7 & 8: 15 16 April 2014 in Sabah & Sarawak respectively

Application Guideline SPM 2013

4. If you are shortlisted for PETRONAS YoungStars Day 2014, please be reminded that you
are not allowed to change your session.
5. You are required to print your online application form in PETRONAS OAS after submitting
your applications online. You can still download and print your online application form even
after application has closed. Kindly ensure that the information given in the application
form is correct before submitting and printing your application form.
Requirement for PETRONAS YoungStars Day 2014
1. You must provide the following set of original and Certified True Copy (CTC) documents
in a separate A4 envelope upon registration during the day.
2. Kindly ensure complete documents are submitted in each envelope according to the
sequence order defined in Original / CTC Document Checklist.
Set of original documents
a. Original Document Checklist
b. SPM 2013 Result Slip
c. School Leaving Certificate if provided by your former school
d. Co-curriculum Certificates as per details provided in the online application form. This
is applicable for Sport, Uniform Body, Club 1, Club 2 and Other Achievement.
Document applicable for father, mother and guardian (if other than father and mother):
e. If employed, latest Monthly Pay Slip; only if provided by employer

Set of CTC documents

a. CTC Document Checklist
b. Online Application Form
c. Online Application Form for UTP Admission for UTP programme selection
regardless 1st or 2nd choice)
d. Identification Card
e. SPM 2013 Result Slip

School Leaving Certificate if provided by your former school

g. Co-curriculum Certificates as per details provided in the online application form. This
is applicable for Sport, Uniform Body, Club 1, Club 2 and Other Achievement.
Documents applicable for father, mother and guardian (if other than father and mother):
h. Identification Card or Death Certificate (whichever is applicable)

Application Guideline SPM 2013


Latest Monthly Pay Slip if employed; or J Form if company owner; or Statutory

Declaration for Unemployed / Housewife / Retired if unemployed / housewife /
retired; or Statutory Declaration for Self-employed if self-employed without
having own company.


Pensioner Card if government retiree

Please do not submit documents that are not listed here.

3. All photocopied documents must be certified as true copies of the original. The documents
must be stamped and signed by the following authorities excluding immediate family
members:a. Wakil rakyat
b. Pegawai kerajaan kumpulan pengurusan dan professional
c. Pengamal undand-undand (peguam)
d. Pengetua
e. Guru besar sekolah (sekolah kerajaan sahaja)

Pegawai polis berpangkat ASP ke atas

g. Pegawai tentera berpangkat kapten atau setaraf dan ke atas

h. Penghulu

Ketua Kampung



k. Tuai rumah

Ketua kaum atau mukim yang bertauliah

4. However, Monthly Pay Slip, J Form and Statutory Declaration must only be certified
by Commissioner of Oath (Pesuruhjaya Sumpah) or Justice of Peace (Jaksa Pendamai).
5. Enclosed herewith the following document templates for your kind perusal:
a. Original Document Checklist
b. CTC Document Checklist
c. Statutory Declaration for Unemployed / Housewife / Retired
d. Statutory Declaration for Self-employed
6. Kindly ensure the following details are written on the upper left corner of the front
envelopes according to the sequence below:
a. Type of documents (Original or CTC Documents)
b. Full name
c. I.C. number

Application Guideline SPM 2013

d. Programme 1st choice
e. Course 1st choice

CTC Documents
Abu bin Karim
Overseas Programme
Chemical Engineering

Original Documents
Abu bin Karim
Overseas Programme
Chemical Engineering

Figure 3: Front envelope of

original documents

Figure 4: Front envelope of CTC


PETRONAS Education Sponsorship Programme (PESP) Award

1. Successful applicants to be awarded with PETRONAS sponsorship will be notified via
PETRONAS OAS on 25 May 2014.
2. Country of study and courses offered will be decided by PETRONAS and will be
communicated to successful applicants during issuance of award letter via PETRONAS
3. Sponsorship award is a conditional offer subject to medical screening at any government
hospital or PETRONAS panel clinic and will be cleared and verified by group HSE prior to
university admission.

Application Guideline SPM 2013

Original Documents Checklist

Full Name

IC Number



Kindly ensure your documents are submitted in an A4 envelope according to the

following sequence order (document 1 at the top):1. Original Document Checklist
2. SPM 2013 Result Slip
3. School Leaving Certificate (if any)
4. Sport Certificate (as defined in OAS)
5. Uniform Body Certificate (as defined in OAS)
6. Club 1 Certificate (as defined in OAS)
7. Club 2 Certificate (as defined in OAS)
8. Other Achievement Certificate (as defined in OAS)
9. Guardians latest Monthly Pay Slip (if guardian other than father & mother)
10. Fathers latest Monthly Pay Slip (if original slip is provided by employer)
11. Mothers latest Monthly Pay Slip (if original slip is provided by employer)
* Kindly check and (

) for each of the document prepared.

Application Guideline SPM 2013

CTC Documents Checklist
Full Name

IC Number



1. CTC Document Checklist

2. Online Application Form
3. Online Application Form for UTP Admission (for UTP programme selection
regardless 1st and 2nd choice.
4. Identification Card
5. SPM 2013 Result Slip
6. School Leaving Certificate (if any)
7. Sport Certificate (as defined in OAS)
8. Uniform Body Certificate (as defined in OAS)
9. Club 1 Certificate (as defined in OAS)
10. Club 2 Certificate (as defined in OAS)
11. Other Achievement Certificate (as defined in OAS)
12. Guardians Identification Card/Death Certificate (whichever is applicable)
13. Guardians Monthly Pay Slip/J Form/Statutory Declaration (whichever
14. Guardians Pensioner Card (if applicable)
15. Fathers Identification Card/Death Certificate (whichever is applicable)
16. Fathers Monthly Pay Slip/J Form/Statutory Declaration (whichever
17. Fathers Pensioner Card (if applicable)
18. Mothers Identification Card/Death Certificate (whichever is applicable)
19. Mothers Monthly Pay Slip/J Form/Statutory Declaration (whichever
20. Mothers Pensioner Card (if applicable)

Application Guideline SPM 2013

* Kindly check and (

) for each of the documents prepared.

** All photocopied documents are required to be Certified True Copied. Pay Slip,
J Form or Statutory Declaration must only be certified by Commissioner of Oath
(Pesuruhjaya Sumpah) or Justice of Peace (Jaksa Pendamai).

Application Guideline SPM 2013

Surat Akuan Berkanun Bagi Yang Bekerja Sendiri
(Statutory Declaration for Self-employed)
Saya .... No. Kad Pengenalan: ..
Yang beralamat di .........................................
dengan sesungguhnya dan
sebenarnya mengaku dan berikrar seperti berikut:-

1. Bahawa saya bekerja sebagai . di .

yang beralamat di ..

2. Bahawa saya dibayar gaji / menjana pendapatan* sebanyak RM .

Dan saya membuat Surat Akuan ini dengan kepercayaan bahawa apa-apa yang tersebut dan
terkandung di dalamnya adalah benar serta menurut Akta Akuan Berkanun, 1960.

Diperbuat dan dengan sebenar-benarnya

diakui oleh yang tersebut namanya di atas
iaitu: ....


di ..
dalam Negeri ..
pada .. haribulan ... 2014

Di hadapan saya,
Pesuruhjaya Sumpah

*Potong yang tidak berkenaan.


Application Guideline SPM 2013

Surat Akuan Berkanun Bagi Yang Tidak Bekerja/Surirumah/Pencen
(Statutory Declaration for Unemployed/Housewife/Retired)
Saya .. No. Kad Pengenalan: ..
Yang beralamat di ............
dengan sesungguhnya dan
sebenarnya mengaku dan berikrar seperti berikut:-

1. Bahawa saya adalah seorang yang tidak bekerja / surirumah / pesara*.

2. Bahawa saya tidak mempunyai sebarang pendapatan / dibayar pencen sebanyak RM

... sebulan*.
Dan saya membuat Surat Akuan ini dengan kepercayaan bahawa apa-apa yang tersebut dan
terkandung di dalamnya adalah benar serta menurut Akta Akuan Berkanun, 1960.

Diperbuat dan dengan sebenar-benarnya

diakui oleh yang tersebut namanya di atas
iaitu: ..................


di ...
dalam Negeri ..
pada .. haribulan .... 2014

Di hadapan saya,
Pesuruhjaya Sumpah

*Potong yang tidak berkenaan.


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