The Only Hope by Babby Mason

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The Only Hope

By Babby Mason A world of difference (1991)

The Only Hope- Performed By Babbie Mason, Written By Babbie

Mason & Donna Douglas (who played Ellie Mae Clampett on The
Beverley Hillbillies)

There is much confusion in the world today.

Peace has turned to fighting and love has turned to hate.
This is not what God intended.
This is not what he had planned.
Things are very different now than when we first began.

We say God is our father and we say we trust in him.

But we have left his ways for our ways and fallen into sin.
Yet we claim to seek forgiveness and we say we'll follow him.

But God would not have led us to this place where we now live.

The only hope for the world is Jesus.
The only help for the earth is a touch from God.
Oh how we need him
We must seek him,
with all of our heart and all our soul.
There is no other help we know,
than Jesus Christ,
the only hope for the world.

It's time for all of the people to call upon the Lord
and pray to God Almighty to touch and heal our world.
So every heart would be humbled
and each soul would turn to God,
then love would reign in every heart

and love would be enough.

Repeat Chorus

The only peace is the Prince of Peace
moving in our hearts today.
And the only good news is the good news
that Jesus is the way.

Repeat Chorus

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