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February 12, 2014

RE: 2014 NU Employee of the Year Nomination - John Brdecka

Maudell Gaines
NU Human Relations
720 University Place #21
Evanston, Illinois 60208
Dear Maudell:
This packet supports the nomination of John Brdecka, Facilities Manager, NU Libraries, for Northwestern
University 2014 Employee of the Year.
John has worked at NU Libraries since January 2006, first in the position of Library Security Coordinator, and now
as Facilities Manager, a job he has held since 2011.
In addition to my essay, you will find supporting documentation from the following people:
Sarah Pritchard, Dean of Libraries
David Easterbrook, Curator of the Library of African Studies
Geoffrey Swindells, Head of User Experience
Scott Krafft, Curator of Special Collections
Andrea Zielke, Library Technology Division
Scott Garton, Head of Branch & Off-Campus Services
We have highlighted Johns 2013 contributions and showcased how he:
Consistently produced extraordinary outcomes
Assisted with or implemented a key initiative or a process improvement
Provided strong orientation to and/or delivery of excellent customer service
Demonstrated exemplary collaboration
Created a stronger sense of University community
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sincerely yours,
Suzette Radford
Head of Facilities Operations and Stacks Management
Northwestern University Library
(847) 491-7636

University Library

Northwestern University
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208

February 12, 2014

RE: 2014 NU Employee of the Year Nomination John Brdecka
Maudell Gaines
NU Human Relations
720 University Place #21
Evanston, Illinois 60208
Dear Maudell:
This letter supports the nomination of the above-referenced nominee for Northwestern University 2014 Employee
of the Year. I have supervised this nominee for the past 8 years and his work during 2013 was truly exemplary in
terms of quality, quantity, and focus on customer service.
He was asked to serve as project manager on several large scale projects during 2013, most notably the window
replacement project in the Main Library. Sarah Pritchard, Dean of Libraries, and David Easterbrook, Curator of the
Library for African Studies, outline in their letters supporting his nomination, his many contributions to this project.
Every window in the library was replaced while the building was still open for business but because of his excellent
project management skills, and outstanding communication with the Universitys project manager and library staff,
he was able to ensure that disruptions to students, faculty, and staff were kept to a minimum. He set up meetings
with each library department before they were scheduled to have their windows replaced and told them what to
expect, gave them a timeline, and answered all their questions. His concern for others, strong work ethic, and
ability to get things done, put him at a level of performance that few are able to achieve. Plus he does it with grace
and good humor!
Another large scale project that he coordinated was the renovation of a new collaborative student space on the 1st
floor of the Main Library. Geoffrey Swindells, Head of User Experience at NU Library, addresses the nominees
good work on this project in his letter which is included in this packet. His attention to detail, follow through,
ability to work under tight time constraints, and with a large group of staff, vendors, and University Facilities
Management staff, resulted in a project that came in on budget and without delays. The nominee was also the
project manager for the renovation of staff offices on the 2nd floor of the Main Library. Once again, his
communication skills, attention to detail, problem solving abilities, and follow-through, turned a daunting project
into an organized, carefully planned, enterprise.
He loves a challenge. Andrea Zielke, Program Assistant for the Library Technology Division, points out in her
letter which is included in this packet, It all started in April 2013 with too many meetings and not enough rooms.
The nominee not only oversees projects but is very good at coming up with ideas and creative solutions to
problems. As Scott Garton, Head of Branch & Off-Campus Services at NU Library, says in his letter which is
included, I enjoy working through ideas with him because he very quickly grasps the big concept of what were
trying to do and translates them into a facilities plan. He thinks strategically, is analytical and is also practical. His
opinions are respected by staff throughout the organization and are often adopted. The depth and breadth of his
experience with and knowledge of our aging infrastructure have been invaluable to us, as we cope with the
inevitable problems of providing 21st century technologies to a tech-savvy community of scholars and library staff.

University Library

Northwestern University
1970 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208

The nominee has also been involved in many 2013 special events that took place in the Main Library, Deering
Library and Deering Meadow. One specific event was entitled, Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light. Italian
artist, Marco Rotelli, known for his light installations at landmarks across Europe, returned to Evanston to
illuminate Deering Library and Meadow with a word collage. A group of faculty members from the Theatre
Department and the Department of French and Italian performed a medley of texts around the theme of cold and
dark winter. Much planning went into this week long event and the nominee was an integral part of this process.
He worked closely with Facilities Management on lighting needs, secured additional security coverage, and worked
with outside vendors. His organizational and planning skills contributed to the success of the event.
If the quality and quantity of his work werent enough, he is also one of the nicest, most caring persons weve ever
worked with. Every letter in this packet mentions attributes such as genuine warmth and good humor, pleasant
and easy going, positive attitude and collegiality, a great colleague, a pleasure to work with. He treats
everyone with respect and kindness and has created strong bonds within the library and throughout University
Facilities Management. He is unflappable and his professionalism is noteworthy. He serves as a mentor for other
staff members and student assistants and looks for ways to help them succeed. Hes encouraged them to apply for
promotions and take classes to update their skills. He is truly a role model and I can think of no one more
deserving of the employee of the year award!
Sincerely yours,

Suzette Radford
Head of Facilities Operations and Stacks Management
Northwestern University Library
(847) 491-7636

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