Complete Com o Verbo em Parênteses No Simple Present

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Nome: ______________________________________ Turma: ___________________

Complete com o verbo em parnteses no Simple Present.

1. Maria ____________(drive) her kids to football practice.
2. She ____________ (watch) TV every day.
3. John ____________ (sleep) .
4. It ____________ (rain) .
5. She ____________ (go) to school every day. .
6. He ____________ (study) so loudly.
7. Justin ____________ (read) a book every week.
8. Jim ____________ (want) to come over for dinner tonight.
9. They ____________(drink) juice every morning.
10. Anna ____________ (play) soccer in Zurich, Switzerland.

Passe as frases do exerccio anterior para as formas negativa e interrogativa.

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