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eres) fnot from New York. | Are you from California? ‘You're not lato. ‘Am I eatly? ‘She's not from Russi. Is she from Brazil? He's not from Italy Is he from Chile? We not English. Is it Korean? We're not from Japan. ‘Are you from China? You're not early Are we late? ‘They're not in Mexico. Are they in Canada? We're = We are PRONUNCIATION Reduction of do and does ©) Listen and practice, Notice the reduetion of do and does. Where do you work? — Where does he work? Where do they work? What do you do? What does he do? What do they do? © PRONUNCIATION can and can't A. © Listen and practice. Notice the pronunciation of can and can't. rs Van! Pawent! Lean act, but [ ean't sing very well © PRONUNCIATION Reduction of going to A © Listen and practice. Notice the reduetion of going to to /yana/ A: Are you going to have a party? A: Are you going to go to a restaurant? B. No, Im going to go out with a friend, Br Yes. Wo're going to go to Nick's Cafe. PRONUNCIATION Want to and have to A © Listen and practice. Notice the reduction of want to and have to. /wana/ A: Do you want to go to a party with me tonight? ‘heeft! B: I'm sorry, I can't. I have to work late. B Pair work Practice the conversation in Exercise 6 again. ‘Try to reduce want to and have to. © PRONUNCIATION Linked sounds ©) Listen and practice, Final consonant sounds are often linked to the vowels that follow them, Ym new chub member. Sun Hee iguver there, My name ja Blizsheth Sitva © PRONUNCIATION Reduction of tid you A. > Listen and practice. Notige how did you is reduced in tine fallowing questions ussal Did you hive w good time? Wi tig) t did sou do lost sight? B Pir work Practios ch Pay attention to the prov © PRONUNCIATION can't and shouldn't A ©) Listen and practice these statements, Notice how ther in ean't and shouldn't is not stronuly pronounced. sms in part A of Exercise $ again, tion of did you. You can't go shopping on Sundays, You shouldn't swim at the beaches. ‘You can't get a taxi easily at night. You shouldn't miss the night markets. © PRONUNCIATION Reduction of to A Listen and practice. In conversation, to is often reduced t/a AA: What should you do for a fever? B; Tes important to take sume aspirin, And it's a good iden to see a doctar © PRONUNCIATION Reduction of could you and would you A. © Listen and jiractioa. Notice how could you and would you faze redueod in emversation dna ‘Could you tell Mute the meeting is at 6:00 — Would you ask him to pick me up ai 4:90

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