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EDUCATION: GREEK INFLUENCE 63 represent the being of the God under various different attributes; thus they have “put on” their god in order to place themselves in the closest fellowship with him. Involuntarily we remember the words of Paul, that all who are baptized into Christ have “put on” Christ, and that the consecrated cup and the bread that we break in the Lord’s Supper are the “fellowship of the blood and body of Christ.” I do not of course mean to assert that Paul borrowed these thoughts and words direct from the mysteries of Mithras. But the possibility cannot, I think, be denied that Paul the citizen of Tarsus had some slight knowledge of the heathen cults practised there, and that pictures and representations of this kind so impressed themselves upon his memory that, later, when they were called forth by natural associa- tion of ideas from the background of his conscious- ness, they became the prepared material for the combinations formed by the genius of the Apostle. This possibility will at least not be unconditionally rejected by anyone who, on the one hand, reflects that Paul cannot have drawn his doctrines of the mystical ceremonies of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper from the tradition of the Christian com- munity, because this tradition before his time knew nothing of these doctrines; or who remembers, on the other hand, that Paul himself appeals in 1 Cor. x. to the analogy of the pagan sacrificial meal.

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