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Luke on the bus

Bus stops at the bus stop and Luke enter the bus
Bus driver: Where would u like to go sir?
Luke: I would like to go to second street by the way how much it cost?
Bus driver: Its cost $17 sir.
Luke started to take out his coin bag and give the bus driver the money (I cent) it makes the bus
driver impatient
Bus driver: Sir can u make it fast because a lot of people is waiting behind u
Luke didnt listen to the bus driver
After Luke enter the bus
Luke started to looking for place and some of the passanger who have travel with him before have
shocked because they remember what he have done before
Winter time
Passenger: Its so cold outside so please close the window
Luke: I feel very warm so I want to open the window.
Passenger: Sir its winter time its very cold outside so please close the window because there are
childrens and pregnant women inside the bus, so sir please close the window
Luke: I dont care for me its very warm so I want to open the window because I have buy the bus
ticket and I have rights to open the window
Current situation
Summer time
Bus driver: To all passenger please open the window because its summer time and a lot people in
the bus.
Some of the passengers who have travelled with him before started look at Luke
Luke : Why you guys looking at me?
Passenger: Sir please open the window
Luke : Its very cold for me so I want close the window
After few minutes Luke take out a cigar from his pocket and light up th cigar

Passenger: Sir please dont smoke in the bus

Luke didnt listen to anyone and people started to gossip but Luke didnt care
Later he take some stingy food and started to eat
Passenger: Sir the food is very smelly I think it has been spoiled
Luke: No I just bought this food just now
Passenger: But sir it is very smelly
Luke: Can u shut up it is my food

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