Salivary Innervation

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Preganglionic Parasympathetic
Postganglionic Parasympathetic
Trigeminal nerve
Facial nerve
Glossopharyngeal nerve



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Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the Facial n. (CN VII) are sent from the (1)
superior salivatory nucleus to the (2) Intermediate n. --> The (2) Intermediate n.
merges with the Facial n. at the (3) Geniculate ganglion, where the fibers continue
down the Facial n. --> Near the Tympanic cavity the (4) Chorda tympani n.
branches from the Facial n., carrying the fibers with it, passes across the tympanic
membrane between the malleus and incus. --> Once the (4) Chorda tympani
enters the Infratemporal fossa it eventually joins with the (5) Lingual n. The (5)
Lingual n. is a branch of the Mandibular n. (Mandibular branch of the Trigeminal
n.) --> The (5) Lingual n. carries the fibers to where they synapse in the (6)
Submandibular ganglion. --> The (6) Submandibular ganglion then sends
postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to innervate both the (7) Sublingual and
(8) Submandibular glands.

Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers of the Glossopharyngeal n. (CN IX) are

sent from the (1) inferior salivatory nucleus to the (2) Glossopharyngeal n. -->
Once the Glossopharyngeal n. branches, the fibers travel along the (3)
Tympanic n. --> The (3) Tympanic n. passes through the Tympanic cavity and
becomes the (4) Lesser petrosal n. --> The fibers via the (4) Lesser petrosal n.
synapse within the (5) Otic ganglion. --> From the (5) Otic ganglion,
postganglionic parasympathetic fibers travel along the Mandibular branch of
the Trigeminal n. (CN V) --> The (6) Auriculotemporal n. branches from the
Mandibular branch of the Trigeminal n. carrying with it the postganglionic
parasympathetic fibers. --> Lastly, the (6) Auriculotemopral n. carries the
fibers into and innervating the (7) Parotid Gland.

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