Put The Sentences Into The PASSIVE

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Put the sentences into the PASSIVE.


The police are investigating the crime.

Does IBM make these computers?
They are going to publish the book soon.
A car knocked me over.
Do they sell programmes at the box office?
People speak English in Britain.
The government often makes mistakes.
The council still havent repaired the road.

Complete the sentences using must, mustnt, had to or didnt have to.
1. I ........................... visit my grandparents this weekend
2. My brother........................... go to hospital when he broke his arm
3. She was really lucky _ she ................................ have an operation
4. You............................ touch that!. Its dangerous
5. He ......................... work late yesterday
6. You......................... be home early tonight
1.- I really must have a rest, Andrew said.
2.- This meat tastes funny, Fanny said her mother.
3.- What time is the meeting?, the pupil asked.
4.- Is there any food in the house?, Kathleen asked me.
5.- Her cat understands everything, Mary told Hugh yesterday.
6.- Would you mind turning the music down?, the teacher asked.
7.- It has been raining a lot, Jonh said on Monday.
8.- Which way is the Post Office?, his uncle asked.
1.- My mother has a lot of __________ to. (SHOP)
2.- Whats the correct ___________ of this word? (PRONOUNCE)
3.- We have an _________ to a party tomorrow evening. (INVITE)
4.- That _________ is by Van Gogh. (PAINT)
5.- __________ is my uncles favourite hobby.(PHOTOGRAPH)
6.- The coach made a late __________. (DEPART)
7.- There isnt much _________ for young people in this town. (ENTERTAIN)
8.- Did they give any _________ for their behaviour? (EXPLAIN)
9.- The students had a _________ in English today. (DICTATE)
10.- My daughter entered the painting __________ and won the first prize.
11.- Do you remember your first _________ with your husband? (MEET)
12.- Make sure that your essay has a clear _________. (INTRODUCE)
13.- Be __________ when you close the door. (CARE)
14.- I must clean this __________ carpet. (DIRT)
15.- Is dinner ready? Children are very ___________. (HUNGER)
16.- Its ___________ to drive a car at night without any lights. (DANGER)
17.- It was very __________ this morning. (FOG)
18.- What a ___________ present! (WONDER)
19.- My father always feels ___________ after lunch. (SLEEP)
20.- My cousin has a large ____________ of coins. (COLLECT)

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