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Herbert Simon is recognized as one of the founding fathers of important scientific domains and the
most renowned figure of the twentieth century. Apart from being the key researcher in the field of
science, he is also recognized as an economist, a professor, a sociologist and a psychologist. His
works contributed to the field of management literature, economics, cognitive psychology and
artificial intelligence. He worked as a professor for 52 years at Carnegie Mellon a university which
gave him recognition. He was a true scientist and his skills proved to be an asset for the computer
science department at the Carnegie Mellon University. He developed an affinity for books, music and
sports at a young age from his family. Till today, Herbert Simon remains as one the most famous and
powerful figures of the last century, acclaimed highly for his innovative ideas, intelligence and
personality. This academic scholar and Nobel Prize winner spent his life making groundbreaking
discoveries like importance of human decision-making concepts in dynamic environments, artificial
intelligence, information processing, attention economics and many more.


Simon commented on any thing related to the development of modern economic theory and the
organization. Simon discusses three popular word in the social sciences that "behavior" (behavior),
"decision-making" (decisions) and "organization" (organization). Three words are popular
throughout the ages and is always appropriate to be studied and researched. Simon raised about
what is actually said to be the criteria for the administration to explain and diagnose the situation.
For this, Simon has confirmed that this is a matter for empirical research. Failure on the part of the
theory is that they do not do empirical research that will explain the concrete on a range of criteria.


Public Administration
Administrative Behavior
Measuring Municipal Activities (1938).
The Technique of Municipal Administration (1945).
The Sciences of the Artificial (1969).

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