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3. The Marketing Environment

Why Environmental
Identify opportunities and threats;
Design effective marketing strategies.

Environment Scanning
Environment forces
Environmental Trends:
Firms responses

Environmental Scanning
Gathering information regarding
the external environment;
Analyzing that information;
Forecasting the impact of the
The role of marketing research?

Two Levels of
Environmental Forces

The Microenvironment

Macro influences:
demographics, economic conditions,
culture, technology and laws.

Micro influences:
suppliers, marketing intermediaries,
and customers.

The Macroenvironment

Demographic Trends
World population growth
Changing age structure
Changing American household
Geographic population shifts
Better-educated, more white-collar
Increasing Diversity

Key Generations
Baby boomers
Generation X
Generation Y

Economic Environment
U.S. income distribution is skewed.
Consumer spending patterns are

Generational Marketing?

The Naturl Environment

Technological Trends
The technological environment is
characterized by rapid change.
New technologies create new
opportunities and markets but make old
technologies obsolete.

Many companies use recycling to help protect

natural resources

Cultural Environment

Other Social and

Cultural Forces

Core beliefs are persistent;

Environmental Consciousness

Secondary cultural values change

and shift more easily;

Changing Gender Roles

Societys cultural values are

expressed through peoples views
of: Themselves, Others, Organizations,

A Premium on Time
Physical Fitness and Health

Society, Nature, The Universe

Cause-related Marketing:
Doing Well by Doing Good

Responding to the
Marketing Environment
Reactive: Passive Acceptance and
Proactive: Environmental

Cause-related marketing is one method

of demonstrating social responsibility

Online Marketing Today:

The home page for Peapod, the nations

largest online grocer

How do benefits cited on the web page

related to the current trends in the
marketing environment?

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