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Section 1 In this section the feoturne and facilities available in the relay ora deseribec, Tho deieils regarding salting the reloy, inierpreting the trip sccurrencet and other information fre declt with in the next saction, This relay provicer comprehensive protection for AC synchronous and Induction motors and # ean be applied for generator or trensforrnar protection as well, The relay has the following protection features ord the flexibility Jo select any required combination of these for @ particular pplication : ‘Thermal Prostrp thermal alarm Shert-circuit stalling Navotive phate sequence Reverse phase sequence Eorthioult Prolonged stot Loss of load Too-many-stats, AG & DC Rating This rolay I suitable for beth 1 Any. and § Amp. CI secondory ratings i ‘he vome model, The earhioult signal can be derived from @ seperate cere belence CT er by residual connection of phase CTs The relay is sulteble for the auxiliary supply range of 68-896V DC. The OFTO ratings avilable are 48/110/220 V DC SALIENT FEATURES = 1, |, Conscious Thermal jomont ‘The reley takes into oxcount the heating effects proceed by positive and nagative sequence currents of the motor load current. The relay derives thaes quentitios wing w suiteble ‘algeriiho, trom the load currents in all the thres phases. The operoting current For the thermal alamant is based on the following aquation me KYA K can be snlacted for 6 or zero ane! con be programmed by the user. By selecting K = 0 the ralay can be applied for tharmal pretaciion of Nrarsformers, generators, cables, 1.2. Stepped Thermal Characteristics The thermo! element has @ stepped charactoriiie which enables the user to match the relay setting closely with mator characteris Up 10.9 mos gg the relay Fallows the ‘exponentiol and beyond two times |. the ralay curva will be adiabatic (2) 1.3, Cold & Hot Thermal Curve: The relay hos got 69 cele curves In the toma mods! ond are safle selectable. For egch cold curve, hot curvos are ovailable with the rates of hot to cold operating times selectable from 0.33, 0.5 & 0.67. 1.4, Thermal Clipping The relay has 2 feclily of thermal curve clipping. This is to avotd the thermal clement! operating curing starting cf the motor in critical cases Using this facility both the hot and cold characteristic curves can he clipped at 2 et current level Once the starting sequen’ lerisics ore restored automatically i over, the normal chavs 1.5. Thermal Rosot Lovel bared on Sterting Characteristics The thermal lock-out sviput ralay con be programmed lo bo either in latched or unlorched mode. The therm! lock-out element will rexet only oftge the thermal state ef the matar hos te-0 lovel which will allow o tofe het restart af the motor. For ‘his purpose the ralay computes the Introduction starting thermal content based on 4 previous staring parametardata, Alter naively the relay can be manually rato! uting the Thermal Reael’ key, ‘Again, the thermal content will resat tea lavel baand of tre sorne computation ox mantioned earlier 1.6. Contactor Controlled Motor Application In the cone of motors controlled through @ contactor, the fuse expected t9 blow and prote«! the machine agains thort- circuits, Thi be done to avoid rhe contactor fram inter upting the fault currants ndor hey shorewreul condition, Whan thie reloy ir salocted for the above appli cation (which is user programmable} tho sherh-ereult protection output relay #s blocked ftom eperatien Only trp Ineleationt shall be givan fon aperation of short-cireut element, 1.7, Short-Circuit Setting for DOL Stert Motors In the case of Birect-on-tine squirrel cage motor, the slerting currant coulet be very high, of sha ordar of 5 10 10 rims the full lead eurart. Wha Inst foneous shon-citey protection Is provided for such meters, t hos to be set above the staning current, te avoid tipping during tating, However, this will meon reduced sensitivity under normal running condition. The relay has ¢ facility t@ double the short-circuit setting adapted during © the starting sequence $9 that both prevention of Inipaing during starting ‘anc! berter sersitivily dunng running fra achieved at tha same time. 1.8. Cholco on NPS Operation The ralay can be eolocted for definite lime delay or inversa time dalay characteristic for negalive phase sequence Froteciion element. This option can be salactad by the user by progremmin 9, Motor Stalling Detection ‘Meter stalling protection when the sail withstand time le less thon the starting time needs on edditional information through 2 speed switch, The exterral speed switch Is used to energie on OPTO, This OFTO is vser programmable and can be selected tlther for the above application or for ramete thermal recoiling. Sequence Detection If there i6.a phase reversel in the Input vollogs, the Impact is anvave Lor'the driven loos, The phose Fevorzal 14 sensed by o reverse Pphose sequerice element within 100 ‘mae, and can be arranged to ip tha moter cieuil breaker 1.11. Loss of Load Detection The fallure of mechanical linkage between the load ond the mater can bbe detected by this feoture 1.12. Programmable Output Relays ach protection function within the relay can be prosremmed to any. tone of the four trip relays (R. to Ri). Thexe oFe field programmable und hence provides a wide choice of tip sand olan Logie 1.13. Service Code Informat The talay hos the following in-built faailties which provide useful information te the user 1.13.1. With the CT primary ond secondary ratings pregiommed Into tho reley, il directly gives the Individual phase currents in primary compores (Servies Codae 1,52 and 50). The nevi current, i there is ony, is elto glvan in primory ompares (Service Cove 54}. In eate 9 CBCT (core balonee CT} is used for vorth- foult detection them is ratio should be programmed additionally for the above purpose. The load on the motor i given (Service Coke £5) os @ percentage of sthertol setting. For this purpose the 2 highest of the thas individual phose currents ore considered, 1.13.2. The negative phase Aaqueace component present in tha moter load current is given agains! Code $7, as percentage af the thermal soning. The motor ean deaw NPS current due 10 unbalence in the input veltoge cr during single photing condition, 1.13.3, The thermol statu equiva lent of the motor is given against de 56, Under stabilitad Condition ths corresponds to the sure of the percentage laud on the motor, Servi sample, whan tha moror ie loaded 10 90% love! the display against Code 56 will show the valve a 8) Note : For oll the torvice codes explained above the computation is bboted on the thermal setting (I) of the relay and natn the full load curan) of the meter, 1.13.4. When the motor ‘overloaded, the time tor the thermal trip fs given against Code 50 ancl ollows the user to take corrective ‘steps It possible. Under healthy ‘corditiont the dieploy against this Code will be 9999. 1.14. Post-trip Information The relay provides information about the mognilude of fault current at the time of tipping agains ‘Post-Trip lnverrogete’ Codes 61 to 45. CODE 51 gives individuel phase currents successively and the values ore eaterced to primery lava CODE 62 gives earthfault current and the value is referred to grimary lavel CODE 68 giver the highes! of the three individual phase currants as a perceniage of ly CODE 64 gives the thermal agulvelent curren! seen by the relay (oF the instont of tapping as ¢ perantage of | CODE 65 gives the NPS content (1) ‘othe lime of tripping os @ percenioge of ly Both the many.ttort’ protection ‘ond th6-"100 we the lockcut Relay (8.2) and light: up the a lock-out LED. Under this canditien, it (0) CODE 66 provides Intermotion to MN Idertlly the exact couse for relay. A operation i (b) CODE €7 gives the “woit time in ites for dhe mx al trt unc thermal wip conden f 1.15. Historie Information The information cagarding starting cuir, sarting tlme, magnitudes of ‘i unbalance currant and neuiral i tent of the time of staring are wored in "Historie Velua Intarronate’ odes, The memory can alore the F data of the latest five The { Intormation fs gothared avary time the motor Is starled successfully. CODE 70 gives the maximum storing MN curren! tafarrad 10 primary level 4 CODE?) gives the motar staring time i for moters cthar than sliping mators, CODE-7? gives the h current during Sorting reterrad'0 the primary leva CODE 78 gives Ie current dering 4 storing refered lo the primary level ‘The numbar of stars attempted on the mater a given agains! Codes 75 and 76 CODE 75 gives the number of cole Fesiorts in the last | hour, CODE 76 gives the number of hot restarts in the fast } hour, The number of trip eccurronces i through therrral overload, shan- cieuil and earthfault protactions ae recorded agains! Codes 77, 78, 79 respeciivaly for satiiicalinforme- Hon. All this dato can be erased ay 1 ‘clecr momery’ furetien. 1.16. Password Intarlack To mate the relay accessible only 10 autherised personnel @ patsyrord Ink lock is provided. For activities like tering the cating, aking the eelay out of service, ete, the passwand selec: fod is fo be enterad correctly. Other information like cdapted settings, hislerie infeirnation ond pasttip information recarda ere accessible without the nead af « posaword only, Operating Instructions Section 2 This section deals with the tniting up dl the relay ond reading the Information from varlout coains 2.1. Front Panel Description The front pens! oppecrance it ot Indicated in Fig. 1S. H consists of © LEDs (Trip, Thermal Alerm, Loc but, Relay Available} © 7 Control keys (Up. Down. Tooale. Display, Clear, Set and Check Ru © 2 keys for resetiing (Th. reser & LED rose) The Man-Machine Interface of this relay allows the user to interact with the lay comprehensively. W consitt of 2 6 digi, 7 segmant LED dleplay which is considered a2 2 clustors of 2 digits and 4 digits, the allocation being, Cluster = 1 (Pirst 2 digis) + codes Cluster = 2 (Next 4 digit) ‘Sub-codes/Values. “Cealoe ar allotod for vorious parameter dialling ach os reioy Eatings, motor or circu porometer Inpurs, 0 080 for output veloy proxternming contol put, pot ‘word, ai. Progrommable coces te lo Ured for recalling earviee voluee 10 be displayed, 2ostip intermarion display, Riloie vole deploy ond otfine mentoring 2.2. Functional Aspects of Keys & LEDs 2.2.1. Key A (Up) ond V (Down) fea uted for terelling the cluster, lie. wither the codae or subcoder/valves, 2.2.2. Key ¥ (loggle) Is used for switehing aver trom eectes to subeodes clustor salacted le indicoted by 6 Mashung 2.2.8, Key 0 is used for calling up display of @ subeode or valum gaint « particular code, 2.2.8. Koy SET is used to enter the tolected setting i ye relays temporary memory 2.2.3. kny CHK RUN it uted to sera through the “SEI” values. bach code ‘olong with ty subcode setting ot value adopted orn disployed ona by one 2.2.6, SET & CHK RUN hays together ore used to load the splected satings into ma relay’s pormenant mamsry. Of course, this oparation will be successful only when the sslacted password is also entered correctly, 2.2.7, Thermal reset key is used to ‘r290) hw sharmal content and output relay &, when used in latchud mode, 2.2.8, the LED reset key 1s used for reselting the Trip ond lock-out indications, This is possible enl when the condition which caused the LEDs 10 light up has disappeared, nit kay it site vee te change the display ta “online service parameter et any time (Hams Funston’) 2.2.9. Keys NV, ‘CHE RUN when kept aressed continuously allows continuous seralling of eodeo or eubcodee. 2.2.30, CLEAR key is used for clearing the information in the memery such o2 “Hletore Valuae When settivare ie ronnie ‘without dotest the ‘Relay Avallablo gD will flash (al 1 HZ) convinuous'y. When th soitworn goos defective it will go steady or will et extingy shad 2.2.92, When Thermol Alarm Unit pies up the ‘Alarm IED ie is ane ‘will remain steady. The L20 Ie of ‘aell-rosel! lype dnd resets on its ‘own once the tharmal contont fot, below the alarm lavel 2.2.13, Lock aut LEO wil Hight vp haa the ealay jaiiates tharmal Trip ‘and will tamaln steady. The lock-out LED aporctes aise for "Too-thany- start’ pretection. 2.2.18. When any of the protection element operates (excen! ‘oo-nany- stort pretechien) the "TRIP" LED wil ‘operate end Hash, Also Tip Code é2 will be displayed 2.2.15. When Clustor 1 Is baleg scrolled, the Custar 2 will display QUO, After Coda 52, D hoy net 10 be pressed to disploy the velve so! agoine! that partieulor ced. 2.3. Illustrations Te facilitate better understonding the sequence of kay operations ‘ors axploinad with suitable examples. The seleced duster which foshes continuously in the display i Indicored by a square box In 1 following illustrations 2.2.1. Te Rend the Settings through the Front Covar By operating the ‘CHECK RUN key ‘rough the knob arovided in relay cover, all the relay settings adopted rdor various cedas can be road. Display Remarks Key Siake ® i crx RUN | and CHIE PUN | Seed CHK RUN | 20th, ete con RUN | Sis! CHK RUN || Bien a] The oles tigen sani oe tole we ial 1) newiee i no Vey esses for mere han ZscohatYhan Me daplay ouseeanelly enone 19 Sowa Codd fa snecielogarn Cote A) ‘Motor idennification Number CT Frimary roting is 1909 Amps GF secondory rating Is 1 Amps NPS set for Dette Time NPS Operating Time Is 0.1 sec 3 ‘Yo Read the Adopted To read the short circuit sating ‘odopted in) Code 11 proceed as below [Mare itis wesumed tha! the ‘ploy is tn Service Coda $1.) Key Sroke fant Display ww owa |Z) (39000) | on on | [oe ae (| (nea | 2.3.3, To chenge the setting To chonge the shortltcult setting galas! Coda VI from 2.4 18 4.0 proceed at in the atove excimple fond welect Code 11, Furthor operations ure us shown By uting AorV gel to Code 11 WA| | [TE Ooo | Using tegale key sole the _ subcode Cora Using Vor A key chonges the = satieg v (Cee) (or) A+ 7) | T0800) Operate V or hey successively fo gel required os : Seting ven \T| (E000) Operate Set key. stt| | [E6000 Fomarkes ©} Now the setting of 4.0 in stored conly in temperary memory and to ‘moke the relay cceest the dota the Precodura os explained in example 2.3.4 10 ba followed fb) Any number of codes can be prontammad at explained above, cl At this stage if the previeut odopted settings are to be read, then gel io the required code by waing A (or) V hoya, wa Operate Display key 0 | 4) the ol checkod by using x RUN hoy oF thie chic RUN |_| red Notes value Hote) AY i age he ened on ating ot Rad agent Cede 1) Before changing any setting elated te thermal olomont, sho thermal cont 1810 be clecnend 2.2.8 Yo Programme the Relay for the Changed Settings The changed settings ot parameters fore adopted by the relay only « leading the data in permanent memery for which the salected password is 10 be fed correctly in Code 50. Ths fs te prevent any uncuthorised ertonnel from changing the saltings. Under qorena cicummsiances the selected password is not Uiaplayed. The procedure for Progremming the relay is as below ‘which will store all the latest senings evaligble In temporary memory into the EPROMand hence the seinings will remain even whan the ouxiliary supply is imerrupted, Use Vor Akeys to get 10 Code 50 Use rogale key fo select the subcode Use A key (\F the possword salactad is 9998) Then prass SET & CHK RUN keys logether SET & 1a lend the dota The ‘ob selected in Code 46 (Say Code 52 which gues & phare currant) loy has eccepted the new sanings ‘ond will switeh aver to the Service Code If the password is entered incortectly 'n Code 30 then errar massage will be displayed snd the ralay will net accep! the entered date. Far sxamale, against the programmed pessword of 9998, f 9999 i ‘entered by mistokn then SQ Er” wil flaah trae timer an Code 50 parmitting the user to fead the password corroctly, The correct password can new be aniarnd, NY ser sera CHK RUN | | S0_ Err | [This “90 Err’ error maesage wil) flash ‘hres timas and than asta to perce Vkey twice. (>| (Saag | The relay ean nave ve programmed by using | [So75356| ser (7) Soccer) stra, cme un [| [Ped 2.3.5. To Roud Service Code Readings The relay can be programmed to monitor cae parieular Service Code (oatwaen 51 and 59) continuously an (Cl (330077) x Cl (=a m7) | A | ser 1 ‘Atthe same time on seleciing the 2.8.7, To Fetch Information stating current, we are recorded other Service Cede the current value from Pott-Trip Intorrogate In historic Codes 70 10 73. The is displayed automatically Codes relay can store up 10 five latest datalls in the above Codes. For : Suppese ifthe relay i programmed When ony element operates the ; to rece! A phasel 51 200K | raloy measures the foul quran datals of wach Code refer MOTPRO corrent continvouily (by voladiing St a6 they ore recorded in Codes oi in Code 46] diplay will be or shown 19.65. This information is avail In Code 6] dpi wil be Show i areas ond XED RESET’. T2 rood tho ator waring tw ‘ PIERO ARRS RY ected sein cose 71 proceed os Now to reed B phase current in Use A (or) ¥ ("| (000) ° Condo 82 vse y || [Severe | Keys 19 00) From the service actting Code got to cea aS Sram) Code 71 by using V key successively ® The figure ayuinst Code 52 ts the ¥ |>| (a aoor) ee phase coment rolerreto primary side > | fanmer) 7° Ay ate Seren Code trom © whore XX the A pha een a felon. Now to gel back #9 the im Primary Amp. — | original Service Code (jn this cose oo) (er eoar| Code) press LED RESET hey. eee a a ic SS kas ie ad © |_| (ely) erncilvely, i no keya ere preven Lt Leen} oi ae, For rons than 2 Becoadt than th ve VV isthe phase cura oC) Gra display avtoraticelly ehenges 16 then promry Am sHleeisd Service Cou. ii > (| ar ee | Noto! in the tame way © phase 2.9.6. To Read Trip Code curent cnn alte be cheered, information erhaie "acre the motor staring time in seconds during the cecent success: Code 69 gives Earthtoult at the time of ful stor. “bb's the starting timo Shan any peclecen epee the png reared otheprinary side, when ding he previous at and Service Cade 10 Trip Code 0 and Code 69 gives the highest of she Trip LED wlsa comes up The three phoea curean! at percontags of If anathar alert ia athemipted then cortespencing ovspur relay will go thermo! setting that etaring time measured wi be Sheets enulereed) #8 6 (@ rosrommed so, the couse for tipping wil be deployed apcinst Cone 0 when DISFAY Key Is rocorded in the location of ‘an’ the fecord ‘ac wall eccupy the currest ‘ab’ lecation and 22 on. Finally the cureert record ‘ee! will be Code 64 gives the thermal equivalent currant measured by the yy ot the insiont of tripping as retomed te the primary sidan operated, If more than enn alament erased, Thus a ony tov the lost is operated then successive Cole 65 gives negative seqvence five records ere maintained operations ef Display key gives foult equivalent currant presen! at the sequently. Indication in destancing cece (ve, me of ping os percertage of the faut which operated first ie theemel seting (\} seis } Ce ee imilarly any other Cod betwann displayed first ete., ete.) The dots trem the required Cade can 70.10 79 caM be lead. The histor Fer examele, beverrevedby calactinn thatpadissler information can ae read during | [60 0000} code and by operaring displey key. service condition olso without taking I | : = Sretetey tof vere ‘Tes oe I Exomple, ‘are nit interlockad with the IC) (aoe) v | [BS Daag | parsword, > | (eo me | 2 (Cle 2.2.9. Te Cle In the above cose E/F element has Memmary eae cages followed ee thctereun Whore FPP n the negative SeqUeRC® tha mamary elaar facture f element (A Phase), Further operation Saevelent provided te erase all the information fof Display key gives the some ‘available fn Histode Codes. This ie information In cyclic fashion, This 2.8.8 To Fetch Inform provided basally to clear the can be rose! through LED RESET kay from Historie Codex precomimiationing tes! informerion only alter the corresponding element When the motor comolates asuecesstul stored before putting the relay into which Initioled tripping is reset stort, the information ragerding sorvies iol Code 50 and enier selected password (tay 0001) a slready dounbes procedure is as below, ilustrotion the poxsword! ie etched over Thorn 9999 to 9001, A (Cl PSETDIOD| Dict Code 47 nd enter the naw ET postman 0 % IC fsa gago | k (ro000 | v Cl Boor! v 7) (poor) ser "| | 500000 | se | omer) 1m Koy neice 8 (| BOBO Now the existing old pusword 9999 Konp Clear fo be aniored In Code fer pemes er aise : ¥ 7 aoe Brecon CUR || | HB OB x Cl soar The message a 111° wil ash a ILI Io gge | B timat and settle to set (7) (Sa-ooac7) i memory Is aT 8 “a — sated (46 0600 | cH uN [=] (9a b) or else |e iii | Te ay fib ei teapin 2.9.10. Ta change Password For some rasan if the adopted password is te be altered the | amportant Not 1 the new password 00D! and for all ‘applications from now an aly this should be used. 1@ sowid he OC cally seply 1 =eh cennocion Fiction 77867) should be ater Chonging of ley stings fhowor iy net in fhe wonning CODE 66 Whos ‘too meny sor? € soy il ene mara He ot od dung thie paved tien Hower, Be. “oe mary ors oro. ofempre J Faclory set J be without cach fad ‘coly whan Fi Jey the (ED ie Th and romaine 2.3.11. To come back 10 Service Moda IF '97 Ere is displayod Dinpiay (Sie ° (7) Sree) wa | A | GO| a where YY the poxeword ser LL (sooo | seg Pee rere i cweeun (| [eo wn ‘SET j wan . [2] [seen where XOXX" Ay, Currant, (Mncsemecster cie naa Description Section 3 Thit ralay, with oll the features, charactoristics, eating ranges and if different ratings housed in the seme modal con ba applind tor a variety of moter applications namely, oe ~ Motors provided wilh C8C7 for | sorihioul application 3.0, AC Rating 8.0.1. Both | Amp, ond 5 Amp. relay ratings axe available in the sors model and the rating shall be oftware eotectable in Code 2. Bor Input terminal details refer ciogroms 18t0), (b), el & (a) 8.0.2. the CI primary rating can be 20} from 264 to 1E00A In BA steps In Code 2. 3.0.9, The reley hos got individvel CT for each phase ond alse for neviral to reduce the input current fo a lawar working level 3.0.4. The nauteal CT con be energised ebhar by cosdual connection of phase CTs st seperately from CBCT. B.D.5. All the reloy current settings re set ot muliiples of thermal rotting |b) tha only exeoption being \ sorthfault seting. 3.1. Outp ALAA, tho raley hos got six minjaiure ouput relays designated fas Ry through Rig. The relays Ry and Riz have got 2 change-over contacts, wheres Rig through Rig ore provided with one change-over contort Relays 2.1.2, Roloy Rig it pormonantly connected fer ‘Relay Avoiloble™ watchdog condition, During healthy 1 will romain picked up feng i} monitors the execution of continvensly. ‘Ay loilure in the obove will rasult in drop-off of Rig relay which con be ted te elert the vier to toke 3.13. Relay fi connected to the functions i peemannatly @) Thermal mip b) Toomany-seate prota The telay Ris con be selected for lotehed or unlatched mode of operation in Code 35. if needed Ry relay can be rose! through “herma! Ivis recommended to use an N/C camiart of R; The relays Ri. Ris. Ria ond can be sat 10 epercte any ene-af the above reltifa by selacting accordinaly in Codes 34 te 48. Thi 2 wide choice of wp and alarm legie fer specite opplications, The reley Ry is 0 fast switching type. This preferably con ‘or all Instanta 3.1.5, Indication The follewing 0 indications are provided on the relay front ponel (i Tip Thermal Alarm {ii}, Lodkeour (i) Relay Avaliable 3.2. Earthfault Protection (Io) 3.2.1. ion Unit is suitable for operation from tether residual CT connection or core balance CT input. The CT provided side the reloy fs fed fram any © ff the above ond the choice it programmable in Code 4, The The earthfault prote lifecent far the ‘wo applications (Refer wieing dingrems 1§(a),(E}{e) & (a) 98.2.2. The current setting rengos re differen! far each application For CBCT connection It will be from 6 mA to 504 mA In steps FT nA, grograrnmnabiee bs Cade 21 For Residua! connection H will he Thom 83 1A to 2000 er in ata of 49 mA, pragramabio in Code 15, This in'eomman tor bath 1 Amps ond 5 Amp €Ts 9.2.3. The operaiion of sarhiau Protection it tma delayed (definite) ‘with adjistoble sanings from 9.) 382 to 20 se¢ In 0.1 see steps pregammable in Code 92 8.2.4, The ourput of this element can bo programmed te any ane of the four relays (Rta Ri) in Code 41 The oporation ef thie element is Indicated by “TRIP LED ond the coreepanding massage in Cade 40 sholl be “1SEF aa. (se) BBA. Short circuit protection Ia provided by the measurement af phase currents la, band tc The setiing range is from 240% ta 800% in taps of 16% programmable in Cade 11. the actual short cirevit Sorting zhall bo this colina ‘multiplied by the Basle tetting in Code 10. Shortcireuit Protection 3.9.2 The cdtorte for phase indication on operation shall be os. below, The equivalent phose and vorihfault logic is os given in Fig. 11 3.8.3 When the reloy is applied for Direc! On-Line (DOL) star! motor application, the adopted sherteireut satting Is doubled during starting Considering the high stating current the «ase af DOL motors und the ‘ottociated offsers in CTa this facture enables the unit fo be aet low without eny Unwanted aperetions, AL the end of the staring sequence os detected by "Start Over (SCV) logic It roses te the origina! sei value. Rotor Fig. 2-0.and Sua tor logie diagrams Flemenis operate! lt Wt le asc Lah AB hele 8c kek cA + OF AN y+ EF BN le + EE cn 3.3.4. tho operction of this unit is insiantengeue with @ nerninel ‘operating time of 70 - 130 msee. ot ‘wien the current vatting 3.3.5. ‘an be programmed t9 initiate any fone of the Four relays (Ry, © Ry) in Code 97 and It iso lnitaies “TRIP” LED ina The oulpet of thie slement 8.3.6. Whon the relay ic oppied for contactor conirolled motor, the culput of the shortireult elamont ie disabled from eperaring the output Felays Ri te Rus. However, TRIP LED indication ts sill given when shor Circuit cloment picks up. The obove logic 1s avtometicely set when she reley le progremmed for ‘convacioy appitestien in Coe 6 3.4. Negative Phase Sequence Protection (1;) 2.8.1. Operation af moter under Unbalanced input valtage condition 9 under single phesing condivien retults in NBS component in the ‘ator load current, The protection i= provided ky sensing the Ip componen! end the pick-up setting range is trom 28% 10 100% in steps 01 4% ond it talactable through Cove 13. This is set as a wultpie of Uharmal setting ik) 3.4.2. This can be solectad tor er defini time choracieriatie oF Fault yp ‘on inverse time charac Programmable through Code 2, ‘slic and ie Tha 3.4.3. nite time range is from o minimum of 0.1 see. 10 5 486 Code £0 Trp information F nh nbc ner nk Hb nce through Code a1 3.4.4. The inverse time characte- ‘ahi shail follow thie formula below 0.98 = Ua where 4, le the enarating time in seconde boy is the NPS cuvrent ser Jas the cewal NPS currant ‘The abeve equation holds goad up 19 abou! 6 oF 7 times the racy setting tend ebove which the aperating time Femains constant, In cther words, the relay noe go! @ minimum oper lume ef around 1.7 seconds for inverse application. 3.8.5. When this clement operates, ‘TRIP’ LED comes up olong with Code information as"134 Italso initiates ‘ony of the trip celays Rw whan Programmed so in Cede 2 3.5. 95.1. This 6 fer protecting the moter ageinst locked rotor and stalling conditions, This is sensed! by the pickup of @ separate stalling curent element Ly for o-durdign Stalling Protection more then wall withgend Sophy of 8.5.2. The soning ronge for lay hol Le from 1.08 t0 6.0 in sn 0.08 ar aan be programmed in Cedo 12, The actual atlling current shall be in multiples of fy 3.5.3. The stalling time (Ten) can bbe sat fom | to 100 sae in stops ef set. in Code 28, 3.5.4. This element sholl operate only if all the thee phase currants excned the ae! value together. 3.5.5. For motors having staring fume more than the allowable stall Wwithetard time the above nentionedd ‘9pproach cannol pretect them ‘ogeine ttalling during aterting, To provide stalling protection for these motors an additional input from a speed switch operating a! around 10% speed is made use of 10 differentiate between star ard siall carditigns, Through the speed ewlich ‘an OFTO nolator Is energised under stl condition end under normal star-up condition (atave 10% speed) the comninand 19 OPIO ts withdrawn, When tha mater Hells on startup the OPTO remains energisad ‘and os axplainad daove if the stalling element (iy) remains picked up for tho-sat stall time (To) fe protection Is Intlated, Refer legie diagram 9 for information, 3.5.6. The same OFTO ie used for remole tharmel reset purpeze also land hence its funetion to be programmed cccorcingly in Code 94, The use of OPTO ta he ealactod in Cede 7 a2 well, 3.5.7. When this element operates, “TRIP” Lg comes up giong with Code 0 information ex “1200', It so ini- Hotes ciny of the tip retays Re Yo Ra hon programmed ee in Code 28, 3.6. Protaction against Reverse Phase Soquence (ACBA) 3.6.1. When the motu is fed with reverse sequence voltage, the consequences ean be very damaning Cond in this elay this is detected by a separete element monitoring the ly currant mognitud ratio, 9.0.2. This feature shall be ‘evallable only during starting endl dong swhich if the I measurement exceeds the ratio 2 This protection operates aiter 9 fixed delay of about 100 msec. 3.6.3. Under no other fault andltian or duting tingle phasing of the moter this condition of Iy/h "ato shall be sctlafied and hence the discrimination, 3.6.4. When this oloment operates ‘along with “TRIP” LED Indication the output rolay a2 programmed in Gadn 40 alto is iitiaind. The information In Code 60 shall be “1400 3.6.5. This reverse phase sequence protection can he selected or blocked by progromming in Cade 14 3.7. Prolonged Stat Protection (ly) Cato A DOL Start Motore: All motore athar than elip-ting ype ore covered unde this category 8.7.1. Protection agains! prolonged Harting is intended primarily foe supervising the storing sequence of motors fer detecting unduly long storing penteds, 3.7.2. the equivalent logie diagroms are given in diagrams 2 org! Sa, The starting condition is detected by the current element (on) whose drop-off yelue ts 0.6 iy. The ly setting is to be set less then the ‘eciua! motor staring conditien, taking into eccoun) the method af sroring, 3.7.8. A timer designated as Fro- StOrt timer tg) shall Be initiated through the current elemaet. 1 ot the end ef the sot time daly ta, the Igy Unit does ner diop off tho ‘prolonged start funtion shell operate to indicote excessive stort 3.7.8. the etting element drope off 1 below 80% of the setting botore the set time delay 4), then i shall be considered as successful stort 3.7.5. For determining the pick-up fond drop. off of the starting elamant cll the three phase current inputs Is ind leare monitored 3.7.6. The storing current Is tat an 5 mullipte of "rating and is programmabte In Cada 16 from 1,04 0 6.0 in steps of 0.08, 3.7.7. The starting time Is selectable from 1 10 100 secon ‘eps of | sweond In Code 29. Case B Slip-Ring Motors 3.7.8. In mo cove of siping moter, resisionce is included in the olor cireuit during starting and gredvelly reduced a: the spood picks up, 3.7.9. Here the moter stating « antad by the procones of mere than 5% current in ell the three phases through ‘MOTOR ON" (MON) sera This used to iniiote the start fimar ty. Rafer legie diagrams 1 and.2b. 3.7.10. At the end of the starting Period if the currant magnitude in ll the three phases exceeds the tasting currant setting (Cede 14) then 11s considered ox prolonged start condition, Refer logie diagram 5b. 3.7.11. At the end of the time if the euren’ falls Below the sening then it shall be consider successful sta 9.7.12. Depending on the 1yp2 of moter, the Code 6 selling is to be selecied accardingly. 3.7.13 In both the cases, on perniion of this element, the “TRIP” LED is initiated olong with Cade 40 information as EO 3.7.14, Any of the four output relays R10. can be pregrormned In Code 4210 operate for this functor 2.8. Loss of Load Protection 3.8.1. This pioteation ts fo daiact sudden lots of driven load or brokuge of mechanical linkage between the load and the 3.8.2. In o1der 10 discriminate fram hormal laad reduetion condition, te lagic is built as in Fig. 7 with two sels af current level datactor with 50% and 30% setting 948.8. {I the load falls fram above 50% 19 holow 304% in lose than 120 ive. then o timer Ik Iniiored which hat got a fixed 2 108, dalay. AY the end of the time the “Lass of tou protection Is iitlaied, 2.8.4, IN considered tho! normal loed variations shall take longne than 100 msec. This function thal 9 evailable only alter “Stor! Ovar’ (SOV) condition hes been ragiveredt by the oly 3.8.5. Tho output of thit unit can be programmed to ane af the faur hip relays threvgh Code 49, 8.8.6. I cles inivionas ‘TRIP’ LED fond the rlk-back massage in Coste 66 shall bo “1700. 3.9. Thermal Protection 3.9.1. The thermal ovstload Froleciion is sansad tram Cr Secundery currant only ane no RTOS ore employed for this purpose in this medel. Fram the input current the relay derives positive and negative saquanca currant component theaugh suluble olgartim. Te operating curren’ for thermal elemant shall be ‘based on the following equation be = (it + Ka? whore |, = Positive say. camponant of lose current ~ Negotive seq. component of lead current lay = Equivelent tharmal eperating current Negative sequence multiplication factor, 9.9.2, The heating effect in the ‘olor due 10 negotive sequence current is much Ingher then thal dive 0 postive sequence current. This will be the ralo of AC res once of the rator of Iwicw system frequency te DC resistonce. In the velay the factor Kyis used! 19 change the heating effect produced by NPS component in the thormal medio. 3.9.3, The factor K, con be selected for ver or 0 through Code 26, By chocaing tj = 0 the reloy can be used for thermal protection of generator, transformer cable, ore, ethurvrwe for meter protection application i ia set at 6. 3.9.8. The current seiting for ermal overload protection sholl be from 30% 10 110% of sored current |, in steps of 2%. The thermal seting Js programmatle in Code 10. A: lkvody stated all the other current setlings are cansidered ¢ multiples of this setting the only exception helng ecrthfault sting 8.9.9. Ihe heating lime constant of thermal unit ean be selected Dberween 1 to 60 minutas in step of J emleute by progiasining ‘accordingly in Code 22. Hence there 2 tatally 6 cele curve crncterisies aveslable in the roy 3.9.6. In tho roloy sts possible to achieve rater of 0.35, 0.5 ond 0.67 between the ‘Hot’ end ‘Cola operating timer, Fach eld curve hes go! ree hot characterstics as Seplained above, There lot to Cold ‘otios can he prooremmmasd throuah Code 23, 3.9.7. The pick-up of thermal overload element will be berwean 100.5% t0 107%. 3.9.8, The thermal element hos gat Mopped characteristics as shown in Fig. 14, Thi anebies the reloy setting 10 be mere effectively co. ardinated wrth mater cheracterisics, 9.9.9. Up to 2 imet ha (fquivalent ‘harmal current) the operating time of the relay shail Follow an exponential equation as 10 Ty = Selected heating ime constant = The equivalent current under owuilood condition a8 eartior described |, = Thormel setting of the raloy 1 = 1.08 (Minimum operating currant) In tho above equatien heating time constant can be subsibvied directly in mingtes oF in equivalent saconds, 3.9.10, Beyond 2 times the I, the Falay characteristic shall be ‘diabatle baat = T. 2) All the terminologies ore os exploined above, Ve. To avoid starting chorocloristies interfering with thermal function, thermot clizping 1s provided. Using this facility both the Cold and Het thermal curves can be slipped beyord a at current lavel. This value of current is sot os multiples of the thermal saving in Code 24 ond is known af clip contol focior, The sorting range ie fromm 1.4 to 8.0 in steps of 0.2, This facture is cifeciive only during storing, 12, For cxenple, if a valve of 3.0 is selected in Code 24, up to on las of S times the Letting the cela) fellows the chosen time-cureent selected. For values af I thon 3 times the i setting, the thermal curve shall hove the some operating :ime as ct 5}, setting. 3.9.13. i thera choping is net dosed, it can be mode in by setting Code 24 to “OFF 3.9.14, The cooling time constant (1) of the rolay can be relectos between 1 10 3 times tw heaing time constant (T,), The rotio of cooling time constant t2 heating time constant con be adopted ketwoan | to 5 in Code 27 sty steps of f 9.9.13. This cooling time constant liplealion fastor when set other nan |, shall be effective enly under moter “OFF” condition, This is detected by the resetting of all he yee shoae currant datactors ce! of 5% |, (Refer logie diagram Fig. 1) Otherwise for all other conditions like momentary averloods of lacet fluetiotions ind periods Immediately ‘tr tha motor starting the: foppiieable cooling neve eansiant shall bo 1 x Tjonly Irraepactive of Coro, 27 sorting. This i 19 eraure etloctive iracking of moter conditions bby thermal replica duting all service conditions 3.9.16. The relay logic continvoutly measures the lime to tip by taking the average load. In Service Coda 53 this figure is given In seconds, Under norma! loacl this display shall be 9999 indicating healthy operating candiniors, 3.9.17. The ray hos gat Thar! ‘Alarm foonure witch gives wort to The operator shout tha overland 2h 4.12.2. Cold Oporating Time Inject the required cutenns to 08 to This logle can be extended fer other Produce on equivclent current of 1.5 in the above, the heeting time toa! arrangement ase times the I seting. After esteblishing eo ease When three phase test arrangement th up interrupt the current, minutes and the I con be is employed in the individual phase During this process the thermal multiplied by 60 to get it in currant, magnitude should be ‘element would have acquired som@ seconds, tnctched within Vor 296, The phose Fl edntont. Te concal the thermal » angle variation should alto be memory content proceed as below : contured batwnon 2°. i Table 15 Considering the imitation on the tes Hacilities available at site, o Codte:10:= tolerance up to + 204% is allowed in Code 26 = tho operating time cheractorscs Code 24 = OFF over the entire range. Tn Heating [éq. Gureni os]. Gurent | Theo. op. | Adiual Bacay. eee the let Time Constant | Multiples of |,| Injected Time Op. Time. cheractarittie up lent (eee 2} (afl) (i 5 | Lee) (ene), carintic Up %0.0m equivalon ores. ‘current of 2 times the setting and 7. above which it follows choracterlstics, It le suggested 10 rest Fe 30 | as = the thermal cherocterstic of 1.5 times and 3 vines the setting, Do no! attempt with an equivalent current in the range of 1. 162.3 times, Any input parameter variation und ths transi Hon evel con give misleading rests Adopt tha requited thermel event A setung jin Code 10, heating time Constantin Code 22. Delete cp contol feoruce by seting Code 2 10 OFF Adopt ty fector in Code 25 os per Select Coda S0cand enter the This test can be repeared with a fequromeiat, Ry relay centacit con possword, Oparele $2! Key. Co not curren! af 3 times ‘he | aehlng, bbe monitored t9 macsurethe opercting pragramme the ralay by eporating Exsuro thel the thermal memory Is time, Programme Service Cede 10 Sc1'8 check Kun kaye. Bici Code 92 cleated avery time balare mecuring meni: thermal content by selecicg and then eperele Thermal Reset’ the cold eperating time. 156 1n Code 46, Before changing any Key. To return back to Sarvice Code Settings related to thermal element, ‘operate ‘LED Reset’ key. The thermal thermal content it 1 bs cleared memory is now totally cleared. This ‘cleor fonciion also erates jhe data «412.3. Clip Control Foature: adele ‘velable in Historie Codes, the dipoia Babe eae Series Cole Now the current can be switehad on employed during meter starting ta i oar tuasereeagick directly ond the cold operating time prevent thermal’ element operating © equivalent thermal content of | Sy Ons during Barting sequence. To verity Cee eo erera in ngoenny ese etine BED ea (of herrmal setting Inject a curront less than the clip factor setting ond measure the cold ‘operating time. It should be ot per 2 the equations listed in the previous douse: Intenph the current Inereose the cutrant 19 @ value higher than the tlip factor vetting and meature the «cold eparating tina, The reloy operation wauld be based only on ‘he current setting in Code 28 ‘irespective of magnitide of the curenrt lajnetad the above test can be veritied only vith veo phose Jest arrangement 4.12.4, Hot Operating Time The ralay characteristics eo be spiected Jo match the thermal replica of the moter by selecting the Het te Cold characteristics, The Hol fe Cole parating Himes con be selected In ‘he rotlo of 0.93, 0.9 and 0.47. Thi fotio ie programmable in Code 23, The hot running ecraition of the motor is given in Service Code 56 195 100. To verify the hot operating characterises, ime: out the relay. from 16036 thermal canten! tae ion, [Adept ine required thera’ setting (i) Code 10, and heating time censtart (Ty) in Cade 22. Selec! the Het te Cele ratio in Coce 23, Inject © current higher than the thermal seiting ond allow the shertna! content te bulld up til Code 5¢ level crosses 100%, Adjust ‘he current to the required level tan then switch off the curren. Now the thermal content in Coce 58 keeps reducing, When it reaches 100% lowal ewitch on the currant and simultaneously initiate the timer The timer ‘stop’ ean be wires from Ru reloy contac or trom any other output relay with Cade 6 selected ccondinaly, The resull are recorded in Toble 17, ua Table 16 Clip Factor | Curent Injected | Theo Cold Op. | Adtval Op. (Code 24) (Amps) Time (see) Time (v0<) | joblo 17 Code 10 Code 22 = Code 24 = OFF Code 29 = 6 Contacts ured = Hie! we Cold Current Thee. “Hot Op, | Agual time Ratio (Code 23) | Injected (Armps.) | Time (20¢) ec} 4.12.5. Thermal Alerm However, if thermal alorm operating (At around 75% of het operating ip warning is given Te time, 9 pres the operator by ther ‘operation, This Feat only on successtel completion motor starting sequence. Fos this purpose the start-over signal (SOV) 10 be simulated or In Section 49. After this condition thermel overloed if the condition parsiee lark cuit wil rival sien ture it availoble to 0 separate ral Initiate anethe already axpiained Of this timer com time is 13 be recorded then it can be combined with thermel Hot curve tast verification (Section 4.12.3) Programme the thermal alarm autput lay In Code «5, immer under thermal ‘Hor’ condition. The ‘Stop’ terminal bbe wired to the salacted output relay. The operating time of theima! alorm ond thermal ig met, when Het chavactoriatie will be in the ratie cof 73% with some tolerance. The operate ‘above Hest con be verified, only with be initiated, The oar function can bbe programmed 1 relays Ry 10 Ry At cary of the utpt site, i145 enough © three-phose test arrangement. 4.12.6. Post-Trip Information to vanfy the thermal alarm operation During the above tests the post-ip Coxles can also be verified: funcenelly a Whan the relay is fad with 1.8 imo the |, seming, the Information 19 Code 64 should be 150% These measurements are made ot the time of inp excurrence. Also the reason for lock-out relay (Rj) operation can bbo verified in Corfe 86, Therrnel element operation is given in this Code 08.1111. The wait time given In Code 67 com alta be verified, 4.12.7. Historie Information The numbar of thanal overload initetion are recardedt in Code 77 The same can be voritiod during the above tests, I needed the racorcs in Historle Cedes can be deleted by memory clear furicion, 4.13. Too-many-starts Function The racer of number of succesetul Aart atamp in the lest | hove i maintained in the relay and \henaver it exceeds the sat limit, the lock-out ralay (Rs) I inbiated The torting wilommp! recorded on receipt of stori-over signal 4.13.1. Cold Restort ‘Adopt the requited numher of cold estat tolling in Code 19. Keep the thermal time eensant (,) at mosimuin value ef 60. This isto ‘ensure tha} all sterling attemets are recorded af cold rztar Adep! the required stating cuirent in Code 16 and starting lime in Cade 29 Select cleo the basic sting in Code 10. DOL start application (Codes = 111) By divlling Code 4, clecr all she previous memory and ensuré that there ore no records in Code 75. Inject coven! (either three phose fr single phase in sens through A,B,C Cla) in excess of staring curent setting, Reduce the eurtent greduully below 80% of storing ‘current setting within the time delay se! in Code 29, This completes one ng attempt and the relay will ord this in Code 75, Switch off the cureant and then keep iepeating the starting wequence, The lock ovt relay Ri shall operate when fon alterpt ie ened (within 1 hour) in excess of the sat odlopted in Code 19. Slip ring ‘pplication (Code 6 = 2222), n excess of 0.5 |, allowed fur @ duratien longer then the sterting time setting in Code 29 This completes one starting ond the lest ean be rapeaied ete protecicn operation is given i) Hisorie Cote 6 os 2222. Do not ettempt “Thermal Racer” key operation dus w this testing. Since @ subsequeet stan atlemat within ane minute ef tharmel kay operation will bbe consideced os Mo) ster! instead of Cold etaet by the reley, 13.2, Hot Restart i te thermal content level al the ing tequance is above 11 shall be considered as Hor stort By odopiing @ lawer thermal time corsnt and by following the seps {5 given in Section 413.1, this tom lke verified. The hot roxtor’ atiompts le recorded in Code 76, The number of hot restart allowad In ony one hour is programmable in Caste 20 If single phose rest arrangement dat in Tig. 140 © used the tas! procedure adagied is given below A current in oxeass af the sorting urn! i injected and thermal reset hoy '9 operated, If the tubeequony stor! cttampt is made within one minute of thermal kay operarian, it will ba considered 08 @ ‘Hot-sart by ‘he rofay cind the aflemp's ava rwearded in Cada 76 IF the number of “Hotrestarts’ within an hour exceeds ‘iw number progremmed in Cade 2%, the lock-cu! relay is initotod 4.13.9, Tolerance Limits Ihe following percentage errors are llawebla in the relay 0) Pick-up aezueady af all eurinat cles ‘mante other then thermal -+ 10% bb} Thermal lemon! plek-up accuracy 22% 10 +4% ©) Operating time arcuracy far fea time elements + 10% 2) Cperanng time accuray of Instantaneaus alamants Sher? Grreuit & Reverse Phese Seq). 70-10 190 moe @) Operating time accuracy at levaree naglive sequence clement + 15% f) Reset 10 aick-up ratio of prolonged sam elomen! (DOL Stan) — a0 19) Reset te oick-up ratio of all she ether alaments — 90% hy Reset time of oll she wlements Tess then 100 mie Thw switing tange of each code along with appiiceren the ralay at the time of despatch ore olto given. or PAD codes ils ore listed below. Tha dota sattings which are set in Code Doscripilon Soning Range Default Saving 01 MOTOR IDENTFICATION No, co0t-9999 1000, Steps 0001 02 CT Primary Rating (Amps) 12025-1500, 1000) Sraps (O05 99 CT Secondary Rating (Amps) 0001 or O05: 001 04 E/E Connection i) Residual Mm mn 4) cact aaa 93 CBCT ratio 9005-0500 0500 Stops coos 04 Motor conte! |) Girevin breaker (OOL/Aac!.) mn mia 1) Cireuit-brenker (Slip-ring) 2909 lil) Contactor {DOL/Ass.) 9333 |v) Contactor (Stip-ring) 444 7 Speed switeh 1) used my FFF Hi) not used FFE 08 Applecheck programme loaded Yee m FFF ii) No orr 0 Not used ont corre YO (4) Thermal Current Sening os.) 1.00, Ola) Steps 0.02 11 (le) Shori-Cireuit Current Senting (x) 08.00 Steps 0.16 12 [ly Stalling Coren Setting (xi) 1,048.00 4.00 ‘Steps 0.08 12 (1) Negative Phose Seq, Current Setting (al) 0.28-1.00, 0.40 Steps 0.04 14 (ACSA) Reverse Phase Seq. Detection Non mn mm i) OFF ore 1S tl.) Residual E/F Current Setting in mA 30-2000 0200 Steps 40 16 [l,) Starting Currant Sating (x) 1,048.00 1.04 ‘Steps 0.08 a Code Descriation Seting Range Default Seting V7 Net used onr orre 18. Thoemal clerm selection 1) ON mi m il) OFF ort 18 Cold resters/he, setting ho 5 Steps | 29 Hol restors/h. setting 110 2 Stops | BI (4) CBCT EFF currant setting (in mA) 8.504 0200 Stops 8 22 (Iy) Heating time const. setting (in minutes) 160 coos Spe | 23 HoW/Celd raile sting 0.92 0:50 0.07 24 Clip control factor Lao 8.00 land OFF Stops 0.2 25 Not used nr 26 (ky) Setting Option ° once a 2% Cooling time constant zeting (Multiple of T,) 1s oes Stops 1 28 [Tq) all withetend time (in seconds) 1-100 coro Steps 1 27 (14) Sorting ime (in secenat) 1100 0080 steps | 30 NFS Characterisie option i) Detinite time un 22 1) Inverse Choracterishe nce 31 (i) NPS cetinita time (sec.) 01-50 o Stops 0.1 tg) FF tm sotting (s0e,) o1-m09 a Stops 0.1 33 Not ured ont one 4 OFF Satection 1) Remoid reset mn 2a il) Speed Switch 292 25 Cede Description Setting Range Defaul Setting 25° Relay Ry, pragramming 1) unletehed it) latched OUTPUT RELAY PROGRAMAMING. 3 Thermal Element HR HY Ry Hi) Ry Wy) Re ¥) None 7 Short-cirevit Element Ry 1) Ry aM) Ra Wy) Rs ¥) Nene Solling Element i) Ry Hi) Re ii) Ro WR ¥) Nene 2% Nogutive Phose Sequence Element Ry it) Py Hy Ra 1) Re 4) None 40 Reverse Photo Sequence Element WR 1) Ray Wi) Ras W) Ra ¥) Nena 41 Eorthfault lemant or) WW) Ry fil) Rs Wy) Rue vp Nene mn 2a ont oa10 100 tooo corr 2001 e010 100 000 oFFF 00! coro 100 ‘oa0 corer 001 oo1o 109 FFF 01 cota 100 oFFF 001 oo10 100 corer mn 001 031 001 001 Code Descripiten Setting Range __Drlaull Setting 42 Prolonged Stort Element ‘ HR 001 001 Ui) Ry colo i) Ry zi ‘100 ) Ru 1000 , v) Nene FFE 48 Loss of lead Flement TR cos 001 1 Re coro » way Ra oc0 we) Rea 1000 ¥) Hone rrr 44 Not sed orre 45 Thermal Alerm Element ee oon om ne core we sree ee ios "Nove oF 48° carling depo opten cos. 088 so feted smc ton on me | a ee ronertains aa a + The selected password setting is not displayed agninst Code 47 * Nermelly ne display will ba given oguinst Code 46, However, when ‘Clear’ key i¢ oporated against Cade 48 display ‘49.1111’ shall flash three Himes and serie 10 48 co00, ERRATA. se 96 fed Fieane reed the extreme! equation ov t > ti loge : fea) (8s | : 2 Seton 47. hnaeod of “Ade ‘eitng in coe the reatired basic sating in code 10 ond thom crest Select code 10 = gode}1 = 3. Secton 4.27.2 << h the: cald operating time fomile is e ralvel yuri 4 Section 4.125 hood of log = ¥ Pleo 12d gq | & Seetion 4.13 Ploowe reed “The toomonystrt protection operation fs givan in Matarie ead 66 1 2222", 03 2. a Service Codes Code Description Value 51 Motor current — A-phase (Primary Amps.) x 52 Motor current — B-phase (Primary Amps.) x 59 Motor current — C-phave (Primary Amps.) x 54 Motor E/F Current (Frimery Amps.) x 55 Percentage Load on meter x 56 Percentage thérmal content * 57 Percentage NFS curtent x 58 Time fo thermal trip x 59 Not used Post-Trip Annunciation When tha relay operates threugh any elament tha display switcher ov “+ Note "UD ROE Key Houle not be ponte before teasing potir dots Hom Cock 4010 Cas from Service Code 10 Trip Code 60. The typo tf fault as per the subcode below is given whien called for, through ‘O° key Code Clement operated Display 0 Thermel 00 Shorcreuit — AB-phate Wak Shortereut — BC phere Ube shortereui — CAphpae nea Short-creut — ABC phils u3F Zenhfaul — A-phose Wag Eorihfovlt — B-phore nie erinault — Cphare ne Eorthioul — ser Sra 1200 Nes 1200 Row, Phone Seq, 00 prolonged ston 1600 Loss of load 1700 a8 = Post-Trip Interrogate Code Bescription i Value i 61° Phase current at tipping (Primer Amps.) v 62 J, Curent ot tripping (Primary Amps.) v F 69° Presip mox. everent (In % 4) v 64 Thermal current at sipping (yin 9% |) v 65 Leurent ot tripping (in 9% |) v » 6 Region for R., operation 1) Thermel lock-out ma Hi) Too-meny-stars mn Ii) Bosh a3 67 Wait ime for mont safe stort (in minutes) v 68 Not used oF 69 Not tec onF ie Pomp negate vais ate Alves aren cli fr tug Kay Historic Value Interrogate @ (= Besinion vaio 70 Provious storing current (Primary Ames.) v 7) Pravious starting time (in seconds) v (For metors other than slip-ing motors) 72 Max. I during sort (In 95 1) v t 73 Max |, during stort (Primary Amps.) v 78 Not axed oF ¢ 75 No.of Cold rectors (in last 1 Hr} v 78 No. of Hotcostorts (in lost 1 He) v 77 No. of Thermal trips tince commissioning v 78 No.of Shortcitcu tips since commissioning v 79 No.of Earthfault trips since commissioning v no 1. Hire Value om allay when celled fer rough "kay. 25 es Vales exe duployedogaint Cade 7, 71,72 nd 7M the Kay preted § Ynes.fir# Value i the fla hl value, 1 ovenet thas Cade 70 09 Ht eo wl RR aR ei Off-line Monitoring Code Valve Acton Reauired Display Description a Press Key 81 PASS 0° 97 fxr CFU car & power supply healhy I¢97 Br Is diplayed then 97-2001 RAM failure Prose Key ‘D! 97 0002 EPROM failure 97 0003 PROM failure 97 0004 Power supply/ADC failure, 8 Secondary Injecion of current A phase current value A phase measuring Sell when tine wi | wm Ly cdl A “60 5 2 a rage Let a eds Figi 3 - — HOT RESTART-COLD RESTART LOGIC GVH Fil Siar Tnerarmant (svc) Cold Siar Increment Q = Heat content Fig. 4 PROLONGED START LOGIC (DOL START) Conca ot — seed Ft (MOS) —4 ts Th A (PROST) Prolonged sit (gov) ws | P/F (SS) suzeestu art Werle So Thermal ent lve to “Gis! Exclude Rey ph. routine from eter nortng pried Tee iss: (won) (vs). Coletere |" 1 wore Inhio Thermal ota Ino curve etpping Double {$C sing Fig. 50 PROLONGED SI) ART LOGIC (SLIP RING MOTOR) ‘on > (WON DH! wo ins Contant 6 ove - ao Fig. 5b REVERSE PHASE LOGIC NES) =| Nera i> [2 — 2 Ew PH.) Fig. 6 LOSS OF LOAD Logic a A (yy Lf ae ee ial a fer} on won ——— J tacos Ineoal lee begosh—, Inc oats a 8) —famt—ou fez oats — oe Jj oS wor ta san Ia Wey He. 7 THERMAL CONTENT RESETTING PHILOSOPHY Region 3 Gr -F cus = Oe 1 Qe >= Quon 2 Qe < Quod > Geer a < Qa 1 Br gitar evento Fig. @ % LOGIC FOR MANUAL RESETTING OF THERMAL ELEMENT Rose! Thermal Content Qe > Qivm —o 10 Qus = Q 10% Geeciom. T=] a eau Op Ree! Thermal Content Re eGess 10 Qe = Qawr Fig. 9 THERMAL LOCKOUT LOGIC aar s was eck Out Output Relay) P/F asa RS IN Qe as defined in Fig.8 ‘Thermal Element Reseiting Philosophy’ Fig. 10 | Ea : PHASE INDICATION Locic Atk cereus OTHER COMMON LOGICS ro Teserogce Valees ler Pot Fok eee sis su (EEE TOOMANStARI LOSE) 7 I, LOGIC ais j Leon ts 1, LOGIC le? le ‘ ec vos tes Ves Fig 2a cove scoce vate morfPRO Aw Roe © Ter coves: lo] 1 e060 | rem feat tA | eta s O hey jal sea fol 1 1 ee perma] O soccer ol 11 as [aa | D jo 18 6 [SA O Bor Jeopa_1< a | earaur SERVI copes cr elicits pear] Tam emer —— nee Ca i ie alt oo facea | ( sao = a ceeaetsmcetees ‘56 | S THERWAL CONTENT L_. cre Ber lo] 1600 | mostaat Snes cuaEnY run alt 7 eo [ot aera fig, 13 an (cot HERIAAL CHARACTERISTICS 10) APPLICATION DIAGRAM ~ MCHA RELAT Fig. 15a ia 0 tae oe a pie aa a ed ae a tee een oem jee sl . Fig. 160 4 aS ae aaa EL acne ese a M CHNMO1 Hi AA 05 00 A MIDOS I RELAY TYPE Li MODIFICATION IDENTIFIER APPLE CHECK S/W VERSION NUMBER SIZE 6 MAIN S/W BACK cones EO VERSION NUMBER CODE FOI GE_RATING Vs AA -3858V D.C ‘AB: BE-BOOV D.C. for] 11OV AC. (£20%) VOLTAGE RATING AC -220V AC. (+ 20%) AD -2436V D.C ERRATA 1. Fig. 76 is replaced by the Following diagram ~ for 1A CT Secondary appliation: 2 Closte 5.0 : Auiiary power supply Please read invteod of “B2-300V DC" *BE-300V DC is atondord. Fer other version, please rafer table Il.” 3, fo} Auxillary supply rating In table I, Ya. (1) should be reed ot Fellows: i) B8-200V DC (er) T1OV AC (220%) (Some version} i 98-58¥ DC (Separate version} ii) 24V DC & 20% [Separate version) {b) Auslliony soppy opie isolator Please rood Version 1; Suitable fer 24¥ DC Version 2: Suitable fer 48/110/220V OC i sa aut a2 foo [oo © of - = foe Closing Coil _ of Contador -56 Contactor Aix Contract Fig. 18 NOTE: A normally open auniliory contact of the contactor should be wired across the normally clave contat RLS of utp olay ALS. The chove & necerary he prasant wuinunee hipping due {0 100 many sors, while the motor is runing. DC CONNECTION DIAGRAM FOR FUSED CONTACTOR CONTROL APPLICATION DIAGRAM — MCHNM RELAY

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