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Tessa DeSilva

April 16, 2014

EDU 721-Technology In Inclusion Settings
University of New England
Lesson Plan

Class Description
There are 19 students in this kindergarten Classroom.
2 students have IEPs (ZT and NS) ZT needs help in redirection. He is
capable of doing work independently but needs multiple reminders to stay on
task. He also needs reminders that he is not in charge of other students work.
He can also benefit from being reminded to take his time when writing his
letters. He will throw tantrums when he does not get his way or desired
answer. He is approaching grade level with writing, reading and math. NS has
academic as well as behavioral support. NS likes to bolt from her designated
space. She struggles with work and when she becomes frustrated she takes
off. Her bolting has decreased with her new behavior plan all though she does
still get frustrated. She is below grade level in math, reading and writing.
2 students have 100% support (ZT and NS)
1 student is being monitored by the school counselor for social skills (JB).
JB struggles with telling the truth and interacting with peers. He has many
friends in the classroom, but will fight with them when not getting his way.
2 students attend 2 sessions a week with a speech pathologist (ZT and
DN) 3 times a week for 30 minutes. DN struggles with verbally expressing
himself. ZT is working hard on his speech and has made great strides, but
needs reminders to use full sentences
2 students attend early reading intervention (DN and NB) 2 times a week
for 30 minutes.
4 students struggle with fine motor skills and may need modification with
writing. (WS, NB, NS, DN). This group may use an iPad app to trace letters.
1 student is performing above grade level in math, reading and writing
(TS). TS is a great peer role model. She enjoys helping ZT and NS.

Lesson Plan Title: Letter Scavenger Hunt

Common Core standards:
Print many upper- and lowercase letters.
The students will be able to:
Identify and match most upper and lowercase letters together
1. Smartboard
2. Student iPads
3. Quick Response (QR) codes around Classroom and School
4. Clip Boards
5. Pencils
6. Paper with lowercase letters
7. Letter Chart with Capital and Lowercase letters
1. Hook: Sing ABC Rock with students to get students in the mindset of doing the
alphabet. Have them stand up and the teacher will point to the letters on the wall
as they sing them.
A. Have smart board up with upper and lowercase letters. Ask students if
they can pick out the upper case letters. They can drag the uppercase letters to
the top of the screen (Do 5 examples). Have students give a thumbs up if they
agree and a thumbs down if they do not agree. If students do not agree ask why?
B. Ask students if they can point to lower case letters (Do 5 examples) Have
students give thumbs up if they agree and a thumbs down if they do not agree. If
students do not agree ask why?
2. Tell students we will be doing a scavenger hunt with the iPads. Remind
students how we use walking feet with the iPad this is a reminder mainly for ZT
and NS, but is helpful for the other students. Explain to the students that they will

be paired up in a few moments. Each pair will get an iPad and a clipboard. On
the clipboard will be a paper with lowercase letters. With the iPad they will be
looking for the QR codes that are placed throughout the classroom and school.
Explain to students that QR codes are not in other classrooms but may be in the
multipurpose room, the music room, office or hallways. Remind students to use a
level 1 voice with their partners when they are in the hallways. *Explain how to
scan the QR codes with the iPad, this is the first time using this app. Students
know how to use the iPads, but this app will be new to them. Show them how to
hold the iPad to scan the QR code. Explain to students that they will take turns
scanning the QR codes. When the student who scans the QR code identifies
what capital letter they have found, their partner traces the lowercase letter on
their clipboard. They then switch jobs. Model how this will look- ZT will gladly
model with you as your partner.

Pair students up. Pairing students will help to create a more cohesive work
environment for the students. Certain students work better together. For this
lesson the pairs will be picked for them. NS- may be given her own iPad to
help her in completing the work.


The first QR code will be next to the iPad cart. This way all students will

practice scanning the QR code before they head off to find the other 25 letter

Pairs will be set off to search for their letters. NS and ZT will each have their

1:1 with their pairs, but the 1:1s can help in other pairs. This will help to ensure
they get back. The places that the codes are, will all be in a similar area- so the

classroom teacher can walk around and assist where needed, students have
participated in a scavenger hunt before, so they know where to look. To help with
the pairs there is a classroom grandmother (Nana), 2 TA mentors, the two ed
techs (1:1)s and the classroom teacher. All helpers will be prompted to remind
students to keep a level 1 voice when in the hallway and to use walking feet.
*If students are struggling with their code reader or need help they will be
reminded to ask one of the adults from the classroom. If the iPad does not read
the codes, we have extra iPads to try.

Once pairs have found all their letters, they will return back to the

classroom. When in the classroom they can take turns using the smartboard to
match upper and lowercase letters. This is a great activity for them to do while
waiting for the rest of the class. Students are familiar with how to use the
smartboard and how to take turns while using the smartboard.

When all pairs are back on the rug, we will talk about the scavenger hunt.

Students are likely to have high energy after the scavenger hunt. They will
benefit from a reminder to sit quietly. We can talk about what letters they found
hardest to trace or write.

Modifications/Extensions: For students who struggle with writing the letters on

the clipboards, DN, NB, WS, NS, will be given individual iPads so they can trace
the letters using the letter tracing app and scan the letters. (These four will be
paired together, they will be given one iPad with the app for letters opened (it
keeps track of which letters have been traced) and the other iPad will be for the

QR reader. They will take turns still using the two different iPads.

TS will have a piece of paper without the letters outlined. She can write both
upper and lowercase letters when she is doing her tracing. TS will enjoy the
challenge of writing her letters out. TS enjoys to help her peers. When asked she
said this is something she likes to do, so if her and her partner finishes early, she
can help anyone she sees struggling.

Students will pass in their papers. Pairs names will be on the top. The

lowercase letters will be examined to see if students were able to trace them, and
what letters they are still struggling with. Students who used the iPads for tracing
will pass those iPads in. Mainly we are looking to see if students know the
matching upper and lowercase letters. And if they can write the fist letters in the
correct lines.

Later in the week we will review fist letters- Students will then be given a

sheet to write, fist letters on. This is a review of Handwriting without tears
lowercase letters. The sheet will have examples of the letters.

-QR codes to print off

Working on this lesson plan had its difficulties and strengths throughout. I
can see how I need to work on my assessment areas. The comments made by
my peer were that my assessment wasnt clear enough. I am hoping my
clarifications since the comments have helped in that area.
I think being able to describe the students is strength of my lesson plan as
well using the technology in the classroom. I enjoy adding technology to lessons,
but the teachers at the school I am at shy away from it because they do not
always know how to use it. The students in this classroom that the lesson as
designed for, love doing scavenger hunts. I believe that this lesson plan is a great
fit to use technology with these students. I was given the idea for the lesson from
a teacher at a different school and adapted it for this classroom.
Developing this plan was hard at first. Due to the fact that the teachers I
currently work with stray away from technology, I was hesitant about how to
design this lesson. I found the easiest part was deciding which technology to use
with the students. These kindergarteners love the iPads, including the students
with special needs. I enjoyed making the lesson plan active for the students.
While writing the lesson I feel that there might be some places that the kinks
in the lesson is not worked out and would show up when actually presenting the
lesson, but until you actually do a lesson you can not always see those kinks. I
also believe that because I know the students in this class its hard to see areas
where they will not get the lesson, which was a comment that my peer made. I
tried to add in the prompts at times it may be needed, but this could possibly be

improved upon. From what Ive been able to observe of the students in this
classroom, I am not sure exactly where they would struggle.





Cover page

Course number and name
Institution (University of New
Title of assignment

of decisions

Thorough description of students

Explanation of instructional
Reflection on delivery of plan
including strengths and areas of

Lesson Plan

Lesson objective
How it relates to the
standards/applicable IEP
All materials are attached
including data collection sheets,
rubrics, worksheets, etc.

Content of

Lesson plan reflects ideas

generated during the class


Missing at
least one

Missing many

does not
specific needs
Explanation is
minimal and
does not
address all
Reflection is

Missing one
item or all are

Has majority
of required

Missing many

Has majority
of ideas
during class

Does not
many of the
during the




Few to no errors
Writing is clear and concise

Few errors
Writing is
and/or not
complete in


Many errors
Writing is
confusing and
not complete
in thought


19.5 + 1

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