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CRM Tables and Transaction Codes




BP: General data

Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type, First Name, Last Name etc.


BP: Addresses
BP relationships/role definitions: General data
Contains Relationship, Partner Number (PARTNER1), Relationship Category


BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship

Similar to BUT050 , additionally contains Contact Persons Address data


Business Partner: Bank Data & Details

BP Number, Bank Key, Bank Country Key, Bank Account Number


Bank Master Data


BP: Roles


Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)


SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)

Contains Email Id of the BP.


Addresses (Business Address Services)

BPs Complete Address Details- City, Country, Post Code, District, Street, Title No Etc


Table containing the Title text against a Title No.

Pass the langu key with the language in which you want the text.


Master Table for Product


Master table for Business Agreement


Header Data for Business Agreement such as Tax Category, Tax Characteristic, Form key, Business
Agreement Class. Data in this table correspond to ISU Contract account table FKKVKP.


Rule data for business agreements data in this table correspond to ISU Contract account table FKKVK


Condition Records for Service Contracts. We get Basic Unit Rate, Standing Charge Rate etc.

(This is a Z table used in a leading ISU SAP-CRM implementation. You can give the table SAP0090 this
is a standard table. in general all condition tables have the naming convention CNCC*)

Contains the Header Information for a Business Transaction.


1. It doesnt store the Business Partner responsible for the transaction. So, to get the Partner No, link it with
2. This table can be used for search based on the Object Id (Business
Transaction No).

Additional Site Details at the Header Level of a Business Transaction


Master table Business Transaction Type


Definition of Partner Functions


Priorities for Activities with priority text.

Pass the langu key with the language in which you want the text


Text for a transaction type


Objective Number and Text for Activities


All the status code and text


Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.


Installed Base/Ibase


Installed Base Components


Transaction GUID set for all the Business Transactions


Contains Header as well as Item details for a Business Transaction.

1.It doesnt store the Business Transaction No (Object ID).
To get the Business Transaction No link the table with CRMD_ORDERADM_H
2. This table can be used for search based on the Partner No


Stores the Item information for a Business Transaction. The scenarios where we have a Contract
Header and within contract we have Line Items for the contract, this table can be useful.
E.g. Service Contracts


Additional Site Details at the Item Level of a Service Contract


Table for individual Appointment Types for a transaction.


Individual Object Status for any business transaction.


Current Status for a business transaction along with set date, set time and status code.


BUT000 : BP: General data Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type,
First Name, Last Name etc.

BUT020 BP: Addresses

BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data Contains Relationship, Partner Number,

Relationship Category

BUT051 BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship Similar to BUT050 additionally contains

Contact Persons Address data

BUT0BK Business Partner: Bank Data & Details BP Number, Bank Key, Bank Country Key, Bank
Account Number

BNKA Bank Master Data

TSAD3T Table containing the Title text against a Title No.

BUT100 BP: Roles

ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services) Contains Email Id of the BP.

ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services) BPs Complete Address Details- City, Country, Post
Code, District, Street, Title No Etc
COMM_PRODUCT Master Table for Product
CRMM_BUAG Master table for Business Agreement

CRMM_BUAG_H Header Data for Business Agreement such as Tax Category, Tax Characteristic,
Form key, Business Agreement Class. Data in this table correspond to ISU

CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity Header Data

CRMD_ORDERADM_H Contains the Header Information for a Business Transaction.

1. It doesnt store the Business Partner responsible for the transaction. To get the Partner No, link it with
2. This table can be used for search based on the Object Id(Business Transaction No).

CRMD_CUSTOMER_H Additional Site Details at the Header Level of a Business Transaction

CRMC_PROC_TYPE Master table Business Transaction Type
CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Definition of Partner Functions
SCPRIOT Priorities for Activities with priority text.
CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T Text for a transaction type
CRMC_ACT_OBJ_T Objective Number and Text for Activities
TJ30T All the status code and text
CRMC_PR_ASSIGN : Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.
IBIB : Installed Base/Ibase
IBIN : Installed Base Components
CRMD_ACTIVITY_H Activity Header table
CRMD_ACTIVITY_I Activity Reporting: Activity Line Item Extension
CRMD_TM_ACTIVITY Activity reference
CRMD_LEAD_H Lead Header table
CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity Header table

BUT000 : BP: General data Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type, First
Name, Last Name etc.
BUT020 BP: Addresses
BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data Contains Relationship, Partner Number,
Relationship Category
BUT051 BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship Similar to BUT050 additionally contains Contact
Persons Address data
BUT0BK Business Partner: Bank Data & Details BP Number, Bank Key, Bank Country Key, Bank Account
BNKA Bank Master Data
BUT100 BP: Roles
ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services) Contains Email Id of the BP.
ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services) BPs Complete Address Details- City, Country, Post Code,

District, Street, Title No Etc

TSAD3T Table containing the Title text against a Title No.
COMM_PRODUCT Master Table for Product
CRMM_BUAG Master table for Business Agreement
CRMM_BUAG_H Header Data for Business Agreement such as Tax Category, Tax Characteristic, Form key,
Business Agreement Class. Data in this table correspond to ISU
CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity Header Data
CRMD_ORDERADM_H Contains the Header Information for a Business Transaction.
CRMD_CUSTOMER_H Additional Site Details at the Header Level of a Business Transaction
CRMC_PROC_TYPE Master table Business Transaction Type
CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Definition of Partner Functions
SCPRIOT Priorities for Activities with priority text.
CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T Text for a transaction type
CRMC_ACT_OBJ_T Objective Number and Text for Activities
TJ30T All the status code and text
CRMC_PR_ASSIGN : Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.
IBIB : Installed Base/Ibase
IBIN : Installed Base Components
CRMD_ACTIVITY_H Activity Header table
CRMD_ACTIVITY_I Activity Reporting: Activity Line Item Extension
CRMD_TM_ACTIVITY Activity reference
CRMD_LEAD_H Lead Header table
CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity Header table

you can do is follow the below procedure to get the list

1. open table TDEVC and put DLVUNIT = BBPCRM.
you will get all the development classes for CRM.
2. open table TADIR and enter the following,
DEVCLASS = All the devclasses found above in step 1.


OSS1 SAP Online Service System

OY19 Compare Tables
SA38 Execute a program.
SCU0 Compare Tables
SE12 Dictionary: Initial Screen enter object name
SE13 Access tables in ABAP/4 Dictionary.
SE14 ABAP/4 Dictionary: Database Utility.
SE14 Utilities for Dictionary Tables
SE17 General Table Display
SE30 ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis
SE30 Run Time Analysis (press Tips and Tricks button for good stuff)
SE30 ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis: Initial Screen.
SE32 ABAP/4 Text Element Maintenance
SE35 ABAP/4 Dialog Modules
SE36 ABAP/4: Logical Databases
SE37 ABAP/4 Function Library.
SE37 ABAP/4 Function Modules
SE38 ABAP/4 Editor.
SE38 ABAP Editor
SE38 ABAP/4 Program Development
SE39 Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare (Interesting tool to compare the programs of different system)
SE41 Menu Painter
SE43 Maintain Area Menu
SE51 Screen Painter
SE51 Screen Painter: Initial Screen.
SE54 Generate View Maintenance Module
SE61 R/3 Documentation
SE62 Industry utilities
SE63 Translate Short/Long Text.
SE63 Translation
SE64 Terminology

SE65 R/3 documents. Short text statistics SE66 R/3 Documentation Statistics (Test!)
SE68 Translation Administration
SE71 SAPscript layout set
SE71 SAPscript Layouts Create/Change
SE72 SAPscript styles
SE73 SAPscript font maintenance (revised)
SE74 SAPscript format conversion
SE75 SAPscript Settings
SE76 SAPscript Translation Layout Sets
SE77 SAPscript Translation Styles
SE80 ABAP/4 Development Workbench
SE80 Repository Browser: Initial Screen.
SE81 SAP Application Hierarchy
SE82 Customer Application Hierarchy
SE84 ABAP/4 Repository Information System
SE85 ABAP/4 Dictionary Information System
SE86 ABAP/4 Repository Information System
SE92 Maintain system log messages
SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes
SE93 Maintain Transaction

useful t-code for sales mktg and cic etc.

CRMBS02 Maintain Status Profiles
CRMBS03 Display Status Profiles
CRMBS42 Maintain Status Selection Profiles
CRMBS43 Display Status Selection Profile
CRMBS52 Maintain Authorization Keys
CRMBS53 Display Authoriztaion Key
CRMBWST Genertd DataSource for BW Status Obj
CRMBWTARGETS Release Data Target for BW Upload
CRMCACTARC Archiving Control CRM Activity
CRMCPRMSG Configure Customer-Specific Messages
CRMCUSTOM Monitoring Middleware System

CRMC_ACTION_CONF Configure Action Profile

CRMC_ACTION_DEF Define Action Profile
CRMC_ACTION_JOB Action Monitor
CRMC_ACTION_PRINT Configure action profile (old)
CRMC_ACTION_WIZARD Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_ACTIVITY_H Customizing Maintenance Activity
CRMC_ACT_CATEGORY Cust. Maint. Activity: Category
CRMC_ACT_OBJ Cust. Maintenance Activity: Goal
CRMC_ACT_SURVEY Cust. Maint. Activity: Questionnaire
CRMC_AM_JCLASS Alert Modeler Java Class
CRMC_ATP_PROFILE Customizing Maintenance: APO Profile
CRMC_BLUEPRINT Maintenance for BSP Blueprint
CRMC_BL_CHECK Check Blueprint Tables
CRMC_BL_COPY_QUERIES Copy Report Delivery Queries
CRMC_BP_CCKPT_PB Cust.Maint. BP Cockpit: Pushbuttons
CRMC_BSP_WD_MSGDEFH Message Default Handler Assignment
CRMC_BUAG_NUMBERS Number Range Maintenance: BUAG
CRMC_BUPA_CONSUM Maintain reference business partner
CRMC_BUS_SUBOB_C Assign. BUS Allowed Appl. Areas
CRMC_BUS_SUBOB_I Assignment BUS-allowed app.area item
CRMC_BUT_CALL_FU Establishing FMs for Data Exchng BP
CRMC_CATAGORY_WP Cust. Maintenance Application Area
CRMC_CATALOG_OVV Catalog Overview
CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_ASS Action Box: Assign logical systems
CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_CRE Action Box: Create logical systems
CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_RFC Action Box: Assign LogSYS to RfcDest
CRMC_CIC_AB_NAV Action Box Navigation Area
CRMC_CIC_AB_WEBGUI Define ITS for WebGui Mode
CRMC_CIC_ACT0 Transaction component profile
CRMC_CIC_AM_LANG Lang. dependent text Alert Modeler
CRMC_CIC_AM_META Define Customer-Specific Meta Model

CRMC_CIC_AM_PROFILE Maintan Alert Modeler Editor Profile

CRMC_CIC_BP_PROFILE Maintain Profile Templates
CRMC_CIC_BROAD broadcasting profile assign
CRMC_CIC_COMP_ACTION Component Actions (for locator, BDD)
CRMC_CIC_EXT_INB_ACT Activate Agent Inbox
CRMC_CIC_FW_MAINTAIN Maintain Framework ID and Parameters
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_ADDR Addresses for Agent Inbox
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_E_RESP Maintain Rules for E-Mail
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_F_RESP Maintain Rules for Fax
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_GLOBAL Define Global Settings
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_IBXPRF Define Inbox Settings
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_TASKS Task Classification
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_WF Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling
CRMC_CIC_RESTART Set Time & Memory for Restart
CRMC_CIC_SEARCH_CNTR Maintain Search Components
CRMC_CIC_SEARCH_RULE Maintain Search Attributes
CRMC_CIC_TITLE_TEXTS Maintain Window Title
CRMC_CIC_WSP0 Workspace Definition
CRMC_CIC_WSP1 Inbox Profiles
CRMC_CIC_WSP2 E-Mail Editor Profiles
CRMC_CIC_WSP3 Default Workspaces Profile
CRMC_CIC_WSP_EDITOR2 Editor Profiles
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_CONF Configure Action Profile
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_DEF Define Action Profile
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_WIZ Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_CLM_BTSYNC Business transaction synchronization
CRMC_CLM_CLDP Call list determination procedures
CRMC_CLM_CLTYPES Call list types
CRMC_CLM_CMPGPM Campaign priority mapping
CRMC_CLM_CTMAP Calling Times Mapping
CRMC_CLM_ORCC Order control components
CRMC_CLM_RSCHVL Rescheduling validation procedures
CRMC_CLM_SORCC Standard order control profiles
CRMC_CLM_STMAP Call State Mapping

CRMC_CPRICPROC Definition of Cust. Determ. Proced.

CRMC_CP_BADI_F Copying BADI Text Maintenance
CRMC_CSDR_ADD_CUST Design Registration Project
CRMC_CSDR_APPL_CUST Design Registration Project
CRMC_DPRICPROC Definition of Document Procedures
CRMC_EXEC_BAB CRM: Start business applic. builder
CRMC_EXEC_BAB_C CRM: Start OAS in customer mode
CRMC_EXEC_BAB_D CRM: OAS in customer design mode
CRMC_IC_ACPROF Maintain Activity Clipboard profiles
CRMC_IC_ACTIONPROF Maintain Actions profiles
CRMC_IC_ACTIONWZ Start Action Box Wizard
CRMC_IC_ALERTMODELER Alert Modeler customizing
CRMC_IC_AMWZ alert wizard
CRMC_IC_AM_PHS Maintain Alert Modeler Placeholder
CRMC_IC_AM_PRM Alert Modeler Input Parameters
CRMC_IC_AUI_FWD Define Forwards for Inbox Items
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAINCAT Define Main Categories
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAP_PRI Map Native to Inbox Priorities
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAP_STA Map Native to Inbox Status
CRMC_IC_AUI_PARTNER Agents Universal Inbox Partners
CRMC_IC_AUI_PROFILE Define and Assign Inbox Profiles
CRMC_IC_AUI_QUICKS Define Quick Searches
CRMC_IC_AUI_TIMEPER Define Time Periods
CRMC_IC_BDCCONTEXT Specify alternative BDC context
CRMC_IC_BPPROF Define Profiles for Customer Identif
CRMC_IC_BTPFAS Assignment of Partner Functions
CRMC_IC_BTPROF Profile for Business Transaction
CRMC_IC_CHTPROF Maintain profiles for Chat
CRMC_IC_CLMPROF Call List Profile Maintenance
CRMC_IC_CM Content Management Customizing
CRMC_IC_EMLPROF Maintain profiles for Email
CRMC_IC_EVENTING Event management customizing
CRMC_IC_EVENTS IC WebClient Events

CRMC_IC_MAIL_E_RESP Maintain Rules for E-Mail

CRMC_IC_MAIL_F_RESP Maintain Rules for Fax
CRMC_IC_MAIL_WF Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling
CRMC_IC_MAIN Main Component Customizing
CRMC_IC_MCM_CCPRO Define Com Mgmt Software Profiles
CRMC_IC_MKTPROF Campaign Profile Maintenance
CRMC_IC_NAVBAR_PERM Nav Bar Permanent Profile
CRMC_IC_NAVBAR_PERS Nav Bar Personalizing Profile Defaul
CRMC_IC_RTFRAMEWORK IC WebClient Runtime Framework
CRMC_IC_SCRIPT Maintain Interactive Scripting Prof
CRMC_IC_SPH_AGENTPRO Maintain Profiles for SPH Agent
CRMC_IC_TLBPROF Maintain profiles for Toolbar
CRMC_IC_TRACE Activate activity tracing for agent
CRMC_IC_WCTPROF Maintain profiles for Web Context
CRMC_IC_XML_TEMPLATE XML template maintenance
CRMC_IIA_KERNEL IIA: Customizing for Learning Engine
CRMC_IIA_REPORT IIA: Customizing for Learning Engine
CRMC_IOBJ_FIN_STATE Change Status of Individual Objects
CRMC_IPMO_BWSELOPT BW Select Optns: IPMO Sett.DataColl.
CRMC_IPMO_SRVUSE IPMO: Usage from Feature
CRMC_IPM_CLRRUL Clearing Control Diagram Form
CRMC_ISA_IUSER Internet User Settings
CRMC_ITEM_CAT_GR Item Category Usage
CRMC_ITEM_MA Customizing Maintenance: Item Cats
CRMC_IT_ASSIGN Customizing Maint.: Item Cat. Dtrmtn
CRMC_IT_COPY_IF Copy: Item category determination
CRMC_IT_COPY_MA Copy Item Categories
CRMC_IT_TYPE_US Item Category Usage
CRMC_LAYOUTC_GENE Generation of Customer Table Layout
CRMC_LAYOUT_GENERATE Generation of Layout Table
CRMC_LOGS Maintenance of message classes
CRMC_MAP Customer Maintenance Mapping
CRMC_MKTCA_WF_CUST Workflows Campaign Automation
CRMC_MKTLIST_WF_CUST Workflows External List Management
CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_CONF Configure Action Profile

CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_DEF Define Action Profile

CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_WIZ Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_CPG Field Selection Campaign
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_CPT Field Selection Campaign Element
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_DLM Field Selection Deal
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_MPL Field Selection Marketing Plan
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_MPT Field Select. Marketing Plan Element
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_TPM Field Selection Trade Promotion
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_TPT Field Selection Trade Element
CRMC_MKTPL_MAPPING Customizing Field Assignment MS Proj
CRMC_MKTPL_RT_AC Maintaning residency time
CRMC_MKTPL_SETTYPE Marketing Planning: Process Set Type
CRMC_MKTTG_CUSTMSG Configure Customer-Specific Messages
CRMC_MKTTG_DTY CRM Marketing: View Display Type
CRMC_MKTTG_MGR_H CRM Marketing: Report Name
CRMC_MKTTG_OPT_H CRM Marketing: Sample Optimization
CRMC_MKTTG_RUL CRM MKT: Split/Reduce Rules for TGs
CRMC_MKTTG_SA_DP Assign Attribute Type to Display
CRMC_MKTTG_SA_TP CRM Marketing: View Attribute Types
CRMC_MKTTG_TYP_H CRM Marketing: Target Group Type
CRMC_MKT_PARAMBW Customizing for BW Parameter ID
CRMC_MSGC Customizing CRM message attribute
CRMC_MSGS CRM message attribute maintenance
CRMC_NR_CONF Number Range Maint.: CRM_CONF
CRMC_NR_MPK_MPOINT Number Range Maint.: Counter
CRMC_NR_MPK_READING Number Range Maint.: Counter Reading
CRMC_NR_RA_ACTIVITY Number Range Maintenance: CRM_ACTIVI
CRMC_NR_RA_CONFIRM Number Range Maintenance:CRM_confirm
CRMC_NR_RA_FANF Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SERVIC
CRMC_NR_RA_LEADS Number range maintenance: CRM_LEAD
CRMC_NR_RA_OPPORT Number Range Maintenance: CRM_OPPORT
CRMC_NR_RA_SALES Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SALES
CRMC_NR_RA_SERVICE Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SERVIC
CRMC_NR_RA_SRV_CONF Number range maintenance: CRM_SRV_CF
CRMC_NR_RA_SUR Number range maintenance: CRM_SUR

CRMC_OBJECTS Subobjects of CRM Document

CRMC_OBJECT_ASSI Assignment Appl. Area CRM Object
CRMC_OPPORT_H Customizing Maintenance: Opportunity
CRMC_ORGPROF Maintenance of Org. Data Profile
CRMC_PARTNER_AS Maintenance of Access Sequences
CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Maintenance of Partner Functions
CRMC_PARTNER_MAP2CRM Mapping Partner Functions into CRM
CRMC_PARTNER_MAP2R3 Mapping Partner Functions into R/3
CRMC_PARTNER_PDP Maintenance of Partner Procedures
CRMC_PARTNER_PFT Maintenance of Partner Function Typ
CRMC_PFTREL BP PartnerFunctionCat.for Rel. Cat.
CRMC_PLSRV_REL Product Proposal
CRMC_PPR_CTRL Maintain Global PPR Settings
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_APPL Define Applications using PPRs
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_OCHK Transaction Types Rel. for PPR Check
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_PARA Customer Maintenance Rule Parameter
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_RULE Customer Maintenance Rule Definition
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_SRTB Define Sort Routines for BPartners
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_SRTP Define Sort Routines for Products
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_TYPE Customer Maintenance PPR Types
CRMC_PRCPROC_DET Cust. Maint. Pr. type determination
CRMC_PRCTYPE_DET Cust. Maint. Pric. Proced. Maint.
CRMC_PROCESS_MA Customizing Maint.:Transaction Types
CRMC_PROD_FIN_COPY Copy Financing Product
CRMC_PROD_FIN_HIER Create Financing Hierarchy
CRMC_PRPS BP Function Proposal Procedure
CRMC_PRP_IL_MAP PPR-Customizing: Maintenance Mapping
CRMC_PRP_OBJECTS PPR-Customizing: Maintenance Mapping
CRMC_PR_COPY_MA Copy Tranasction Types
CRMC_R3_ORG_GENERATE R/3 organizational data generation
CRMC_SALES_ITEM Sales Customizing at Item Level
CRMC_SERVICE_H Customizing Maintenance: Service
CRMC_SERVICE_IPT Maintenance of Internet Trans. Types
CRMC_SLS_ITM_BIL Maint. Item Types & Billing Relev.
CRMC_SRVCATIFC Catalog Integration
CRMC_SUBJPROFILE_H Define Subject Profile

CRMC_SUBOB_CAT Application Areas

CRMC_SUBOB_CAT_I Item Business Object Types
CRMC_TAX_CUST_UPD Maintain Condition Function in Cond.
CRMC_TAX_GROUP Tax Group Customizing
CRMC_TAX_MAP Tax Group Customizing
CRMC_TAX_SCHEMA Maintain tax procedures
CRMC_TIMEPROF CRM date profile
CRMC_TM_CLPROF0 Call list profile maintenance
CRMC_TM_NSM Namespace manager
CRMC_TM_PSM Persistent storage manager
CRMC_WEBREQ Request Categories for Web Requests
CRMC_WEBREQ_BEGR Authorization Groups for Views
CRMC_WEBREQ_BEGR_DIS Authorization Groups for Views
CRMC_XMLEDITOR Start XML Editor for Spice
CRMD_AR_MAINTAIN Process Product Association Rule
CRMD_BILLING Transfer Invoice Data to R/3
CRMD_BILL_REV Cancel Billing Document
CRMD_BUS2000107 Process Framework Agreements
CRMD_BUS2000108 Maintain Leads
CRMD_BUS2000111 Maintain Opportunities
CRMD_BUS2000112 Maintain Service Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000113 Process Purchase Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000114 Maintain Sales Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000115 Maintain Sales Transactions
CRMD_BUS2000116 Edit Service Processes
CRMD_BUS2000117 Process Service Confirmations
CRMD_BUS2000120 Process Complaints
CRMD_BUS2000121 Maintain Sales Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000126 Maintain Activities
CRMD_BUS2000210 Maintain Product Service Letter
CRMD_BUS2000220 Maintain Partner Design Project
CRMD_BUS2000230 Maintain License Sales Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000231 Edit License Acquisition Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000232 Edit License Usage Confirmation
CRMD_CALL_LIST Generation of Call Lists

CRMD_CC Currency Change

CRMD_CCKPT_VIEWCUST customizing for role default views
CRMD_CD Display of Document Changes
CRMD_CODEX CRM Codex : Evaluation
CRMD_CSDR_PROJ_FAST Fast entry screen for Project
CRMD_DOWNLOAD_OM CRM Mobile Client Download (Online)
CRMD_DOWNLOAD_SB Download Sales Bundling Data to CDB
CRMD_EMAIL Maintain Mail Form
CRMD_EMAIL_LIST Display Marketing Bus. Activity List
CRMD_EMAIL_TEMPL Maintain Mail Template
CRMD_EMAIL_TEMPL1 Maintain Mail Form
CRMD_EVENT_CHECK EH:Callback for Trans.Type/Item Cat.
CRMD_EVENT_TRACE Evaluate Transaction Event Trace
CRMD_IIA_FAQ Maintain Frequently Asked Questions
CRMD_IIA_REPORT Generate Statistics Reports
CRMD_IM_MAIL_DELETE Delete Marketing Bus. Activity List
CRMD_INDEX_OM Index structure search OM
CRMD_IPM_AVAILABLE Analyze Rights Availability
CRMD_IPM_EVENT Date/Event Management
CRMD_IPM_HIER Maintain Hierarchical Attributes
CRMD_IPM_HIER_VIEW Maintain Hier.Attributes Views
CRMD_IPM_RD_PCUI_GEN IPM: Generate People Centric UI
CRMD_ISA_AUC_ATT Web Auction Attributes Setup
CRMD_ISA_EAUCTION Manage Web Auctions
CRMD_LEAD_FREE_SEL Lead Monitor: Free Selection
CRMD_LEAD_MONITOR Lead Monitor Organizational View
CRMD_MINIPROCESS Process a Transaction from MiniApp
CRMD_MKTDS Data Sources for Segment Builder
CRMD_MKTDS_WIZARD Data Source Wizard
CRMD_MKTLIST External List Management
CRMD_MKTLIST_MAP CRM Marketing : ELM Mapping Tool
CRMD_MKTPL_AL00 CRM: Allocation Application
CRMD_MKTPL_AL02 CRM: Allocation Rules
CRMD_MKTPL_AL03 CRM: Allocation Priorities
CRMD_MKTPL_AL04 CRM: Status of actual quantities

CRMD_MKTSEG Segment Builder

CRMD_MKTSEG_MGR Edit Master Groups/Samples
CRMD_MKT_EXP CRM Marketing: Export Target Group
CRMD_MKT_PROC Create Business Transactions
CRMD_MKT_TOOLS Marketing Tools
CRMD_MKT_TRANS CRM Marketing: Transport to Channels
CRMD_OPPORT_FAST My opportunities fast change
CRMD_ORDER Transaction Processing
CRMD_ORDER_BP Business Partner Cockpit
CRMD_ORDER_LEAS_WOFF Write-Offs Mass Update Leasing
CRMD_ORDER_OBJLINK CRM Order via BUS Type and Number
CRMD_PROF_BP Business Partner Attributes
CRMD_PROF_CHAR Attribute Maintenance
CRMD_PROF_TEMPL Maintain Attribute Sets
CRMD_ROUTING_PROFILE Maintain Profiles and Attributes
CRMD_SDB_PRMN Maintain Info. Security Profile
CRMD_SDB_PROF Assign Profile to User
CRMD_SERV_CYCLE Define Service Cycles
CRMD_SERV_FORECAST Service Plan Forecasting
CRMD_SERV_SLA Availability and Response Times
CRMD_SRWWW Internet Transaction Service Request
CRMD_TG_IMPORT Import External Target Groups
CRMD_TM_CLDIST Call List Maintenance
CRMD_TM_CLMS Call List Management
CRMD_TRACE_EVAL Evaluation of API Trace
CRMD_TRACE_SET Activate/Deactivate API Trace
CRMD_TRACE_WATCHP Setting/Deletion of Watchpoint
CRMD_TRANSLATE Translate Mail Form
CRMD_TRANS_OM Translate Short Text for Org Units
CRMD_WEBREQ_CUST_OVW Customizing Evaluation: Web Requests
CRMD_WEBREQ_GEN_EXIT Generate start_exit Page
CRMD_WEBREQ_MONITOR Monitor for Web Requests
CRMD_WEBREQ_SIG_SHOW Display Digital Signature
CRMINIT First steps in middleware servers

CRMMDTREE The Overall Maintenance

CRMMNODE Transcation of maint. script node
CRMMNODET Transcation of maint. script node
CRMMONITOR Monitoring Middleware System
CRMMOPTION Maint. Tansaction to script option
CRMM_BPCURR Currency Changeover Business Partner
CRMM_BPD Business Partner Diagnosis
CRMM_BUPA_MAP Business partner data exchange
CRMM_BUPA_SEND Business Partner: Sending Directly
CRMM_CIC_APDISPLAY Display IC WinClient Profile
CRMM_CSDR_PROD_MAIN Des.Reg. product attributes maintain
CRMM_HR_QUALI_DEF Create CRM relevant HR qualis remote
CRMM_HR_QUALI_GET Create attribute f. HR qualification
CRMM_IC_MCM_CCADM Maintain System Settings
CRMM_IC_MCM_CCLNK Assign Profiles
CRMM_ISA_IUSER Internet User Management
CRMM_ISA_UA Internet Sales User Administration
CRMM_MARKET_ATTRSET Maintain Marketing Set Type
CRMM_MKT_SAMPLE Samples for Segment Builder
CRMM_PPR Maintain Partner/Product Range
CRMM_PPR_CHNG_STATUS Change Partner/Product Range Status
CRMM_PPR_GUID_PPR Display all GUIDs for a PPR
CRMM_PPR_RULES Execute Partner/Product Range Rules
CRMM_PPR_STATUS_TEST Change PPR Status for internal use
CRMM_PPR_TOPN Maintain Top n Products
CRMM_PRPROD Assign Pricing Reference Materials
CRMM_ROUTING start business routing
CRMM_ROUTING_COMPARE Business Routing: Compare Scenario
CRMM_ROUT_AGENT Maintain agents for business routing

CRMM_ROUT_GRP Start routing group of b. routing

CRMM_ROUT_GRP_BP Group Members for Routing Groups
CRMM_ROUT_PROF Maintain profile
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_BP Assign Routing Grp Member to Profile
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_CHAR Maintain Attributes
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_TEMP Maintain Profile Template
CRMM_SEARCH Knowledge Search
CRMM_TERRMAN Territory Management
CRMM_TM_SCRIPT Interactive scripting editor
CRMORDERARC Residence Times Transaction Types
CRMSE62 Activate Exchanged Short Texts
CRMST62 Create Industry Short Texts
CRMS_IC_ACTION_DF IC WebClient Data Flow Maintenance
CRMS_IC_CHECK Check System Settings and Status
CRMS_IC_CROSS_SYS Transaction Launcher Logical Systems
CRMS_IC_SYSTEM_PROPS IC WebClient System Properties
CRMV_CANCPROCEDURE Maintain cancellation procedures
CRMV_CANCRULES Maintain cancellation rules
CRMV_CHECK_EVENTS Check Cust. Tab. for Event Handler
CRMV_CHECK_SSC Check Screen Control Data
CRMV_CODEX CRM Codex: Maint. of Check Tables
CRMV_EVENT Customizing Event Handler
CRMV_GENIL Customizing Object Model Generic IL
CRMV_IPM_HIER_ATTR Customizing: Hierarchical Attributes
CRMV_IPM_HIER_VIEW Hierarchical Attributes Views
CRMV_PARTY Maintain cancelling party
CRMV_SSC Mntce: Scrn Cntrl Data CRM Trans.
CRMXIF_C1 Assignment Site ID Interface Type
CRM_AC Check Appointment Rule for Data Exch
CRM_ACE_ADM CRM ACE Administrator Console
CRM_ACE_ADM_OLD Old CRM ACE Activation Tool GUI.
CRM_ACE_DEV CRM ACE Developer Tools
CRM_ACT_CUST_FIELDS Add customer fields to Activity Jrnl
CRM_ACT_IBU_INCL Maintain IBU specific fields
CRM_ACT_JR_TMPT Create/Change Activity Jrnl Template

CRM_ACT_JR_TMPT_TYPE Create/Change Activity JRNL TempType

CRM_ACT_STD_JRNL Create Standard Activity Journal

OSS1 SAP Online Service System

OY19 Compare Tables
SA38 Execute a program.
SCU0 Compare Tables
SE12 Dictionary: Initial Screen enter object name
SE13 Access tables in ABAP/4 Dictionary.
SE14 ABAP/4 Dictionary: Database Utility.
SE14 Utilities for Dictionary Tables
SE17 General Table Display
SE30 ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis
SE30 Run Time Analysis (press Tips and Tricks button for good stuff)
SE30 ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis: Initial Screen.
SE32 ABAP/4 Text Element Maintenance
SE35 ABAP/4 Dialog Modules
SE36 ABAP/4: Logical Databases
SE37 ABAP/4 Function Library.
SE37 ABAP/4 Function Modules
SE38 ABAP/4 Editor.
SE38 ABAP Editor
SE38 ABAP/4 Program Development
SE39 Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare (Interesting tool to compare the programs of different


SE41 Menu Painter

SE43 Maintain Area Menu
SE51 Screen Painter
SE51 Screen Painter: Initial Screen.
SE54 Generate View Maintenance Module
SE61 R/3 Documentation
SE62 Industry utilities
SE63 Translate Short/Long Text.
SE63 Translation
SE64 Terminology
SE65 R/3 documents. Short text statistics SE66 R/3 Documentation Statistics (Test!)
SE68 Translation Administration
SE71 SAPscript layout set
SE71 SAPscript Layouts Create/Change
SE72 SAPscript styles
SE73 SAPscript font maintenance (revised)
SE74 SAPscript format conversion

SE75 SAPscript Settings

SE76 SAPscript Translation Layout Sets
SE77 SAPscript Translation Styles
SE80 ABAP/4 Development Workbench
SE80 Repository Browser: Initial Screen.
SE81 SAP Application Hierarchy
SE82 Customer Application Hierarchy
SE84 ABAP/4 Repository Information System
SE85 ABAP/4 Dictionary Information System
SE86 ABAP/4 Repository Information System
SE92 Maintain system log messages
SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes
SE93 Maintain Transaction.


BP: General Data I

Persistence of a BAS Address


BP: General data II


GP: old, do not use ==> BUT020


BP: Addresses


BP: Address usages


BP: Address Usage With Validity Data

BP Where-Used List: Usages


BP Where-Used List: Generic Nodes


BP Where-Used List: Generic Nodes, Text


BP Object Usage: Application Table, Texts


BP relationships/role definitions: General data


BP Rel./Role Definition:Index Table for Change Doc.Access


BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship


BP Relationship: Addresses


BP Relationship: Company Interest


BP Relationship (not used yet)


Business Partner: Bank Data

BP: Bank details


BP: Payment Cards


BP: ID Numbers

BUT0ID_BIP_NOHIT Business Information Provider: Logging of non identified BP


BP: Industries


BP: Business Partner Assignment and Links


BP: Roles


BP relationship: Attribute table (test different.type TBUKR)

CRMM_BUT_BUHI_1 R/3 Customer Sales Area CRM BP Hierarchy Group Mapping

CRMM_BUT_BUHI_2 R/3 Leaf Customer Sales Area CRM BP Hierarchy Group Mapping
CRMM_BUT_CONTNO Mapping Table Business Partner Relationship Contact Person
CRMM_BUT_CRMOBJ Buffer: Which BPs are in Which Systems
CRMM_BUT_CUSTNO Mapping Table Business Partner Customer
CRMM_BUT_FRG0040 Business Partner Sales Classification List
CRMM_BUT_FRG0041 Business Partner Sales Classification
CRMM_BUT_FRG0042 Business Partner Sales Classification List Order Blocks
CRMM_BUT_FRG0050 Business Partner Status
CRMM_BUT_FRG0060 Business Partner Business Hours
CRMM_BUT_FRG0061 Business Partner Business Hours Interval
CRMM_BUT_FRG0070 Business Partner Excluded Partner Functions List
CRMM_BUT_FRG0071 Business Partner Excluded Partner Functions
CRMM_BUT_FRG0080 Business Partner Sales Area Partner Function List
CRMM_BUT_FRG0081 Business Partner Sales Area Partner Function
CRMM_BUT_FRG0100 CRM Business Partner: Status
CRMM_BUT_KOR0040 Business Partner Korea
CRMM_BUT_KOR0041 Business Partner Korea History
CRMM_BUT_LNK0010 Business Partner Sales Rule List
CRMM_BUT_LNK0011 Business Partner Sales Rule
CRMM_BUT_LNK0020 Business Partner Shipping Rule List
CRMM_BUT_LNK0021 Business Partner Shipping Rule
CRMM_BUT_LNK0030 Business Partner Billing Rule List
CRMM_BUT_LNK0031 Business Partner Billing Rule
CRMM_BUT_LNK0140 Business Partner Organization Rule List
CRMM_BUT_LNK0141 Business Partner Organization Rule
CRMM_BUT_MIGRATE Migration Table: Fields Changed In CDB
CRMM_BUT_SEMPL00 Sales Employee for Contact Person Relationship: Admin. Tech.
CRMM_BUT_SEMPL01 Sales Employee to Contact Person Rel.: Data Table

CRMM_BUT_SET0010 Business Partner Sales Rule Period

CRMM_BUT_SET0020 Business Partner Shipping Rule Period
CRMM_BUT_SET0030 Business Partner Billing Rule Period
CRMM_BUT_SET0140 Business Partner Organization Rule Period
CRMM_BUT_TDAR010 Business Partner Time-Dependent Appointment Rules
CRMM_BUT_TDAR011 Business Partner Time-Dependent Appointment Rule Intervals
CRMM_BUT_TDAR012 Business Partner Time-Dependent Appt Rule Single Intervals

BP: Telephone Numbers of the Do Not Call List


BP: Telephone Numbers of the Do Not Call List


Business Partner: Tax Classification


Business Partner: Tax Classification


Business Partner Hierarchy Group

BUT_HIER_NODE_BP Business Partner Hierarchy Group Bus. Partner Assignment

BUT_HIER_NODE_D Business Partner Hierarchy Group Description
BUT_HIER_STRUCT Business Partner Hierarchy Group Hierarchy Relationship

Business Partner Group Hierarchy

BUT_HIER_TREE_D Business Partner Group Hierarchy Description


Business Partner Group Hierarchy Category (GUID)


Locator Applications


Locator Applications: Descriptions


Locator Customizing: Search Applications


Locator Customizing: Search Application Texts


Locator Customizing: Search IDs


Locator Customizing: Search IDs Texts


Locator Customizing: Search Categories


Locator Customizing: Search Categories Texts

BUT_LOCA_PSHIST Locator Personalization: Search History


Personalization: Selected Objects per User


Valid text IDs


SAPscript: Function modules for INCLUDE ex


SAPscript: Who with whom?


Texts for Text IDs

TTXOT tables for texts in CRM. You can map R/3 text tables to CRM table. In this table having text ids.

Where in the CRM database does the sales text get stored?
Eg: In genaral senario sales cycle has diffent texts are there
1) Genaral Opprtunity
2) Customer Acquistion
3) ISU New Customer etc.
those texts are get stored in CRM Table: CRMC_CYCLE_T
These are some text related tables
CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T Text for a transaction type
CRMC_ACT_OBJ_T Objective Number and Text for Activities
TJ30T All the status code and text
CRM_SVY_RE_ANSW Survey Texts

STXH table is where all the texts get stored

Also check STXL table.


CRMBS02 Maintain Status Profiles

CRMBS03 Display Status Profiles
CRMBS42 Maintain Status Selection Profiles

CRMBS43 Display Status Selection Profile

CRMBS52 Maintain Authorization Keys
CRMBS53 Display Authoriztaion Key
CRMBWST Genertd DataSource for BW Status Obj
CRMBW TARGETS Release Data Target for BW Upload
CRMCACTARC Archiving Control CRM Activity
CRMCPRMSG Configure Customer-Specific Messages
CRMCUSTOM Monitoring Middleware System
CRMC_ACTION_CONF Configure Action Profile
CRMC_ACTION_DEF Define Action Profile
CRMC_ACTION_JOB Action Monitor
CRMC_ACTION_PRINT Configure action profile (old)
CRMC_ACTION_WIZARD Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_ACTIVITY_H Customizing Maintenance Activity
CRMC_ACT_CATEGORY Cust. Maint. Activity: Category
CRMC_ACT_OBJ Cust. Maintenance Activity: Goal
CRMC_ACT_SURVEY Cust. Maint. Activity: Questionnaire
CRMC_AM_JCLASS Alert Modeler Java Class
CRMC_ATP_PROFILE Customizing Maintenance: APO Profile
CRMC_BLUEPRINT Maintenance for BSP Blueprint
CRMC_BL_CHECK Check Blueprint Tables
CRMC_BL_COPY_QUERIES Copy Report Delivery Queries
CRMC_BP_CCKPT_PB Cust.Maint. BP Cockpit: Pushbuttons
CRMC_BSP_WD_MSGDEFH Message Default Handler Assignment
CRMC_BUAG_NUMBERS Number Range Maintenance: BUAG
CRMC_BUPA_CONSUM Maintain reference business partner
CRMC_BUS_SUBOB_C Assign. BUS Allowed Appl. Areas
CRMC_BUS_SUBOB_I Assignment BUS-allowed app.area item
CRMC_BUT_CALL_FU Establishing FMs for Data Exchng BP
CRMC_CATAGORY_WP Cust. Maintenance Application Area

CRMC_CATALOG_OVV Catalog Overview

CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_ASS Action Box: Assign logical systems
CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_CRE Action Box: Create logical systems
CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_RFC Action Box: Assign LogSYS to RfcDest
CRMC_CIC_AB_NAV Action Box Navigation Area
CRMC_CIC_AB_WEBGUI Define ITS for WebGui Mode
CRMC_CIC_ACT0 Transaction component profile
CRMC_CIC_AM_LANG Lang. dependent text Alert Modeler
CRMC_CIC_AM_META Define Customer-Specific Meta Model
CRMC_CIC_AM_PROFILE Maintan Alert Modeler Editor Profile
CRMC_CIC_BP_PROFILE Maintain Profile Templates
CRMC_CIC_BROAD broadcasting profile assign
CRMC_CIC_COMP_ACTION Component Actions (for locator, BDD)
CRMC_CIC_EXT_INB_ACT Activate Agent Inbox
CRMC_CIC_FW_MAINTAIN Maintain Framework ID and Parameters
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_ADDR Addresses for Agent Inbox
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_E_RESP Maintain Rules for E-Mail
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_F_RESP Maintain Rules for Fax
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_GLOBAL Define Global Settings
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_IBXPRF Define Inbox Settings
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_TASKS Task Classification
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_WF Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling
CRMC_CIC_RESTART Set Time & Memory for Restart
CRMC_CIC_SEARCH_CNTR Maintain Search Components
CRMC_CIC_SEARCH_RULE Maintain Search Attributes
CRMC_CIC_TITLE_TEXTS Maintain Window Title
CRMC_CIC_WSP0 Workspace Definition
CRMC_CIC_WSP1 Inbox Profiles
CRMC_CIC_WSP2 E-Mail Editor Profiles
CRMC_CIC_WSP3 Default Workspaces Profile
CRMC_CIC_WSP_EDITOR2 Editor Profiles
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_CONF Configure Action Profile
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_DEF Define Action Profile
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_WIZ Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_CLM_BTSYNC Business transaction synchronization


CRMC_CLM_CLDP Call list determination procedures
CRMC_CLM_CLTYPES Call list types
CRMC_CLM_CMPGPM Campaign priority mapping
CRMC_CLM_CTMAP Calling Times Mapping
CRMC_CLM_ORCC Order control components
CRMC_CLM_RSCHVL Rescheduling validation procedures
CRMC_CLM_SORCC Standard order control profiles
CRMC_CLM_STMAP Call State Mapping
CRMC_CPRICPROC Definition of Cust. Determ. Proced.
CRMC_CP_BADI_F Copying BADI Text Maintenance
CRMC_CSDR_ADD_CUST Design Registration Project
CRMC_CSDR_APPL_CUST Design Registration Project
CRMC_DPRICPROC Definition of Document Procedures
CRMC_EXEC_BAB CRM: Start business applic. builder
CRMC_EXEC_BAB_C CRM: Start OAS in customer mode
CRMC_EXEC_BAB_D CRM: OAS in customer design mode
CRMC_IC_ACPROF Maintain Activity Clipboard profiles
CRMC_IC_ACTIONPROF Maintain Actions profiles
CRMC_IC_ACTIONWZ Start Action Box Wizard
CRMC_IC_ALERTMODELER Alert Modeler customizing
CRMC_IC_AMWZ alert wizard
CRMC_IC_AM_PHS Maintain Alert Modeler Placeholder
CRMC_IC_AM_PRM Alert Modeler Input Parameters
CRMC_IC_AUI_FWD Define Forwards for Inbox Items
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAINCAT Define Main Categories
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAP_PRI Map Native to Inbox Priorities
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAP_STA Map Native to Inbox Status
CRMC_IC_AUI_PARTNER Agents Universal Inbox Partners
CRMC_IC_AUI_PROFILE Define and Assign Inbox Profiles
CRMC_IC_AUI_QUICKS Define Quick Searches
CRMC_IC_AUI_TIMEPER Define Time Periods
CRMC_IC_BDCCONTEXT Specify alternative BDC context

CRMC_IC_BPPROF Define Profiles for Customer Identif

CRMC_IC_BTPFAS Assignment of Partner Functions
CRMC_IC_BTPROF Profile for Business Transaction
CRMC_IC_CHTPROF Maintain profiles for Chat
CRMC_IC_CLMPROF Call List Profile Maintenance
CRMC_IC_CM Content Management Customizing
CRMC_IC_EMLPROF Maintain profiles for Email
CRMC_IC_EVENTING Event management customizing
CRMC_IC_EVENTS IC Web Client Events
CRMC_IC_MAIL_E_RESP Maintain Rules for E-Mail
CRMC_IC_MAIL_F_RESP Maintain Rules for Fax
CRMC_IC_MAIL_WF Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling
CRMC_IC_MAIN Main Component Customizing
CRMC_IC_MCM_CCPRO Define Com Mgmt Software Profiles
CRMC_IC_MKTPROF Campaign Profile Maintenance
CRMC_IC_NAVBAR_PERM Nav Bar Permanent Profile
CRMC_IC_NAVBAR_PERS Nav Bar Personalizing Profile Defaul
CRMC_IC_RTFRAMEWORK IC WebClient Runtime Framework
CRMC_IC_SCRIPT Maintain Interactive Scripting Prof
CRMC_IC_SPH_AGENTPRO Maintain Profiles for SPH Agent
CRMC_IC_TLBPROF Maintain profiles for Toolbar
CRMC_IC_TRACE Activate activity tracing for agent
CRMC_IC_WCTPROF Maintain profiles for Web Context
CRMC_IC_XML_TEMPLATE XML template maintenance
CRMC_IIA_KERNEL IIA: Customizing for Learning Engine
CRMC_IIA_REPORT IIA: Customizing for Learning Engine
CRMC_IOBJ_FIN_STATE Change Status of Individual Objects
CRMC_IPMO_BWSELOPT BW Select Optns: IPMO Sett.DataColl.
CRMC_IPMO_SRVUSE IPMO: Usage from Feature
CRMC_IPM_CLRRUL Clearing Control Diagram Form
CRMC_ISA_IUSER Internet User Settings
CRMC_ITEM_CAT_GR Item Category Usage
CRMC_ITEM_MA Customizing Maintenance: Item Cats
CRMC_IT_ASSIGN Customizing Maint.: Item Cat. Dtrmtn
CRMC_IT_COPY_IF Copy: Item category determination

CRMC_IT_COPY_MA Copy Item Categories

CRMC_IT_TYPE_US Item Category Usage
CRMC_LAYOUTC_GENE Generation of Customer Table Layout
CRMC_LAYOUT_GENERATE Generation of Layout Table
CRMC_LOGS Maintenance of message classes
CRMC_MAP Customer Maintenance Mapping
CRMC_MKTCA_WF_CUST Workflows Campaign Automation
CRMC_MKTLIST_WF_CUST Workflows External List Management
CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_CONF Configure Action Profile
CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_DEF Define Action Profile
CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_WIZ Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_CPG Field Selection Campaign
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_CPT Field Selection Campaign Element
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_DLM Field Selection Deal
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_MPL Field Selection Marketing Plan
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_MPT Field Select. Marketing Plan Element
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_TPM Field Selection Trade Promotion
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_TPT Field Selection Trade Element
CRMC_MKTPL_MAPPING Customizing Field Assignment MS Proj
CRMC_MKTPL_RT_AC Maintaining residency time
CRMC_MKTPL_SETTYPE Marketing Planning: Process Set Type
CRMC_MKTTG_CUSTMSG Configure Customer-Specific Messages
CRMC_MKTTG_DTY CRM Marketing: View Display Type
CRMC_MKTTG_MGR_H CRM Marketing: Report Name
CRMC_MKTTG_OPT_H CRM Marketing: Sample Optimization
CRMC_MKTTG_RUL CRM MKT: Split/Reduce Rules for TGs
CRMC_MKTTG_SA_DP Assign Attribute Type to Display
CRMC_MKTTG_SA_TP CRM Marketing: View Attribute Types
CRMC_MKTTG_TYP_H CRM Marketing: Target Group Type
CRMC_MKT_PARAMBW Customizing for BW Parameter ID
CRMC_MSGC Customizing CRM message attribute
CRMC_MSGS CRM message attribute maintenance
CRMC_NR_CONF Number Range Maint.: CRM_CONF
CRMC_NR_MPK_MPOINT Number Range Maint.: Counter
CRMC_NR_MPK_READING Number Range Maint.: Counter Reading
CRMC_NR_RA_ACTIVITY Number Range Maintenance: CRM_ACTIVI

CRMC_NR_RA_CONFIRM Number Range Maintenance:CRM_confirm

CRMC_NR_RA_FANF Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SERVIC
CRMC_NR_RA_LEADS Number range maintenance: CRM_LEAD
CRMC_NR_RA_OPPORT Number Range Maintenance: CRM_OPPORT
CRMC_NR_RA_SALES Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SALES
CRMC_NR_RA_SERVICE Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SERVIC
CRMC_NR_RA_SRV_CONF Number range maintenance: CRM_SRV_CF
CRMC_NR_RA_SUR Number range maintenance: CRM_SUR
CRMC_OBJECTS Subobjects of CRM Document
CRMC_OBJECT_ASSI Assignment Appl. Area CRM Object
CRMC_OPPORT_H Customizing Maintenance: Opportunity
CRMC_ORGPROF Maintenance of Org. Data Profile
CRMC_PARTNER_AS Maintenance of Access Sequences
CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Maintenance of Partner Functions
CRMC_PARTNER_MAP2CRM Mapping Partner Functions into CRM
CRMC_PARTNER_MAP2R3 Mapping Partner Functions into R/3
CRMC_PARTNER_PDP Maintenance of Partner Procedures
CRMC_PARTNER_PFT Maintenance of Partner Function Typ
CRMC_PFTREL BP PartnerFunctionCat.for Rel. Cat.
CRMC_PLSRV_REL Product Proposal
CRMC_PPR_CTRL Maintain Global PPR Settings
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_APPL Define Applications using PPRs
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_OCHK Transaction Types Rel. for PPR Check
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_PARA Customer Maintenance Rule Parameter
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_RULE Customer Maintenance Rule Definition
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_SRTB Define Sort Routines for BPartners
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_SRTP Define Sort Routines for Products
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_TYPE Customer Maintenance PPR Types
CRMC_PRCPROC_DET Cust. Maint. Pr. type determination
CRMC_PRCTYPE_DET Cust. Maint. Pric. Proced. Maint.
CRMC_PROCESS_MA Customizing Maint.:Transaction Types
CRMC_PROD_FIN_COPY Copy Financing Product
CRMC_PROD_FIN_HIER Create Financing Hierarchy
CRMC_PRPS BP Function Proposal Procedure
CRMC_PRP_IL_MAP PPR- Customizing: Maintenance Mapping

CRMC_PRP_OBJECTS PPR- Customizing: Maintenance Mapping

CRMC_PR_COPY_MA Copy Tranasction Types
CRMC_R3_ORG_GENERATE R/3 organizational data generation
CRMC_SALES_ITEM Sales Customizing at Item Level
CRMC_SERVICE_H Customizing Maintenance: Service
CRMC_SERVICE_IPT Maintenance of Internet Trans. Types
CRMC_SLS_ITM_BIL Maint. Item Types & Billing Relev.
CRMC_SRVCATIFC Catalog Integration
CRMC_SUBJPROFILE_H Define Subject Profile
CRMC_SUBOB_CAT Application Areas
CRMC_SUBOB_CAT_I Item Business Object Types
CRMC_TAX_CUST_UPD Maintain Condition Function in Cond.
CRMC_TAX_GROUP Tax Group Customizing
CRMC_TAX_MAP Tax Group Customizing
CRMC_TAX_SCHEMA Maintain tax procedures
CRMC_TIMEPROF CRM date profile
CRMC_TM_CLPROF0 Call list profile maintenance
CRMC_TM_NSM Namespace manager
CRMC_TM_PSM Persistent storage manager

CRMC_WEBREQ_BEGR Authorization Groups for Views

CRMC_WEBREQ_BEGR_DIS Authorization Groups for Views
CRMC_XMLEDITOR Start XML Editor for Spice
CRMD_AR_MAINTAIN Process Product Association Rule
CRMD_BILLING Transfer Invoice Data to R/3
CRMD_BILL_REV Cancel Billing Document
CRMD_BUS2000107 Process Framework Agreements
CRMD_BUS2000108 Maintain Leads
CRMD_BUS2000111 Maintain Opportunities
CRMD_BUS2000112 Maintain Service Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000113 Process Purchase Contracts

CRMD_BUS2000114 Maintain Sales Contracts

CRMD_BUS2000115 Maintain Sales Transactions
CRMD_BUS2000116 Edit Service Processes
CRMD_BUS2000117 Process Service Confirmations
CRMD_BUS2000120 Process Complaints
CRMD_BUS2000121 Maintain Sales Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000126 Maintain Activities
CRMD_BUS2000210 Maintain Product Service Letter
CRMD_BUS2000220 Maintain Partner Design Project
CRMD_BUS2000230 Maintain License Sales Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000231 Edit License Acquisition Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000232 Edit License Usage Confirmation
CRMD_CALL_LIST Generation of Call Lists
CRMD_CC Currency Change
CRMD_CCKPT_VIEWCUST customizing for role default views
CRMD_CD Display of Document Changes
CRMD_CODEX CRM Codex : Evaluation
CRMD_CSDR_PROJ_FAST Fast entry screen for Project
CRMD_DOWNLOAD_OM CRM Mobile Client Download (Online)
CRMD_DOWNLOAD_SB Download Sales Bundling Data to CDB
CRMD_EMAIL Maintain Mail Form
CRMD_EMAIL_LIST Display Marketing Bus. Activity List
CRMD_EMAIL_TEMPL Maintain Mail Template
CRMD_EMAIL_TEMPL1 Maintain Mail Form
CRMD_EVENT_CHECK EH: Callback for Trans.Type/Item Cat.
CRMD_EVENT_TRACE Evaluate Transaction Event Trace
CRMD_IIA_FAQ Maintain Frequently Asked Questions
CRMD_IIA_REPORT Generate Statistics Reports
CRMD_IM_MAIL_DELETE Delete Marketing Bus. Activity List
CRMD_INDEX_OM Index structure search OM
CRMD_IPM_AVAILABLE Analyze Rights Availability
CRMD_IPM_EVENT Date/Event Management
CRMD_IPM_HIER Maintain Hierarchical Attributes
CRMD_IPM_HIER_VIEW Maintain Hier.Attributes Views
CRMD_IPM_RD_PCUI_GEN IPM: Generate People Centric UI
CRMD_ISA_AUC_ATT Web Auction Attributes Setup

CRMD_ISA_EAUCTION Manage Web Auctions

CRMD_LEAD_FREE_SEL Lead Monitor: Free Selection
CRMD_LEAD_MONITOR Lead Monitor Organizational View
CRMD_MINIPROCESS Process a Transaction from MiniApp
CRMD_MKTDS Data Sources for Segment Builder
CRMD_MKTDS_WIZARD Data Source Wizard
CRMD_MKTLIST External List Management
CRMD_MKTLIST_MAP CRM Marketing : ELM Mapping Tool
CRMD_MKTPL_AL00 CRM: Allocation Application
CRMD_MKTPL_AL02 CRM: Allocation Rules
CRMD_MKTPL_AL03 CRM: Allocation Priorities
CRMD_MKTPL_AL04 CRM: Status of actual quantities
CRMD_MKTSEG Segment Builder
CRMD_MKTSEG_MGR Edit Master Groups/Samples
CRMD_MKT_EXP CRM Marketing: Export Target Group
CRMD_MKT_PROC Create Business Transactions
CRMD_MKT_TOOLS Marketing Tools
CRMD_MKT_TRANS CRM Marketing: Transport to Channels
CRMD_OPPORT_FAST My opportunities fast change
CRMD_ORDER Transaction Processing
CRMD_ORDER_BP Business Partner Cockpit
CRMD_ORDER_LEAS_WOFF Write-Offs Mass Update Leasing
CRMD_ORDER_OBJLINK CRM Order via BUS Type and Number
CRMD_PROF_BP Business Partner Attributes
CRMD_PROF_CHAR Attribute Maintenance
CRMD_PROF_TEMPL Maintain Attribute Sets
CRMD_ROUTING_PROFILE Maintain Profiles and Attributes
CRMD_SDB_PRMN Maintain Info. Security Profile
CRMD_SDB_PROF Assign Profile to User
CRMD_SERV_CYCLE Define Service Cycles
CRMD_SERV_FORECAST Service Plan Forecasting
CRMD_SERV_SLA Availability and Response Times
CRMD_SRWWW Internet Transaction Service Request
CRMD_TG_IMPORT Import External Target Groups

CRMD_TM_CLDIST Call List Maintenance

CRMD_TM_CLMS Call List Management
CRMD_TRACE_EVAL Evaluation of API Trace
CRMD_TRACE_SET Activate/Deactivate API Trace
CRMD_TRACE_WATCHP Setting/Deletion of Watchpoint
CRMD_TRANSLATE Translate Mail Form
CRMD_TRANS_OM Translate Short Text for Org Units
CRMD_WEBREQ_CUST_OVW Customizing Evaluation: Web Requests
CRMD_WEBREQ_GEN_EXIT Generate start_exit Page
CRMD_WEBREQ_MONITOR Monitor for Web Requests
CRMD_WEBREQ_SIG_SHOW Display Digital Signature
CRMINIT First steps in middleware servers
CRMMDTREE The Overall Maintenance
CRMMNODE Transcation of maint. script node
CRMMNODET Transcation of maint. script node
CRMMONITOR Monitoring Middleware System
CRMMOPTION Maint. Tansaction to script option
CRMM_BPCURR Currency Changeover Business Partner
CRMM_BPD Business Partner Diagnosis
CRMM_BUPA_MAP Business partner data exchange
CRMM_BUPA_SEND Business Partner: Sending Directly
CRMM_CIC_APDISPLAY Display IC WinClient Profile
CRMM_CSDR_PROD_MAIN Des.Reg. product attributes maintain
CRMM_HR_QUALI_DEF Create CRM relevant HR qualis remote
CRMM_HR_QUALI_GET Create attribute f. HR qualification
CRMM_IC_MCM_CCADM Maintain System Settings
CRMM_IC_MCM_CCLNK Assign Profiles
CRMM_ISA_IUSER Internet User Management
CRMM_ISA_UA Internet Sales User Administration
CRMM_MARKET_ATTRSET Maintain Marketing Set Type
CRMM_MKT_SAMPLE Samples for Segment Builder
CRMM_PPR Maintain Partner/Product Range

CRMM_PPR_CHNG_STATUS Change Partner/Product Range Status

CRMM_PPR_GUID_PPR Display all GUIDs for a PPR
CRMM_PPR_RULES Execute Partner/Product Range Rules
CRMM_PPR_STATUS_TEST Change PPR Status for internal use
CRMM_PPR_TOPN Maintain Top n Products
CRMM_PRPROD Assign Pricing Reference Materials
CRMM_ROUTING start business routing
CRMM_ROUTING_COMPARE Business Routing: Compare Scenario
CRMM_ROUT_AGENT Maintain agents for business routing
CRMM_ROUT_GRP Start routing group of b. routing
CRMM_ROUT_GRP_BP Group Members for Routing Groups
CRMM_ROUT_PROF Maintain profile
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_BP Assign Routing Grp Member to Profile
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_CHAR Maintain Attributes
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_TEMP Maintain Profile Template
CRMM_SEARCH Knowledge Search
CRMM_TERRMAN Territory Management
CRMM_TM_SCRIPT Interactive scripting editor
CRMORDERARC Residence Times Transaction Types
CRMSE62 Activate Exchanged Short Texts
CRMST62 Create Industry Short Texts
CRMS_IC_ACTION_DF IC WebClient Data Flow Maintenance
CRMS_IC_CHECK Check System Settings and Status
CRMS_IC_CROSS_SYS Transaction Launcher Logical Systems
CRMS_IC_SYSTEM_PROPS IC WebClient System Properties
CRMV_CANCPROCEDURE Maintain cancellation procedures
CRMV_CANCRULES Maintain cancellation rules
CRMV_CHECK_EVENTS Check Cust. Tab. for Event Handler
CRMV_CHECK_SSC Check Screen Control Data
CRMV_CODEX CRM Codex: Maint. of Check Tables
CRMV_EVENT Customizing Event Handler
CRMV_GENIL Customizing Object Model Generic IL


CRMV_IPM_HIER_ATTR Customizing: Hierarchical Attributes
CRMV_IPM_HIER_VIEW Hierarchical Attributes Views
CRMV_PARTY Maintain cancelling party
CRMV_SSC Mntce: Scrn Cntrl Data CRM Trans.
CRMXIF_C1 Assignment Site ID Interface Type
CRM_AC Check Appointment Rule for Data Exch
CRM_ACE_ADM CRM ACE Administrator Console
CRM_ACE_ADM_OLD Old CRM ACE Activation Tool GUI.
CRM_ACE_DEV CRM ACE Developer Tools
CRM_ACT_CUST_FIELDS Add customer fields to Activity Jrnl
CRM_ACT_IBU_INCL Maintain IBU specific fields
CRM_ACT_JR_TMPT Create/Change Activity Jrnl Template
CRM_ACT_JR_TMPT_TYPE Create/Change Activity JRNL TempType
CRM_ACT_STD_JRNL Create Standard Activity Journal

BUT000 : BP: General data Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type,
First Name, Last Name etc.

BUT020 BP: Addresses

BUT051 BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship Similar to

BNKA Bank Master Data

BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data Contains Relationship, Partner Number

(PARTNER1), Relationship Category
BUT050 additionally contains Contact Persons Address data

BUT0BK Business Partner: Bank Data & Details BP Number, Bank Key, Bank Country Key, Bank
Account Number
BUT100 BP: Roles
ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services) Contains Email Id of the BP.

ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services) BPs Complete Address Details- City, Country, Post
Code, District,
Street, Title No Etc

TSAD3T Table containing the Title text against a Title No.

COMM_PRODUCT Master Table for Product
CRMM_BUAG Master table for Business Agreement

CRMM_BUAG_H Header Data for Business Agreement such as Tax Category, Tax Characteristic,
Form key, Business Agreement Class. Data in this table correspond to ISU


CRMD_ORDERADM_H Contains the Header Information for a Business Transaction.

1. It doesnt store the Business Partner responsible for the transaction. To get the Partner No, link it with
2. This table can be used for search based on the Object Id(Business Transaction No).


CRMD_CUSTOMER_H Additional Site Details at the Header Level of a Business Transaction
CRMC_PROC_TYPE Master table Business Transaction Type
CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Definition of Partner Functions
SCPRIOT Priorities for Activities with priority text.
CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T Text for a transaction type
CRMC_ACT_OBJ_T Objective Number and Text for Activities
TJ30T All the status code and text
CRMC_PR_ASSIGN : Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.
IBIB : Installed Base/Ibase
IBIN : Installed Base Components *

RSA0: Content Settings Maintenance
RSA1: Modeling Data Warehousing Workbench
RSA1OLD: BW Administrator Workbench (OLD)
RSA2: OLTP Metadata Repository
RSA3: Extractor Checker
RSA5: Install Business Content
RSA6: Maintain Datasource
RSA7: BW Delta Queue Monitor
RSA8: Data Source Repository
RSA9: Transfer Application Components
RSA10: Real time Test Interface Source System
RSA11: DW Workbench: Infoprovider Tree
RSA12: DW Workbench: Infosource Tree
RSA13: DW Workbench: Source System tree

RSA14: DW Workbench: Info Object Tree

RSA15: DW Workbench: Data Source Tree
RSA16: DW Workbench: Favourities Tree
RSA17: DW Worbench: General Search
RSAN_VERI: Analysis Process: Test Monitor
RSAN_WB_TST: Analysis Process: Display Data
RSANWB: Analysis Process Designer
RSAWB: DW Workbench (Last View)
UG_BW_RSA1: Admin Workbench:Modeling


OSS1 SAP Online Service System

OY19 Compare Tables
SA38 Execute a program.
SCU0 Compare Tables
SE12 Dictionary: Initial Screen enter object name
SE13 Access tables in ABAP/4 Dictionary.
SE14 ABAP/4 Dictionary: Database Utility.
SE14 Utilities for Dictionary Tables
SE17 General Table Display
SE30 ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis
SE30 Run Time Analysis (press Tips and Tricks button for good stuff)
SE30 ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis: Initial Screen.
SE32 ABAP/4 Text Element Maintenance
SE35 ABAP/4 Dialog Modules
SE36 ABAP/4: Logical Databases
SE37 ABAP/4 Function Library.
SE37 ABAP/4 Function Modules
SE38 ABAP/4 Editor.
SE38 ABAP Editor
SE38 ABAP/4 Program Development

SE39 Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare (Interesting tool to compare the programs of different system)
SE41 Menu Painter
SE43 Maintain Area Menu
SE51 Screen Painter
SE51 Screen Painter: Initial Screen.
SE54 Generate View Maintenance Module
SE61 R/3 Documentation
SE62 Industry utilities
SE63 Translate Short/Long Text.
SE63 Translation
SE64 Terminology
SE65 R/3 documents. Short text statistics SE66 R/3 Documentation Statistics (Test!)
SE68 Translation Administration
SE71 SAPscript layout set
SE71 SAPscript Layouts Create/Change
SE72 SAPscript styles
SE73 SAPscript font maintenance (revised)
SE74 SAPscript format conversion
SE75 SAPscript Settings
SE76 SAPscript Translation Layout Sets
SE77 SAPscript Translation Styles
SE80 ABAP/4 Development Workbench
SE80 Repository Browser: Initial Screen.
SE81 SAP Application Hierarchy
SE82 Customer Application Hierarchy
SE84 ABAP/4 Repository Information System
SE85 ABAP/4 Dictionary Information System
SE86 ABAP/4 Repository Information System
SE92 Maintain system log messages
SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes
SE93 Maintain Transaction
CRMBS02 Maintain Status Profiles
CRMBS03 Display Status Profiles
CRMBS42 Maintain Status Selection Profiles
CRMBS43 Display Status Selection Profile
CRMBS52 Maintain Authorization Keys

CRMBS53 Display Authoriztaion Key

CRMBWST Genertd DataSource for BW Status Obj
CRMBWTARGETS Release Data Target for BW Upload
CRMCACTARC Archiving Control CRM Activity
CRMCPRMSG Configure Customer-Specific Messages
CRMCUSTOM Monitoring Middleware System
CRMC_ACTION_CONF Configure Action Profile
CRMC_ACTION_DEF Define Action Profile
CRMC_ACTION_JOB Action Monitor
CRMC_ACTION_PRINT Configure action profile (old)
CRMC_ACTION_WIZARD Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_ACTIVITY_H Customizing Maintenance Activity
CRMC_ACT_CATEGORY Cust. Maint. Activity: Category
CRMC_ACT_OBJ Cust. Maintenance Activity: Goal
CRMC_ACT_SURVEY Cust. Maint. Activity: Questionnaire
CRMC_AM_JCLASS Alert Modeler Java Class
CRMC_ATP_PROFILE Customizing Maintenance: APO Profile
CRMC_BLUEPRINT Maintenance for BSP Blueprint
CRMC_BL_CHECK Check Blueprint Tables
CRMC_BL_COPY_QUERIES Copy Report Delivery Queries
CRMC_BP_CCKPT_PB Cust.Maint. BP Cockpit: Pushbuttons
CRMC_BSP_WD_MSGDEFH Message Default Handler Assignment
CRMC_BUAG_NUMBERS Number Range Maintenance: BUAG
CRMC_BUPA_CONSUM Maintain reference business partner
CRMC_BUS_SUBOB_C Assign. BUS Allowed Appl. Areas
CRMC_BUS_SUBOB_I Assignment BUS-allowed app.area item
CRMC_BUT_CALL_FU Establishing FMs for Data Exchng BP
CRMC_CATAGORY_WP Cust. Maintenance Application Area
CRMC_CATALOG_OVV Catalog Overview
CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_ASS Action Box: Assign logical systems

CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_CRE Action Box: Create logical systems

CRMC_CIC_AB_LSYS_RFC Action Box: Assign LogSYS to RfcDest
CRMC_CIC_AB_NAV Action Box Navigation Area
CRMC_CIC_AB_WEBGUI Define ITS for WebGui Mode
CRMC_CIC_ACT0 Transaction component profile
CRMC_CIC_AM_LANG Lang. dependent text Alert Modeler
CRMC_CIC_AM_META Define Customer-Specific Meta Model
CRMC_CIC_AM_PROFILE Maintan Alert Modeler Editor Profile
CRMC_CIC_BP_PROFILE Maintain Profile Templates
CRMC_CIC_BROAD broadcasting profile assign
CRMC_CIC_COMP_ACTION Component Actions (for locator, BDD)
CRMC_CIC_EXT_INB_ACT Activate Agent Inbox
CRMC_CIC_FW_MAINTAIN Maintain Framework ID and Parameters
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_ADDR Addresses for Agent Inbox
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_E_RESP Maintain Rules for E-Mail
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_F_RESP Maintain Rules for Fax
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_GLOBAL Define Global Settings
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_IBXPRF Define Inbox Settings
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_TASKS Task Classification
CRMC_CIC_MAIL_WF Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling
CRMC_CIC_RESTART Set Time & Memory for Restart
CRMC_CIC_SEARCH_CNTR Maintain Search Components
CRMC_CIC_SEARCH_RULE Maintain Search Attributes
CRMC_CIC_TITLE_TEXTS Maintain Window Title
CRMC_CIC_WSP0 Workspace Definition
CRMC_CIC_WSP1 Inbox Profiles
CRMC_CIC_WSP2 E-Mail Editor Profiles
CRMC_CIC_WSP3 Default Workspaces Profile
CRMC_CIC_WSP_EDITOR2 Editor Profiles
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_CONF Configure Action Profile
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_DEF Define Action Profile
CRMC_CLM_ACTION_WIZ Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_CLM_BTSYNC Business transaction synchronization
CRMC_CLM_CLDP Call list determination procedures

CRMC_CLM_CLTYPES Call list types

CRMC_CLM_CMPGPM Campaign priority mapping
CRMC_CLM_CTMAP Calling Times Mapping
CRMC_CLM_ORCC Order control components
CRMC_CLM_RSCHVL Rescheduling validation procedures
CRMC_CLM_SORCC Standard order control profiles
CRMC_CLM_STMAP Call State Mapping
CRMC_CPRICPROC Definition of Cust. Determ. Proced.
CRMC_CP_BADI_F Copying BADI Text Maintenance
CRMC_CSDR_ADD_CUST Design Registration Project
CRMC_CSDR_APPL_CUST Design Registration Project
CRMC_DPRICPROC Definition of Document Procedures
CRMC_EXEC_BAB CRM: Start business applic. builder
CRMC_EXEC_BAB_C CRM: Start OAS in customer mode
CRMC_EXEC_BAB_D CRM: OAS in customer design mode
CRMC_IC_ACPROF Maintain Activity Clipboard profiles
CRMC_IC_ACTIONPROF Maintain Actions profiles
CRMC_IC_ACTIONWZ Start Action Box Wizard
CRMC_IC_ALERTMODELER Alert Modeler customizing
CRMC_IC_AMWZ alert wizard
CRMC_IC_AM_PHS Maintain Alert Modeler Placeholder
CRMC_IC_AM_PRM Alert Modeler Input Parameters
CRMC_IC_AUI_FWD Define Forwards for Inbox Items
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAINCAT Define Main Categories
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAP_PRI Map Native to Inbox Priorities
CRMC_IC_AUI_MAP_STA Map Native to Inbox Status
CRMC_IC_AUI_PARTNER Agents Universal Inbox Partners
CRMC_IC_AUI_PROFILE Define and Assign Inbox Profiles
CRMC_IC_AUI_QUICKS Define Quick Searches
CRMC_IC_AUI_TIMEPER Define Time Periods
CRMC_IC_BDCCONTEXT Specify alternative BDC context
CRMC_IC_BPPROF Define Profiles for Customer Identif
CRMC_IC_BTPFAS Assignment of Partner Functions

CRMC_IC_BTPROF Profile for Business Transaction

CRMC_IC_CHTPROF Maintain profiles for Chat
CRMC_IC_CLMPROF Call List Profile Maintenance
CRMC_IC_CM Content Management Customizing
CRMC_IC_EMLPROF Maintain profiles for Email
CRMC_IC_EVENTING Event management customizing
CRMC_IC_EVENTS IC WebClient Events
CRMC_IC_MAIL_E_RESP Maintain Rules for E-Mail
CRMC_IC_MAIL_F_RESP Maintain Rules for Fax
CRMC_IC_MAIL_WF Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling
CRMC_IC_MAIN Main Component Customizing
CRMC_IC_MCM_CCPRO Define Com Mgmt Software Profiles
CRMC_IC_MKTPROF Campaign Profile Maintenance
CRMC_IC_NAVBAR_PERM Nav Bar Permanent Profile
CRMC_IC_NAVBAR_PERS Nav Bar Personalizing Profile Defaul
CRMC_IC_RTFRAMEWORK IC WebClient Runtime Framework
CRMC_IC_SCRIPT Maintain Interactive Scripting Prof
CRMC_IC_SPH_AGENTPRO Maintain Profiles for SPH Agent
CRMC_IC_TLBPROF Maintain profiles for Toolbar
CRMC_IC_TRACE Activate activity tracing for agent
CRMC_IC_WCTPROF Maintain profiles for Web Context
CRMC_IC_XML_TEMPLATE XML template maintenance
CRMC_IIA_KERNEL IIA: Customizing for Learning Engine
CRMC_IIA_REPORT IIA: Customizing for Learning Engine
CRMC_IOBJ_FIN_STATE Change Status of Individual Objects
CRMC_IPMO_BWSELOPT BW Select Optns: IPMO Sett.DataColl.
CRMC_IPMO_SRVUSE IPMO: Usage from Feature
CRMC_IPM_CLRRUL Clearing Control Diagram Form
CRMC_ISA_IUSER Internet User Settings
CRMC_ITEM_CAT_GR Item Category Usage
CRMC_ITEM_MA Customizing Maintenance: Item Cats
CRMC_IT_ASSIGN Customizing Maint.: Item Cat. Dtrmtn
CRMC_IT_COPY_IF Copy: Item category determination
CRMC_IT_COPY_MA Copy Item Categories
CRMC_IT_TYPE_US Item Category Usage

CRMC_LAYOUTC_GENE Generation of Customer Table Layout

CRMC_LAYOUT_GENERATE Generation of Layout Table
CRMC_LOGS Maintenance of message classes
CRMC_MAP Customer Maintenance Mapping
CRMC_MKTCA_WF_CUST Workflows Campaign Automation
CRMC_MKTLIST_WF_CUST Workflows External List Management
CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_CONF Configure Action Profile
CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_DEF Define Action Profile
CRMC_MKTPL_ACT_WIZ Action for Definition via Wizard
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_CPG Field Selection Campaign
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_CPT Field Selection Campaign Element
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_DLM Field Selection Deal
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_MPL Field Selection Marketing Plan
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_MPT Field Select. Marketing Plan Element
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_TPM Field Selection Trade Promotion
CRMC_MKTPL_FAW_TPT Field Selection Trade Element
CRMC_MKTPL_MAPPING Customizing Field Assignment MS Proj
CRMC_MKTPL_RT_AC Maintaning residency time
CRMC_MKTPL_SETTYPE Marketing Planning: Process Set Type
CRMC_MKTTG_CUSTMSG Configure Customer-Specific Messages
CRMC_MKTTG_DTY CRM Marketing: View Display Type
CRMC_MKTTG_MGR_H CRM Marketing: Report Name
CRMC_MKTTG_OPT_H CRM Marketing: Sample Optimization
CRMC_MKTTG_RUL CRM MKT: Split/Reduce Rules for TGs
CRMC_MKTTG_SA_DP Assign Attribute Type to Display
CRMC_MKTTG_SA_TP CRM Marketing: View Attribute Types
CRMC_MKTTG_TYP_H CRM Marketing: Target Group Type
CRMC_MKT_PARAMBW Customizing for BW Parameter ID
CRMC_MSGC Customizing CRM message attribute
CRMC_MSGS CRM message attribute maintenance
CRMC_NR_CONF Number Range Maint.: CRM_CONF
CRMC_NR_MPK_MPOINT Number Range Maint.: Counter
CRMC_NR_MPK_READING Number Range Maint.: Counter Reading
CRMC_NR_RA_ACTIVITY Number Range Maintenance: CRM_ACTIVI
CRMC_NR_RA_CONFIRM Number Range Maintenance:CRM_confirm
CRMC_NR_RA_FANF Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SERVIC

CRMC_NR_RA_LEADS Number range maintenance: CRM_LEAD

CRMC_NR_RA_OPPORT Number Range Maintenance: CRM_OPPORT
CRMC_NR_RA_SALES Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SALES
CRMC_NR_RA_SERVICE Number Range Maintenance: CRM_SERVIC
CRMC_NR_RA_SRV_CONF Number range maintenance: CRM_SRV_CF
CRMC_NR_RA_SUR Number range maintenance: CRM_SUR
CRMC_OBJECTS Subobjects of CRM Document
CRMC_OBJECT_ASSI Assignment Appl. Area CRM Object
CRMC_OPPORT_H Customizing Maintenance: Opportunity
CRMC_ORGPROF Maintenance of Org. Data Profile
CRMC_PARTNER_AS Maintenance of Access Sequences
CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Maintenance of Partner Functions
CRMC_PARTNER_MAP2CRM Mapping Partner Functions into CRM
CRMC_PARTNER_MAP2R3 Mapping Partner Functions into R/3
CRMC_PARTNER_PDP Maintenance of Partner Procedures
CRMC_PARTNER_PFT Maintenance of Partner Function Typ
CRMC_PFTREL BP PartnerFunctionCat.for Rel. Cat.
CRMC_PLSRV_REL Product Proposal
CRMC_PPR_CTRL Maintain Global PPR Settings
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_APPL Define Applications using PPRs
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_OCHK Transaction Types Rel. for PPR Check
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_PARA Customer Maintenance Rule Parameter
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_RULE Customer Maintenance Rule Definition
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_SRTB Define Sort Routines for BPartners
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_SRTP Define Sort Routines for Products
CRMC_PPR_DEFINE_TYPE Customer Maintenance PPR Types
CRMC_PRCPROC_DET Cust. Maint. Pr. type determination
CRMC_PRCTYPE_DET Cust. Maint. Pric. Proced. Maint.
CRMC_PROCESS_MA Customizing Maint.:Transaction Types
CRMC_PROD_FIN_COPY Copy Financing Product
CRMC_PROD_FIN_HIER Create Financing Hierarchy
CRMC_PRPS BP Function Proposal Procedure
CRMC_PRP_IL_MAP PPR-Customizing: Maintenance Mapping
CRMC_PRP_OBJECTS PPR-Customizing: Maintenance Mapping
CRMC_PR_COPY_MA Copy Tranasction Types

CRMC_R3_ORG_GENERATE R/3 organizational data generation

CRMC_SALES_ITEM Sales Customizing at Item Level
CRMC_SERVICE_H Customizing Maintenance: Service
CRMC_SERVICE_IPT Maintenance of Internet Trans. Types
CRMC_SLS_ITM_BIL Maint. Item Types & Billing Relev.
CRMC_SRVCATIFC Catalog Integration
CRMC_SUBJPROFILE_H Define Subject Profile
CRMC_SUBOB_CAT Application Areas
CRMC_SUBOB_CAT_I Item Business Object Types
CRMC_TAX_CUST_UPD Maintain Condition Function in Cond.
CRMC_TAX_GROUP Tax Group Customizing
CRMC_TAX_MAP Tax Group Customizing
CRMC_TAX_SCHEMA Maintain tax procedures
CRMC_TIMEPROF CRM date profile
CRMC_TM_CLPROF0 Call list profile maintenance
CRMC_TM_NSM Namespace manager
CRMC_TM_PSM Persistent storage manager
CRMC_WEBREQ Request Categories for Web Requests
CRMC_WEBREQ_BEGR Authorization Groups for Views
CRMC_WEBREQ_BEGR_DIS Authorization Groups for Views
CRMC_XMLEDITOR Start XML Editor for Spice
CRMD_AR_MAINTAIN Process Product Association Rule
CRMD_BILLING Transfer Invoice Data to R/3
CRMD_BILL_REV Cancel Billing Document
CRMD_BUS2000107 Process Framework Agreements
CRMD_BUS2000108 Maintain Leads
CRMD_BUS2000111 Maintain Opportunities
CRMD_BUS2000112 Maintain Service Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000113 Process Purchase Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000114 Maintain Sales Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000115 Maintain Sales Transactions
CRMD_BUS2000116 Edit Service Processes
CRMD_BUS2000117 Process Service Confirmations
CRMD_BUS2000120 Process Complaints
CRMD_BUS2000121 Maintain Sales Contracts

CRMD_BUS2000126 Maintain Activities

CRMD_BUS2000210 Maintain Product Service Letter
CRMD_BUS2000220 Maintain Partner Design Project
CRMD_BUS2000230 Maintain License Sales Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000231 Edit License Acquisition Contracts
CRMD_BUS2000232 Edit License Usage Confirmation
CRMD_CALL_LIST Generation of Call Lists
CRMD_CC Currency Change
CRMD_CCKPT_VIEWCUST customizing for role default views
CRMD_CD Display of Document Changes
CRMD_CODEX CRM Codex : Evaluation
CRMD_CSDR_PROJ_FAST Fast entry screen for Project
CRMD_DOWNLOAD_OM CRM Mobile Client Download (Online)
CRMD_DOWNLOAD_SB Download Sales Bundling Data to CDB
CRMD_EMAIL Maintain Mail Form
CRMD_EMAIL_LIST Display Marketing Bus. Activity List
CRMD_EMAIL_TEMPL Maintain Mail Template
CRMD_EMAIL_TEMPL1 Maintain Mail Form
CRMD_EVENT_CHECK EH:Callback for Trans.Type/Item Cat.
CRMD_EVENT_TRACE Evaluate Transaction Event Trace
CRMD_IIA_FAQ Maintain Frequently Asked Questions
CRMD_IIA_REPORT Generate Statistics Reports
CRMD_IM_MAIL_DELETE Delete Marketing Bus. Activity List
CRMD_INDEX_OM Index structure search OM
CRMD_IPM_AVAILABLE Analyze Rights Availability
CRMD_IPM_EVENT Date/Event Management
CRMD_IPM_HIER Maintain Hierarchical Attributes
CRMD_IPM_HIER_VIEW Maintain Hier.Attributes Views
CRMD_IPM_RD_PCUI_GEN IPM: Generate People Centric UI
CRMD_ISA_AUC_ATT Web Auction Attributes Setup
CRMD_ISA_EAUCTION Manage Web Auctions
CRMD_LEAD_FREE_SEL Lead Monitor: Free Selection
CRMD_LEAD_MONITOR Lead Monitor Organizational View
CRMD_MINIPROCESS Process a Transaction from MiniApp
CRMD_MKTDS Data Sources for Segment Builder

CRMD_MKTDS_WIZARD Data Source Wizard

CRMD_MKTLIST External List Management
CRMD_MKTLIST_MAP CRM Marketing : ELM Mapping Tool
CRMD_MKTPL_AL00 CRM: Allocation Application
CRMD_MKTPL_AL02 CRM: Allocation Rules
CRMD_MKTPL_AL03 CRM: Allocation Priorities
CRMD_MKTPL_AL04 CRM: Status of actual quantities
CRMD_MKTSEG Segment Builder
CRMD_MKTSEG_MGR Edit Master Groups/Samples
CRMD_MKT_EXP CRM Marketing: Export Target Group
CRMD_MKT_PROC Create Business Transactions
CRMD_MKT_TOOLS Marketing Tools
CRMD_MKT_TRANS CRM Marketing: Transport to Channels
CRMD_OPPORT_FAST My opportunities fast change
CRMD_ORDER Transaction Processing
CRMD_ORDER_BP Business Partner Cockpit
CRMD_ORDER_LEAS_WOFF Write-Offs Mass Update Leasing
CRMD_ORDER_OBJLINK CRM Order via BUS Type and Number
CRMD_PROF_BP Business Partner Attributes
CRMD_PROF_CHAR Attribute Maintenance
CRMD_PROF_TEMPL Maintain Attribute Sets
CRMD_ROUTING_PROFILE Maintain Profiles and Attributes
CRMD_SDB_PRMN Maintain Info. Security Profile
CRMD_SDB_PROF Assign Profile to User
CRMD_SERV_CYCLE Define Service Cycles
CRMD_SERV_FORECAST Service Plan Forecasting
CRMD_SERV_SLA Availability and Response Times
CRMD_SRWWW Internet Transaction Service Request
CRMD_TG_IMPORT Import External Target Groups
CRMD_TM_CLDIST Call List Maintenance
CRMD_TM_CLMS Call List Management
CRMD_TRACE_EVAL Evaluation of API Trace
CRMD_TRACE_SET Activate/Deactivate API Trace
CRMD_TRACE_WATCHP Setting/Deletion of Watchpoint
CRMD_TRANSLATE Translate Mail Form

CRMD_TRANS_OM Translate Short Text for Org Units

CRMD_WEBREQ_CUST_OVW Customizing Evaluation: Web Requests
CRMD_WEBREQ_GEN_EXIT Generate start_exit Page
CRMD_WEBREQ_MONITOR Monitor for Web Requests
CRMD_WEBREQ_SIG_SHOW Display Digital Signature
CRMINIT First steps in middleware servers
CRMMDTREE The Overall Maintenance
CRMMNODE Transcation of maint. script node
CRMMNODET Transcation of maint. script node
CRMMONITOR Monitoring Middleware System
CRMMOPTION Maint. Tansaction to script option
CRMM_BPCURR Currency Changeover Business Partner
CRMM_BPD Business Partner Diagnosis
CRMM_BUPA_MAP Business partner data exchange
CRMM_BUPA_SEND Business Partner: Sending Directly
CRMM_CIC_APDISPLAY Display IC WinClient Profile
CRMM_CSDR_PROD_MAIN Des.Reg. product attributes maintain
CRMM_HR_QUALI_DEF Create CRM relevant HR qualis remote
CRMM_HR_QUALI_GET Create attribute f. HR qualification
CRMM_IC_MCM_CCADM Maintain System Settings
CRMM_IC_MCM_CCLNK Assign Profiles
CRMM_ISA_IUSER Internet User Management
CRMM_ISA_UA Internet Sales User Administration
CRMM_MARKET_ATTRSET Maintain Marketing Set Type
CRMM_MKT_SAMPLE Samples for Segment Builder
CRMM_PPR Maintain Partner/Product Range
CRMM_PPR_CHNG_STATUS Change Partner/Product Range Status
CRMM_PPR_GUID_PPR Display all GUIDs for a PPR
CRMM_PPR_RULES Execute Partner/Product Range Rules


CRMM_PPR_STATUS_TEST Change PPR Status for internal use
CRMM_PPR_TOPN Maintain Top n Products
CRMM_PRPROD Assign Pricing Reference Materials
CRMM_ROUTING start business routing
CRMM_ROUTING_COMPARE Business Routing: Compare Scenario
CRMM_ROUT_AGENT Maintain agents for business routing
CRMM_ROUT_GRP Start routing group of b. routing
CRMM_ROUT_GRP_BP Group Members for Routing Groups
CRMM_ROUT_PROF Maintain profile
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_BP Assign Routing Grp Member to Profile
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_CHAR Maintain Attributes
CRMM_ROUT_PROF_TEMP Maintain Profile Template
CRMM_SEARCH Knowledge Search
CRMM_TERRMAN Territory Management
CRMM_TM_SCRIPT Interactive scripting editor
CRMORDERARC Residence Times Transaction Types
CRMSE62 Activate Exchanged Short Texts
CRMST62 Create Industry Short Texts
CRMS_IC_ACTION_DF IC WebClient Data Flow Maintenance
CRMS_IC_CHECK Check System Settings and Status
CRMS_IC_CROSS_SYS Transaction Launcher Logical Systems
CRMS_IC_SYSTEM_PROPS IC WebClient System Properties
CRMV_CANCPROCEDURE Maintain cancellation procedures
CRMV_CANCRULES Maintain cancellation rules
CRMV_CHECK_EVENTS Check Cust. Tab. for Event Handler
CRMV_CHECK_SSC Check Screen Control Data
CRMV_CODEX CRM Codex: Maint. of Check Tables
CRMV_EVENT Customizing Event Handler
CRMV_GENIL Customizing Object Model Generic IL
CRMV_IPM_HIER_ATTR Customizing: Hierarchical Attributes
CRMV_IPM_HIER_VIEW Hierarchical Attributes Views
CRMV_PARTY Maintain cancelling party
CRMV_SSC Mntce: Scrn Cntrl Data CRM Trans.
CRMXIF_C1 Assignment Site ID Interface Type

CRM_AC Check Appointment Rule for Data Exch

CRM_ACE_ADM CRM ACE Administrator Console
CRM_ACE_ADM_OLD Old CRM ACE Activation Tool GUI.
CRM_ACE_DEV CRM ACE Developer Tools
CRM_ACT_CUST_FIELDS Add customer fields to Activity Jrnl
CRM_ACT_IBU_INCL Maintain IBU specific fields
CRM_ACT_JR_TMPT Create/Change Activity Jrnl Template
CRM_ACT_JR_TMPT_TYPE Create/Change Activity JRNL TempType
CRM_ACT_STD_JRNL Create Standard Activity Journal


BUT000 : BP: General data Contains Business Partner Number, Partner Category, Partner Type,
First Name, Last Name etc.

BUT020 BP: Addresses

BUT050 BP relationships/role definitions: General data Contains Relationship, Partner Number,

Relationship Category

BUT051 BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship Similar to BUT050 additionally contains

Contact Persons Address data

BUT0BK Business Partner: Bank Data & Details BP Number, Bank Key, Bank Country Key, Bank
Account Number

BNKA Bank Master Data

TSAD3T Table containing the Title text against a Title No.

CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity Header Data

BUT100 BP: Roles

ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services) Contains Email Id of the BP.

ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services) BPs Complete Address Details- City, Country, Post
Code, District, Street, Title No Etc
COMM_PRODUCT Master Table for Product
CRMM_BUAG Master table for Business Agreement

CRMM_BUAG_H Header Data for Business Agreement such as Tax Category, Tax Characteristic,
Form key, Business Agreement Class. Data in this table correspond to ISU
CRMD_ORDERADM_H Contains the Header Information for a Business Transaction.

1. It doesnt store the Business Partner responsible for the transaction. To get the Partner No, link it with
2. This table can be used for search based on the Object Id(Business Transaction No).

CRMD_CUSTOMER_H Additional Site Details at the Header Level of a Business Transaction

CRMC_PROC_TYPE Master table Business Transaction Type
CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Definition of Partner Functions
SCPRIOT Priorities for Activities with priority text.
CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T Text for a transaction type
CRMC_ACT_OBJ_T Objective Number and Text for Activities
TJ30T All the status code and text
CRMC_PR_ASSIGN : Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.
IBIB : Installed Base/Ibase
IBIN : Installed Base Components
CRMD_ACTIVITY_H Activity Header table
CRMD_ACTIVITY_I Activity Reporting: Activity Line Item Extension
CRMD_TM_ACTIVITY Activity reference
CRMD_LEAD_H Lead Header table
CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity Header table


Some of the tables that are used in Marketing and Campaign Management are:
CRMD_IM_ML_HEAD Personalized Mails: Contact Tracking Outbound Table
CRMD_IM_ML_ITEM Personalized Mails: Contact Tracking Outbound Table (Item)
CRMD_IM_ITEM_L Personalized Mails: URL Extensions for CRMD_IM_ML_ITEM
CRMD_IM_LINK Personalized Mails: Tracking Enabled URLs with Attributes
CRMD_IM_LINK_T Personalized Mails: Text Table for CRMD_IM_LINK
CRMC_IM_CAT Personalized Mails: Categories for URLs
CRMC_IM_CAT_T Personalized Mails: Text Table for CRMC_IM_CAT
Delivery Info:
SOOD SAPoffice: Object definition
SOST SAPoffice: Status log table


here r some tables which r most used

BUT051 BP Relationship: Contact Person Relationship
Similar to BUT050 , additionally contains Contact Persons Address data
BUT0BK Business Partner: Bank Data & Details
BP Number, Bank Key, Bank Country Key, Bank Account Number
BNKA Bank Master Data
BUT100 BP: Roles
ADR2 Telephone Numbers (Business Address Services)
ADR6 SMTP Numbers (Business Address Services)
Contains Email Id of the BP.
ADRC Addresses (Business Address Services)
BPs Complete Address Details- City, Country, Post Code, District, Street, Title No Etc
TSAD3T Table containing the Title text against a Title No.
COMM_PRODUCT Master Table for Product
CRMM_BUAG Master table for Business Agreement
CRMM_BUAG_H Header Data for Business Agreement such as Tax Category, Tax Characteristic, Form key,
Business Agreement Class. Data in this table correspond to ISU CRMD_ORDERADM_H Contains the Header
Information for a Business Transaction.
1. It doesnt store the Business Partner
responsible for the transaction. To
get the Partner No, link it with
2. This table can be used for search
based on the Object Id(Business
Transaction No).
CRMD_CUSTOMER_H Additional Site Details at the Header Level of a Business Transaction
CRMC_PROC_TYPE Master table Business Transaction Type

CRMC_PARTNER_FCT Definition of Partner Functions

SCPRIOT Priorities for Activities with priority text.
CRMC_PROC_TYPE_T Text for a transaction type
CRMC_ACT_OBJ_T Objective Number and Text for Activities
TJ30T All the status code and text
CRMC_PR_ASSIGN : Transaction Type and its Transaction Type Object.
IBIB : Installed Base/Ibase
IBIN : Installed Base Components
CRMC_T077D : customer account groups
CRMD_ORDERADM_H (for header) CRMD_ORDERADM_I (Item data)
CRMD_ORDERADM_H Business Transactions CRM
CRMD_OPPORT_H Opportunity
BUTOO : Customer details
BUT001 BP: General data II
BUT100 BP: Roles
BUT150 BP relationship: Attribute table (test
BUT_HIER_TREE Business Partner Group Hierarchy
CDBC_T_PRODUCTID Mapping: Product Id
CDBD_ORGMAN Business transaction organizational unit set
COMC_PRODUCT General Product Settings
COMC_R3_FIELDS Assignment of R/3 material master fields to
COMM_CFGMAT Basic Data for Materials
COMM_HIERARCHY Category Hierarchy
COMP_TYPES Hierarchy Tool: Comparison Type Check
CRMC_CPRICPROC Customer Pricing Procedures
SMOKVBEZ15 Assignment employees to positions
CRMMLSGUID: GUID entry (should match GUID in CRMPRLS)
CRMM_BUT_CUSTNO : Also GUID table (GUID here should match GUID in R/3 table CRMKUNNR)
SMOFSUBTAB : Mapping & Parameters

SMOFDSTAT : Download Monitor (R4AM1)

SMOFFILTAB : Filters (Should match filters in R3AC1 & R/3 Table CRMFILTAB)
SMOFOBJECT Definition of Objects for Download
SMOFOBJPAR Parent Objects of an Object in Table
SMOFPARSFA Middleware Parameter
SMOFQFIND Queue Finder Table for MW-Queue finder
SMOFTABLES Definition of Tables for Download
CRMD_ORDERADM_H = Document Header Table
CRMD_ORDERADM_I = Document Line item Table

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