Research Into Genre - Thriller

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Research into genre - Thriller

By Louise Chapman

Conventions of genre
Low light creating a dark atmosphere denotes suspense.
Disturbing, uncomfortable images connotes
Psychotic behaviour of one or some of the characters.
Not a large amount of blood necessarily but usually a few
dead bodies.
Characters wouldnt usually wear bright colours but often
wear dull, dreary colours.
The music is often discordant and/or melodramatic.
The font used for the credits can sometimes be very
dramatic, embellished and garish but other times is more
understated (e.g. Se7en).

Conventional thriller actors, directors

and companies

Themes that tend to be tackled in


Abduction and/or missing persons

The audience would consist of people that
enjoy the suspense. They enjoy piecing
together what has/is happening and it can
make them feel clever.
Thrillers often have plot twist and red herrings
to make it more exciting.

Famous examples

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