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Hello everybody,

General clan rules:


Be a team player: donate troops and money

Communicate with other clan members in the chat
Be polite and respect other clan members
Speak English
Fight hard in tournaments and try to get as many cups as possible

Tournament cycle: 20 days

1. We rest and farm for 10 days
2. Then we fight a small tournament (10K) for 5 days
3. Then we fight a big tournament (18k) for another 5 days
Then the cycle repeats.
You can be promoted to
Lieutenant: if you have level 75 and win more than 2000 cups in the big tournament (18k)
Colonel: if you have level 75 and win more than 3000 cups in the big tournament (18k)
General: Colonels and Generals decide among themselves who will be the next General. A
General who is too busy in reality should consider promoting a more active colonel to
In high rating tournaments (above 1800) we win more trophies than we lose in an attack.
This means we dont drop rating hard before such a tournament . We just drop to around
1800. Then win attacks to bring rating back to 2000-2099. While trying to win these attacks,
choose the one that give you LEAST rating (for example 7 medals). This could give you the
maximum amount of trophies. Also, when you reach around 2099, drop you rating back to
2000 by losing attacks. Choose to lose the attack that makes you lose MOST rating (for
example 39 medals). So by doing this, we are going back and forth in rating but gathering
many trophies.
I hope everyone trying out this need strategy. This is used by most strong players going for

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