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The Patriot is a dramatic monologue written by Robert Browning.

In the poem the main

character, named as the patriot remembers a time when his people loved him. After his
victories he was received with flowers thrown in his path. He was cheered by people who
crowded on rooftops to welcome him. They were ready to do anything for him.
But now there is a significant change in the setting. The streets are deserted because
everyone has gone to the place where the patriot is going to be hanged. People throw
stones at him. They enjoy his sufferings. Nevertheless the patriot doesnt lose hope. He
is happy because it is God who is going to reward him. He values it more than the
rewards from men.
The poem reminds us of the fickle nature of public opinion. Browning was aware of the
political treacheries of his time when he wrote the poem. He tells us about the
pointlessness of war and how easily a hero can be portrayed as a villain.

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