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Megan Stone

Childs Name: ____________________________________

Date: _____________________

Observers Name: ___________________________________

Gross Motor
Can the child jump lifting both feet off the ground?

Can the child balance on their dominant foot for 5 seconds?

Can the child bounce a large ball 3 times in a row?

Can the child catch a large ball without dropping it?

Can the child climb the climber/latter up without help?

Can the child climb the climber/latter down without help?

Can the child walk forward without bumping into anything?

Can the child walk backward without bumping into anything?

Fine Motor
Can the child put together a six piece puzzle?

Can the child use scissors to cut out a curved object?

Can the child fold a piece of paper in half?

Can the child write their first and last name?



Can the child draw a picture of a person with 3 or more body parts?

Can the child peal stickers and put them on paper?

She was able to do most of the things on the checklist. One thing that she struggled with the
most was catching the ball, she is good at throwing the ball, but she really struggles with
catching it. It was easier for her to catch the ball if there was a bounce in-between. She also
struggled with writing her last name she knows her last name, but she does not know how to
spell it. I think that she is developing normally, there were not red flags. She is developing like
an average kid would.

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