Me569 f14 HW5

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ME 569

HW #5

Due: 12 November 2014

The attached paper provides analytical approximations to the burning velocities of a number of different fuels. The
term analytical approximation refers to the following. First, a detailed theoretical analysis was performed to
determine the burning velocity, see eqns. 10 12 and ref. 1 if you want more detail. Second, a series of detailed
numerical calculations of the burning velocity were performed that include the full kinetics and transport effects.
Finally, using the mathematical form suggested by the analytical solution the numerical results were used to develop
a simplified curve fit that allows a relatively simple calculation of the burning velocity. The solution, as you will
learn in the introduction section, is dependent on the inner layer temperature, T0, that represents the separation
between the inert preheat zone and the reaction zones. The inner layer temperature depends only on the pressure
(and some kinetic rates and transport properties), and is independent of the initial fuel-air temperature.
For all of the questions below, use propane as the fuel.

The H2-O2 system plays a critical role in combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. The competition between the
following reactions:
H + O2 OH + O
H + O2 + M HO2 + M (2)
is critical in the reaction mechanism. A crossover temperature can be defined as the temperature at which the
rate of depletion of either reactant, H or O2, from the forward reactions (1) and (2) are equal. You can assume
that the third body efficiency is 1 for all species.
Compare the crossover temperature using the rate constants in Turns to the inner layer temperature T0 provided
in the paper. Also perform the comparison using the following rate data
A1= 2.01014
b1= 0
A2= 2.31018
where the units are moles, cm3, s, K, cal/mole.

b) Plot the burning velocity for a stoichiometric propane-air mixture as a function of unburned gas temperature
(298 < Tu [K] < 1000) and pressures of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 bar.

Plot the flame thickness for a stoichiometric propane-air mixture as a function of unburned gas temperature
(298 < Tu [K] < 1000) and pressures of 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 bar.

d) Define a method for estimating the lean flammability limit, i.e. the leanest mixture for which the flame can
propagate. Plot the lean flammability limit as a function of unburned gas temperature (298 < Tu [K] < 1000) for
pressures of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 40 bar.

Plot the flame thickness for a propane-air mixture at the lean flammability limit as a function of unburned gas
temperature (298 < Tu [K] < 1000) for pressures of 1, 5, 10, 20 and 40 bar.

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