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Teacher Candidate: Emily Ash and Kari Kurtz Date:

Cooperating Teacher:
Dr. Varano

November 11, 2014

Coop. Initials __KV__

Group Size:

Grade Level: 3____

20 students

Subject or Topic:

Allotted Time: 60 minutes

Circulatory System- The Heart


10.1. B- Identify and know the location and function of the major body organs and
I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):
A. The students will recall information about the heart by listing three facts from
the lesson, on the provided exit slip.
II. Instructional Materials
A. Bill Nye The Science Guy YouTube Video
B. Red bulletin board paper (cut into a large heart)
C. Tape
D. Black marker
E. Heart transparency (See Attachment)
F. Label the Hearts Parts Activity Sheet- one per student (See Attachment)
G. Blank heart template-one per student (See Attachment)
H. Pencils
I. Light-colored crayons (pink, yellow, orange, red)
J. Hard Working Heart Recording Sheet (See Attachment)

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
1. Information from a previous lesson
B. Key Vocabulary
1. heart- a muscle that pumps blood to the lungs for oxygen and to the rest
of the body
2. Parts of the heart:
a. aorta

b. valves
c. left ventricle
d. left atrium
e. right ventricle
f. right atrium
C. Big Idea
1. The parts of the heart and how it functions.
D. Additional content
1. The function of the heart
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. Display on the board (chalk board or Smart Board) Did you know that a
mouses heart beats over 500 times per minute and elephants heart beats 2030 per minute?
2. Ask the students if they know how fast a human heart beats. (70 BPM)
3. Explain to the students that we will be discussing the heart, and they will
begin by watching a short video about the heart
B. Development
1. Show the Bill Nye the Science Guy video
2. Discuss the video with the whole class. Brainstorm their thoughts and
3. Talk about the important facts that the students should remember:
a. The heart is located in your chest and is well protected by your rib cage.
b. It is one of the most important organs in the human body.
c. Its job is to continuously pump blood around our body through blood
d. The heart consists of important parts which helps with its function.
5. Using a black marker, write these facts on a large paper heart (red bulletin
board paper) which is taped on the board.
6. Next, explain that they will learn about the different parts.
7. Display the heart transparency (See Attachment) on the overhead projector,
and review it with the students.
a. Pronounce the names of the parts and have the students repeat it.
8. Pass out the Label the Hearts Parts Activity Sheet (See Attachment) to
each student.
9. While referring to the transparency, the students should label the parts on
their activity sheet.
10. The students will conduct an inquiry. The steps are as follows:
a. Group the students into three.
b. Assign each student with a particular role for the inquiry (Baler, Timer,

c. Have a student from each group collect the materials needed for the
1) One plastic beaker- holds 150ml
2) Two large bowls
3) Water (fill one bowl)
4) Stop watch
5) Recording sheet (See Attachment)
d. The Timer will set the stop watch for 1 minute.
e. Once the Timer starts the stop watch, the Baler will use the beaker to
bale 25 beakerfuls of water to the other bowl. Use the same hand/arm the
whole time.
f. The Recorder will answer the questions on the provided sheet.
g. Repeat steps d through f using 50 beakerfuls and 70 beakerfuls.
h. The groups will clean up and put away the materials.
i. As a class, discuss the inquiry findings and how it connects to the
1) The hearts job is to constantly pump blood throughout our body,
and the different parts play an important role with this job.
2) After completing the inquiry, you should have an idea of how the
heart pumps the blood, and how hard it must work.
3) The heart pumps fast, and it keeps pumping for a lifetime without
getting tired.
11. Hand out a blank heart template (See Attachment).
12. Instruct the students to write their name, and at least three things that they
learned about the heart during this lesson.
13. Collect the hearts- This will serve as an exit slip assessment.

C. Closure
1. If there is extra time at the end of the lesson, the students may color their
exit slip hearts using a light-colored crayon
2. Mention to the students that tomorrow, we will talk about the path of the
blood and how it ties in with the heart.
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
1. LA is a student in my class who has a writing disability called dysgraphia.
She will use a pencil grip during any writing parts of the lesson.
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative- Exit slips are collected at the end of the lesson. The students
will be assessed based on the information they wrote on the slip.
2. Summative- No summative for this lesson.

V. Reflective Response

A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on

student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective

answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)
1. Was the assessment method adequate enough to gauge if the instructional
delivery was effective?
2. After completion of this lesson, can the students effectively identify the
function and parts of the heart?
3. Does the lesson or inquiry need to be altered or improved?

VI. Resources (in APA format)

(n.d.). Elementary lesson plans. Retrieved from American Heart Association website:
(2014, July 24). Human body facts: Human heart facts. Retrieved from Science Kids
Parker, S. (1994). Transport and maintenance. How the body works: 100 ways parents
and kids can share the miracle of the human body (p. 101). Pleasantville, NY: The
Reader's Digest Association, Inc.

theScienceguy12. (2011, June 26). Circulatory System Bill Nye on the Heart (Part 1).
Retrieved from

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