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Aura Lpez 076-08-12275

Task Based Language Teaching

The follow video is about TBLT, it is like a real-class but mark some points where
teacher uses an interesting topic in the students, that they know topic first students
describe, answer together, when they feel sure then individual work.
Active previous knowledge, teacher guide the conversation with students, learn
new vocabulary.
Task and Post-Task:
In task students take control, each student participates, and post-task students
interact and practice.
Students speak and try do activities if they make a mistake then teacher says the
correct form.
Task: assessment is primarily based on task outcome (in other words the
appropriate completion of real world tasks) rather than on accuracy of prescribed
language forms.
When is time to prepare project students need some objectives:
o Intrinsic motivation:
o Use English for authentic purposes
o Work in cooperative
Student choose a topic where they can investigate and they are sure about what
are they going to present, that all information is clear and prepare some questions,
teacher check that they can work and if teacher looking for wrong tell and student
repair. This brings a process and every student is responsible about topic. They
work together and take time necessary to present.

Content Based Instruction


Educational project
Uses language, disciplines
Social contents, communication

Grammar, think and authentic material is better than all the time learn rules or memorize.
Student learns quickly in practice, doing actions, if they do not pay attention in activities
teacher needs a extra plan where can catch the attention all students.
The focus is in content.

Students can work in groups and each group a different topic using materials or
videos when they finish then present to rest of class, share information, opinions,
new knowledge.

Students work
when the motivation exist into themselves, school and home
Learner role and Teacher role:
Both need energy and enthusiasm and teacher use appropriate language.

Developing a Project in a
Language Classroom

In the follow figure are steps to make a project, the project needs to be interesting
for the presenters, when is time to may be can ask about topic if other people
knows or what think, this help also because is a form to feel comfortable.


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