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Jared Sumner
University Writing 1103
Professor Raymond
September, 7 2014
Today's Technology with Reading and Writing
Technology has more influence on people's literacy narrative than one might realize.
Technology can help some people learn how to read or write through an interactive read along
book or writing program. It doesn't stop there; it continues to affect the way people interpret the
s what is interpreted.

When there was limited technology, people

eading texts and collecting evidence from more than one place. It was much
consuming than in the current computer age. Now the youth learn through many
es of technology. My literacy narrative was deeply affected by technology.
When I was little I didn't have all ofthe technology that there is today. I learned how to
read and write in school through practice. Now there are interactive programs that make learning
to read and write fun. Even though it is still practice, it is not as tiresome. If I had those
advances, I might have liked the learning process of reading and writing. The only way I
remember technology being used for me was when I was learning how to read. My elementary

school would video tape me reading so I could see myself read and view my progress. ~

Television affected my literacy narrative a lot. I loved television when I was younger and
still do today. I believe that what I watched on television help shape how I view things. I got my
exposure to worldly slang and society's view on societal problems. It also expanded my


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knowledge through informational shows. It mainly helped me shape the way I write. I learned

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how things were said and how to form thoughts. I am a more visual learner so seeing and hearing
how to talk and to form thoughts was a great benefit.
Texting has affected my literacy narrative but not in a negative way. I do not use slang
when I text, so it actually is good practice for me, especially since I don't write often. It also
helped me to learn the keyboard. I used to peck at the keys but now that I know where they are I
can type with my whole hand.
In conclusion, technological advances contribute to my generation's knowledge. It simply

cannot be helped. The internet has easy access with cell phone. Television has many educational


programming, Even though one still has to study and find information, it is easier and more
entertaining than searching for information through books.

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