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Sumner 1

Jared Sumner
University Writing 1103
Professor Raymond
September 28, 2014
There are many reasons and practices in which people name their children. Some people
keep with of tradition naming their kids after themselves and others prefer to choose the name.
Most people keep the male's last name after marriage. My family names on their own preference
of the name and family ties.
My parents picked out first names from a book of names. They would go through and
choose their favorite name. My name is out of a book with all the names in the bible. My family
does not have a specific practice when picking out first names.
th a good middle name my family uses middle names from previous
y brother's middle name is the same as my dad's. Several of my family
members ha e my middle name. There really is not a specific way my family chooses middle

y family just sticks to common middle names but we do not have to. My parents could

have chosen any name but they just decided to choose a common one. l.A.Jt:.U


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My family uses the most common practice for transferring last names. The practice I ~

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speak of is when the husband's name is the name that overtakes the wife's. This means if
someone else has the last name of Sumner then I must be related to them somewhere along the

Sumner 2

In conclusion my family mostly chooses their own names except for the last name. There
are other traditions out there but my family does not practice many of them. My parents chose
my first and middle name and I received my father's last name.

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