State of The River Project With Rubric

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Group Member:

State of the River Project

Four-Day Mini Project that will serve as you final project for the Water Unit. You will
be graded on content as well as several learning expectations. This projects purpose
to tie together the important work we did monitoring the river and report out on
our findings.
Talk with your partner and pick one and circle it!

Radio Broadcast

Create a beautiful 11x17 digital poster

that illustrates the chemical nature of
the parameters we tested for, highlights
area of concern for our river, utilizes
scientific research to pose solutions and
proposes a plan to better the river as a

Create a radio broadcast (News Bulletin

or interview with an expert) that
Indication of which parameters are
outside optimal ranges in our river and
what scientists say about how we can
help. What we can be doing to make a
healthier river for Montpelier

General Overview of the project

Day 1 Research

Day 2 Look at the Data, and what can be done about it.

Day 3 Create an initial draft of your project

Day 4 Final touches before thanksgiving break


Rubric For this Project See Back Page

Rubric For this Project

Both project Choices



3.2 Poise


3 (90)

2 (80)

1 (65)

- Evidence efficiently
and effectively
supports purpose.

- Evidence supports
the purpose, is
specific, and is

- Evidence mostly
supports purpose, but
may be irrelevant,
inaccurate, or contain
gaps in clarity.
- Evidence may reveal
a partial understanding
of topic.

- Evidence is lacking
or appears to be
disconnected from

- Analysis is logical
and clearly connects
the evidence to details
and purpose.

- Analysis is logical
and connects the
evidence and details to
the purpose.

Analysis connects
most details to
purpose, but fails to
provide clear or
convincing logic.

- Analysis is lacking or
disconnected from

- Presentation is well
rehearsed and is easily
adapted to
- Demonstrates
excellent control of
volume, intonation,
articulation and
speaking rate

- Does not extensively

read from notes
- Presentation appears
- Controls volume,
intonation, articulation
and speaking rate to
promote understanding

- Presentation has
occasional pauses
- Presents some verbal
mannerisms that
occasionally distract
from delivery

- Presentation distracts
from the meaning of
the work

- Conveys an original
purpose that drives
- Organizational
structure is particularly
effective and moves
the audience through
the ideas
- Uses digital media in
original ways to
enhance understanding
of findings, reasoning,
and evidence and to
add interest

- Conveys a clear
- Presents information
in a logical progression
- Make strategic use of
digital media (e.g.,
textual, graphical,
audio, visual, and
interactive elements) to
enhance understanding
of findings, and

- Conveys a purpose
- Presents information
in a way that may
occasionally seem
unclear or distracting
- Includes some
findings and
supporting evidence
- Uses digital media
(e.g., textual,
graphical, audio,
visual, and interactive
elements) that may add
interest but
occasionally detracts
from understanding of
findings, reasoning,
and evidence

- With prompting,
conveys a purpose
- Presents information
in a way that is unclear
or distracting
- Includes minimal
findings and
supporting evidence
- Uses digital media
(e.g., textual,
graphical, audio,
visual, and interactive
elements) that grabs
attention but ultimately
detracts from


Radio Broadcast
Poster Presentation

4 (100)

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