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Celine Quiming - Art 441 Holster September 24, 2014 Distorted Reflection Lesson Plan - Assessments

Entry Level Assessments

(1) What is a self-portrait?
A portrait that you draw, painting, color, sketch of yourself.
A portrait that you drew from a mirror.
A portrait that you drew from a picture.
A portrait that you took on your phone.
A portrait that you took with your camera.
A portrait of what you think you physically look like.
(2) What is a Selfie?
A picture you take of yourself with your phone.
A picture you take of yourself with your camera.
A picture where you are by yourself.
A picture of just your face.
(3) Ask student who has created his or her own self-portrait without any electronic device.
(4) Pass sheets of paper (no smaller than 8.5 x 11) and have them sketch out a drawing of
what they think they look like with no mirror. Compare and contrast after 10 minutes.
ELLs and Resource students can take the whole class period or take it home.
(5) After finished, have students explain their process.
What do you remember from your face the most?
What did you draw first?
How do you know that is what you look like?
What is your favorite physical feature?
What is your least favorite physical feature?
Why did you draw yourself in that manner?
Did you try to draw it realistically or more like a cartoon/caricature?

Progress Monitoring
(1) Go around to the majority of the classroom. Look at what they are doing, and how they are
doing it. Have the Advanced students show you their references and resource materials.
(2) ELLs See if they understand the lesson, if there is some difficulty, have them use
translation dictionaries. Possibly have aids or other teachers who speak the students language
help them.
(3) Resource Students - Work together with aids. Also, show visuals (handouts) and possibly
videos in order to better explain the lesson.

Celine Quiming - Art 441 Holster September 24, 2014 Distorted Reflection Lesson Plan - Assessments

(4) Struggling Readers Go over handouts with the struggling readers as a group and ask them
if they have any questions. Ask them what may be confusing to them and if you can explain it in
a better way.

Summative Assessment
(1) Hosting the Critique The critique will go on for three days. Keep the following questions in
What did the student like about the process?
What did the student like least about the process?
What were some challenges?
What was easy for him/her?
What did you learn about yourself?
What did you learn about the world?
What did you learn about your classmates?
What do you appreciate about yourself?
Would you want to do another self-portrait?
What inspired you?
(2) Day One Half of the class (not including ELLs, Resource Students, and Struggling Readers).
This half of the group will include the half of the majority of the regular students as well as
the Advance students.
(3) Day Two The second half of the majority of the class will be critique will go with the
Struggling Readers. That way the Struggling students had more time to complete the project.
(4) Day Three The last day of critique will be meant for the ELLs and the Resource students,
that way they had enough time for the lesson as well as time to explain how they did with their
(5) After Critique After the students get critiqued have them fill out a self-evaluation that will
also be the evaluation that the teacher will use. This will allow them to reflect on what they
could have improved on and what they liked best about their artwork.
(6) Reflection Have each student write a half to one page paper about his/her experience
(refer to the questions on 1).

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