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NAME: Radwa M.

Naguib Tayel

Consumer behavior/ first quiz MCQs

1- A marketer who segments a population by age and gender is using ________ to
categorize consumers.
A. demographics
B. psychographics
C. roles
D. lifestyle
2- According to the basic marketing concept, a firm exists to ________.
A. earn profits
B. win market share
C. establish relationships
D. satisfy needs
3- Wal-Mart tracks the habits of the 100 million customers who visits its stores each week
and responds with products and services directed toward those customers' needs based on
the information collected. This is an example of ________ marketing.
A. undifferentiated
4-A buyer who shops to relieve tension, anxiety, depression, or boredom is best described as
a(n) ________ consumer.
A. activist
B. anticonsumption
C. compulsive

D. consumed
5-A soft drink company decided to produce a cola drink with more caffeine than usual in
hopes of preventing current teen and early twenties customers from shifting to coffee and
tea drinks after graduating from college. The company test-marketed this new product at a
midwestern university. The company has segmented the market based on ________.
A. psychographics
B. lifestyle
C. demographics
D. geography
6-Which of the following is NOT one of the three stages of the process of perception?
A. interpretation
B. adaptation
C. attention
D. exposure
7- When a gas station blows "fresh coffee smell" around the gas pumps to tempt customers
to come inside for a cup, the gas station is using a form of ________ marketing to influence
A. one-on-one
B. subliminal
C. differentiated
D. sensory
8- When Jane shops, she must feel the fabric of any potential clothing buy before she even
bothers to see what the design is. She has a high need to touch. Which sense system is
important to Jane in her clothing shopping?
A. visual
B. basic orientation
C. haptic
D. liminal

9- ________ occurs when a stimulus is below the level of an individual's awareness.

A. Absolute threshold
B. Differential threshold
C. Subliminal perception
D. Perceptual selection
10- Because the brain's capacity to process information is limited, consumers are very
selective about what they pay attention to and tend to select stimuli that relate to their
current needs. This type of perceptual filter is called ________.
A. perceptual defense
B. perceptual vigilance
C. subliminal perception
D. adaptation
11- According to the exposure factor leading to adaptation, frequently encountered stimuli
________ as the rate of exposure increases.
A. adapt
B. habituate
C. prime
12- Which of the following refers to the meanings we assign to sensory stimuli?
A. schema
B. semiotics
C. interpretation
D. perception
13- The field of ________ examines the correspondence between signs and symbols and
their role in the assignment of meaning.
A. semiotics
B. enunciation

C. Gestalt
D. hyperreality
14- What is the primary purpose of a perceptual map?
A. The map outlines how the product process functions.
B. Perceptual maps diagram the differences between the sense systems.
C. Perceptual maps outline where a product stands in comparison to competitors in the
minds of consumers.
D. The map shows the threshold values of various retail stimuli.
15- Lifestyle, attributes, competitors, and quality are all dimensions marketers can use to
carve out a brand's ________ in the marketplace.
A. personality
B. position
C. priming
D. trade dress

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