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Getting the Nomination

Delegates at the National Convention:

o Small group meetings
o Like a general election but selection from within one party
National Convention:
Select presidential and vice-presidential nominees
Determines party platforms and rules
Provide opportunity

Money in the Nomination Process

Qualifying for matching funds:
$5,000 in 20 states and
In contributions of $250 or less
Public disclosure
Contribution ceilings

Do Campaigns matter?
Evidence against campaign effects (CONS)
Vote intention expressed early
Centrality of party identification
Referendum model
Evidence for campaign effects (PROS)
Those during and after convention
Decline of party identification
May not change, but rather reinforce

Models of Voting Behavior: 4 Types

1. Issue/Textbook Model
2. Socio-demographic Model
3. Party Identification Model
4. Performance Model

Issue/Textbook Model:
Have an opinion
Feeling of intensity
One party better than another
Socio-Demographic Model:
Marital status

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