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Professor Stone


Alyssa Veloz


September 20, 2014


Research Proposal for Inquiry into Disciplinary of Business


I would like to start off by introducing my research question, my exigence is that I want to
completely understand what it would take to be a successful newcomer in the College of
Business. I would like to know what it takes to acquire the skills to start my own business in the
sense of location, investments, marketing, and the overall basics in becoming successful. My
dissonance would be not the what-ness more like how to get there. My overall purpose is to
succeed throughout my continuing years here at the university.

I am conducting research on my discipline, Business- Entrepreneurship. Throughout this course,
I plan to know as much as I can on the what-ness and how-ness on becoming a well-rounded
business major. This project is definitely worth while because it is prepping me and any
newcomer in general into shaping us to care and get ourselves out there by gathering all this
information on this discipline. It takes a strong open minded person to be prosperous in this
discipline of Business Entrepreneurship.

After taking my well needed surveys and conducting interviews with Professor Dr. Donald
Michie. I have come to better understand which route I a newcomer would need to take. As for
knowing somebody personally who has experience in my discipline I cant think of anyone better
than my dad. He knows exactly what it means to make it and survive in this economy because he
is the owner of a home building company; I have yet to meet someone in the university who has
conducted this project before.

There are many popular organizations and opportunities to study abroad etc. While being
involved you will meet many people doing the same as you, it will be easy to feed off one
another and learn new tips. In my interview with Dr. Donald Michie, he advised me to personally
speak to Art Diaz, who is the lecturer in marketing and management.

I realize any newcomer embarking this new journey can be a bit scary, I hope I have been able to
provide the most insight to ease some of those nerves someone may have coming into the
discipline of Business.

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