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Competency Presentation 3

EP2.1.3: Apply critical thinking to inform

& communicate professional judgments.

EP2.1.3: Apply critical thinking to inform &

communicate professional judgments.
Social workers are knowledgeable about the
principles of logic, scientific inquiry, and reasoned
discernment. They use critical thinking augmented
by creativity and curiosity. Critical thinking also
requires the synthesis and communication of
relevant information.

Practice Behavior 3.1

Distinguish, appraise, and
integrate multiple
sources of knowledge,
including research-based
knowledge, and practice

Going on home visits with

social workers allows me
to see how the put
knowledge into practice,
for example: helping
clients stay in their homes
rather than being placed
in long term care, which
improves client well-being

Practice Behavior 3.2

Analyze models of
assessment, prevention,
intervention, and

Social workers at the

agency have to be able to
understand why a client is
unable to take care of
their own needs, being
able to assess the
difference between
mental illness and
dementia, for example.

Practice Behavior 3.3

Demonstrate effective
oral and written
communications in
working with individuals,
families, groups,
communities, and

It is important in many of
our agency programs to
set client expectations, so
they have a clear idea of
what the program can
and cannot do for them.
It is also important to
document client visits and
interactions clearly.

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