Eeu205lesson 4

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Teacher Candidate:

Jordan Rassler and Tyler Wade Date: 10/22/2014

Cooperating Teacher: Krista Varano

Group Size:


Subject or Topic:

Coop. Initials

Allotted Time 20 minutes Grade Level 2nd grade

Lesson #4 Recycling


EEU 205 MW

S.K-2.B.3.3.1: Identify methods of recycling and reusing resources.
4.5.2.D: Describe how people can help the environment by reducing, reusing, recycling
and composting.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

The second grade students will demonstrate their understanding of recycling by sorting
recyclable things in their own categories.
II. Instructional Materials
a. Cardboard
b. Index cards
c. Glass jars
d. Plastic bottles
e. Cans
f. Tin foil
g. Glue
h. Tape
i. Paint
j. Markers
k. Colored pencils
l. Recycling chart and instructions
m. Brainpop video recycling
n. Charlie and Lola: We are Extremely, Very Good Recyclers
III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea, outline of
additional content)
A. Prerequisite skills
1. Knowledge of pollution
2. Knowledge of garbage

B. Key Vocabulary
1. Environment- the conditions that surround someone or
2. Pollution- the action or process of making land, air, or water
dirty and not safe to use
3. Recycling- to use something again
4. Garbage- anything that is or ought to be discarded as worthless
5. Water pollution- contamination of water bodies, very often by
human activities.
6. Air pollution- occurs when gases, fumes or smoke or odor are
introduced into the air in a way that makes it harmful to
humans, animals and plants
7. Land pollution- when the environment is contaminated, or
dirtied, by waste or chemicals
8. Littering- the act of incorrectly disposing garbage
9. Reduce to cut back on the garbage that is created
10. Reuse to use an object again
11. Recycle to find another purpose for an object and dispose of
the objects correctly
C. Big Idea
1. What is recycling and why is it important?
D. Additional content
1. What are the three Rs?
IV. Implementation
A. Introduction
1. The teacher will review what the students learned early in the
week regarding the environment and pollution
a. Who can tell me what an environment is?
b. What are the three types of pollution?
c. What is littering?
2. After reviewing with the class the teacher will read Charlie
and Lola: We are Extremely Very Good Recyclers to the class
and ask questions throughout the book
a. What do you think recycling is?
b. As I read the book I would like you to think of ways we
can help recycle in the class room.
c. What do Charlie and Lola do to help recycle?
d. How would you help Charlie and Lola with their
e. Do you think Charlie and Lola made a difference?
B. Development

1. After reading the book the teacher will then introduce and
discuss the three Rs of the environment with the students
using a PowerPoint.
a. What do you think the three Rs mean?
i. Reduce
ii. Reuse
iii. Recycle
b. What do you think the three Rs stand for?
c. What are some examples of using the three Rs?
i. What is an idea to reduce waste?
ii. What is an idea to reuse objects?
iii. What can we do to recycle?
2. After introducing the three Rs to the class the teacher will
explain and demonstrate the class activity.
3. The students will categorize different recyclable items, on a
large chart, in groups.
4. After categorizing the items the students will copy what items
they put in each category on the printed out chart provided.
5. The teacher will ask the class why certain items are in the
columns they are
a. Why did you put the water bottles in the plastic
b. Why did you put the jars in the glass section?
c. Why did you put the toilet paper roll, paper towel roll,
or freezer bag box in with the cardboards
d. Why did you put the soda can in with the aluminum?
e. What, visually, made you categorize the objects the
way you did?
6. Once the students have the recyclable items on their charts they
will work in groups to make an object out of the recyclable
a. Instructions will be listed with recyclable worksheet
7. The teacher will observe the students working in their groups
to assure every student is contributing to the task
8. As the students finish up their activities, the teacher will show
the class her model of what she made out of recyclable
materials and the class will share their group work with the
9. When each group has shared their created object the teacher
will ask the class the following question
a. How did you reuse objects?
b. What objects were hard to reuse?
c. What objects were hard to think of how to use in your
created object?
10. The teacher will collect the charts the students have completed

C. Closure
1. The teacher will show the brainpop video Recycling
2. After the video, the teacher will ask the students a few things
they learned about recycling
a. Who knows what the three Rs are and what they stand
b. Who can tell me a fact about recycling that they learned
3. When each student gives an interesting fact they are able to
leave class as an exit slip
D. Accommodations/Differentiation
To accommodate MR, a second grade student with Auditory Processing
disorder, the teacher will provide written instruction as well as head phones
for the brainpop video
E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
a. Completed chart
b. Interesting fact (verbal exit slip)
2. Summative
a. No summative for this lesson
V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Student Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (Reflection on
student performance written after lesson is taught, includes remediation for
students who fail to meet acceptable level of achievement)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection (Questions written before lesson is taught. Reflective

answers to question recorded after lesson is taught)
1. How could we improve this lesson for next time?

2. Do we need more or less time for this lesson?

3. Did the book relate to the lesson well?

VI. Resources (in APA format)

Child, L. (2009). Charlie and Lola: We are Extremely Very Good Recyclers. Dial Books.


Recyclable object chart

In the chart below write the different recyclables you have in front of you that would fit in each





Recyclable object
With the recyclable objects given create an object that you can use or
create piece of art using the objects. Here are some examples of things
people made out of recyclables.

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