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Be content with your situation

There lived an elephant in a jungle. This elephant used to compare it with the other birds
and animals and gets depressed. Hence its face will be always filled with sorrow and grief. Once
when it saw a sparrow flying, an unbearable grief struck its heart and cried saying, I dont have
wings to fly. Grieving so, it was not even interested to have its meal.
Nearby a nightingale was singing beautifully. This increased the sorrow of the elephant.
He started crying again saying, All these birds are singing beautifully but I dont have the talent
of singing. God has shown partiality. A butterfly was sucking nectar from the beautiful flowers.
Seeing this, the elephant started grumbling saying, God has provided sweet food for butterflies
but I am passing the days by eating tasteless trees and leaves.
Seeing a spotted deer running, the elephant will shed tears by saying, Oh, I dont have
the beautiful colored skin of this deer and I dont have thin legs to run. Seeing the ants passing
through the tunnels underground, it will cry saying, I dont have a path to go underground.
Atlast the elephant became very thin, weak and was bedridden. Then all the birds and animals of
the jungle came to the elephant and comforted him saying, Elephant Ji God has blessed you
with great strength and power. You have been blessed with strong legs. Your tusk is so expensive.
Just think how great you are among all the creations. There is even a proverb about you such as
Live elephant is also worth 1000 gold coins and a dead elephant is also worth 1000 gold coins.
Then the elephant realized how God has blessed him and started thanking God.
Dear little children, there is nobody in this world who has been blessed with all talents.
God has blessed each one of us with different talents. It has not been given to us to compare it
with others talent. It is also not necessary to get sad by underestimating our talent. We should try
to do Gods will whole-heartedly from wherever we are placed. We should be happy thinking of
our blessings instead of undervaluing ourselves thinking of our imperfections.
1. Where do we read, What is Judahs high place?
2. Where do we read, Who can withstand his indignation?
3. Where do we read, Did not my words and my decrees overtake your ancestors?
4. Where do we read, What have I done to you?
5. Where do we read, What are you, mighty mountain?
6. Where do we read, Will they not wake up and make you tremble?
7. Where do we read, Were you not just feasting for yourselves?
8. Where do we read, Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful
to one another?
9. Where do we read, Where now is the lions' den, the place where they fed their young?
10. Where do we read, Why are you silent?
11. Where do we read, The whole world will be consumed by the fire of my jealous anger
12. Where do we read, Is there yet any seed left in the barn?
13. Where do we read, How attractive and beautiful they will be!
14. Where do we read, Will a man rob God?
15. Where do we read, I called for a drought on all the labor of your hands.

1. In Jerusalem, Ezekiel 4:17

2. Jonah, Jonah 1:7,8
3. Ephraim, Hosea 7:11
4. Amos, Amos 7:14
5. Jackals, Ezekiel 13:4
6. Daniel 7:10
7. Samaria and its King, Hosea 10:7
8. Nebuchadnezzar, Daniel 4:33
9. Poison and Bitterness, Amos 6:12
10. Ezekiel 21:32
11. Ephraim, Hosea 13:1
12. Jacob, Obadiah 1:18
13. Shudder, Ezekiel 27:35
14. Of Judah, Joel 3:18
15. Homer, Ezekiel 45:14
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have
suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.
I Peter 5:10

Deep Condolence
We make it to your notice with great grief that J. Jerom Herbert, son of Baliar Nanbans
promotional worker, Mr. Yesuadiyan, was taken into Gods kingdom by an accident which
happened on 12/09/13. Pray that God should comfort his parents, brothers, relatives and our
workers by eradicating all our sorrows and use us further in doing his ministry.
Pray for the 2014 Golden Verse calendar work.

Find the names

Names of certain women from the bible have been hidden in the picture below. See whether
you can find it.
Wife of Ahab
Rebekahs Nurse
Mother of the wise king
Moses Sister
Labans Sister
A tentmaker
Grandmother of Timothy
Mother of Isaac
Answers in Page 19

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