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Name: Chloe Watts

Directions: Using the template below, describe how students could use a blog, wiki, or other websitecreation tool to learn required learning standards in your content area: For an A grade provide an idea that
reaches a Level of Technology Implementation of 4 or above. Remember higher levels (4-6) require that
students assume adult/professional roles; engage in higher-order thinking; and use technology
create/publish original content for their classmates and/or others beyond their school/classroom. The
learning activities and products should be engaging and meaningful to the students and to others who will
view/use/benefit from students work. Review your handouts on Engaged Learning, Authenticity, and LoTi.
Grade Level: 5
Content Area: Math
Technology Used (check all that apply):



Other Website Creation Tool (list):

Content Area/Grade/Standards/Topics Addressed: Math; 5; MCC5.NF.4 Apply and extend previous

understandings of previous understandings of multiplication to multiply a fraction or whole number
by a fraction.
Brief Description of Learning Experience: What learning standards will be addressed? What will
students and teachers do? What products will students create? How will the project be introduced? How
long will it take to complete? What audience will use/care about the product(s) students are creating? How
broad is this audience? Students are to work in pairs and create a voki to upload to our classroom blog. I
will introduce the students to voki at the beginning of class and explain what it is. Students will work in
pairs and should take no longer than 30 min per group. The vokis will be uploaded to our daily blog for
other students and parents to refer back to. The voki may be reminders, updates, or general information
about the classroom.
Blooms Level of Critical Thinking Required (check all that apply):
Student Engagement: Which indicators of Engaged Learning area strong and why? (See Engaged
Learning and Authenticity handouts distributed earlier this semester.) This is student-directed and
collaborative. The students must collaborate with their partner to come up with a voki. They are to
explore the website and figure it out amongst themselves. I will be there for guidance.
Level of Technology Implementation (LoTi): What LoTi would this lesson be and Why?(See Engaged
Learning handout distributed earlier this semester.) This would be a LoTi level 6 because the students
are aware, exploring, applying, creating, expansion, and publishing. The students can make their voki about
information that we are learning the next day, such as a flipped classroom. It can give the rest of the
students an early overview for the next day. They will then publish it on our classroom blog provided.
Importance of technology: Why is using a website-creation tool critical to the project? Could the project
be completed without this technology? What would be lost without using it? What other types of
technology, if any, are going to be used in the learning experience? Using technology is very important
for the classroom. The project could not be completed without technology. They have to have the website
available. If Ipads were available they could do their voki on it.
Inspiration (optional): If you used existing example as a model for your project (whether in part or
whole), include the URL(s) so we can visit. Explain what concepts you borrowed from others.
My inspiration for this activity was my teacher, Sherrie Booker.


Internet Safety and Student Privacy: Briefly discuss some possible issues surrounding Internet safety and
student privacy that could arise while implementing this learning experience and explain how you would
(1) minimize risks to students/yourself; (2) alleviate any fears by parents/administrators, and (3) follow
common Internet Safety/Acceptable Use Policies. Internet safety is something you need to be very
cautious in your classroom. Supervise the students while they are on the internet. Make sure students stay
on task and do not leave website.
Describe your personal learning goal for this activity. What are you trying that you have not tried
before? What do you hope to learn from this activity? How do you hope it will help students learn?
I plan on trying to and involve the students more with the classroom daily blogs. I hope to
learn more about the students and what they take from the information they have learned in
class. I think that it will help students learn because they will be hearing from their peers and
not just the teacher.
Other comments about your proposed activity:

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