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Dear Malcolm,

My name is Jennifer Le. Im a simple eighteen year old Vietnamese girl who is trying to get her way
through life (well for now, college). Im from a small town named Salisbury in North Carolina. I love to
bake cupcakes, and I love playing volleyball. Both of these help me relieve stress from school, family,
and just whenever I have too many thoughts cluttered in my mind.
I have a loving mother and father, and a loving, young brother. My
parents both own and work at a nail salon ever since I was born. My
brother is six years old and he loves me more than anyone else in my
family. I love taking him to the library to read books and taking him
to our local park. Also, I have three cousins that are basically my
siblings. Their names are Helen, Steven, and Sara. Helen and Steven
both attend the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, while
Sara is attending high school as a freshman. My cousins are there for
me, no matter what happens, and they help me solve life problems and give me
excellent advice. My grandparents are very significant to my entire family. My
grandfather was a general in the Vietnam War in the south side of Vietnam.
After south Vietnam was defeated, the troops of north Vietnam threw all of the
soldiers and generals in jail for ten years, including my grandfather. After he
was released, the United States government were able to send some southern
Vietnamese citizens (which are my grandparents, my mother, and her brothers)
to the United States. He has been a hero in our family since they came here. I even did a project on the
Vietnam War with my grandfathers uniform on!
My small hometown, Salisbury, is pretty unique. It has little stores and some of the best restaurants ever.
Mostly, everyone in the town knows one another, so there aren't many strangers in Salisbury. Speaking of
towns, Salisbury and Charlotte are two different cities. Salisbury is a small town that is basically a

suburban town full of unique people, while Charlotte is a large city that has different faces wherever you
go. It is a very different view for me, but I love to travel and explore since Ive always been a very keen
sense. Being in Charlotte makes me feel like I can start a new life and be happy in a new place.
Ever since I was a child, I have always wanted to be a pharmacist. I discovered that pharmacists study
many types of chemicals and elements, making my major to be Chemistry. My classes are alright to me. I
love my Chemistry class and my writing class since the professors have a sense of humor. My lectures
bore me since all they do is talk, but I know that theyre not actually meant to be boring. My math class is
reviewing topics from high school, making me feel like a complete
genius (for now, at least).
This is more of a personal topic, but I need to talk about my
boyfriend. It sounds pretty insensitive and selfish, but if someone was
to ever ask about me, he would be mentioned. His name is Lucas
Capito. From day one, he has made me the happiest girl ever. He
attends school here, so at least were able to see each other. He likes
to walk me to class (IF he has a class around the same time), he loves to
talk to me, and we just love each other. I met him in my algebra II class. We were complete strangers, and
then we grew into just barely knowing each other. One day, his young sister, Emily, decided to text me
(still having no idea how she found my number). She decides to ask me if I knew her brother, and how
hes shy and always in his own shell. Well from then, on our junior year, I decided to grab his attention
and texted him. He would text me every day for a straight month, and his parents would encourage him to
date me, since Emily had told them about me. At a new years eve party, he decides to give me a new
years kiss and asks me out on a date. From then, we have been dating ever since. Of course, every couple
has had their ups and downs, and of course we had ours. When we bicker towards each other, we just stop
and realize that our relationship isn't about dumb drama over social media or someone trying to draw our
attention towards them instead of us having attention towards each other; its about being happy. Our last
two years have been a roller coaster, but I wouldn't choose anyone else to have on the ride.

For a college student who earned a 10 out of 12 on the writing part of the SAT, I really despise writing. I
wouldn't enjoy typing an essay that would be assigned to me to discuss about a certain point in a novel or
any other kind of literature, other than free writing (like this assignment). For the blog assignment, I feel
that I would enjoy it a lot better since I would be able to express my own emotions, thoughts, and feelings
instead of writing some educational crap that means nothing to me. I would like to be able to connect to
my writing, more than just letting a teacher or professor know about wanting to hear the same thought
from every student instead of wanting to hear what the student says about their own opinion (but thats
just me).
A Vietnamese girl. A volleyball lover. An expresser of her own culture. A small town girl. A lover in
general. A student who loves free writing. This is who I really am.
Jennifer Le

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