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Pumpkin Chunking Reflection Essay

How me and my group worked together to make a trebuchet and the conflicts that happened.
We all wanted to do the design that we wanted to do, we couldnt really agree on what to build and
how to build it.
When we finished our trebuchet we tried to put on the wait that would make the pumpkin fire.
But when we tested if the structure made of yard sticks would hold up, well, I wasnt there, but my team
told me and the whole thing broke in have. Our time was up to build a whole new machine that would
fire a pumpkin with little human help.
This was a much different style of conflict than I had thought it would be earlier on in the unit.
I thought that I was going to be a much different conflict style than I was in the start of the year.
I think that me and my team should have worked together in more of a team than in separate
groups. I also think that we shouldnt of had the interruptions of taking students out of working.

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